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What would you want in the next update (0.90)?


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proper aerodynamics, proper re-entry, and/or proper water. same things we've all wanted for ages.

edit: or more long-term, just print this out and nail it to Squad's door: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90612-0-25-Discussion-thread?p=1376039&viewfull=1#post1376039

I agree with all of your suggestions. I just don't think these things really have to be in the next update. As for regex' list:

The main reason cinematics are even made is not primarily to please the crowd who already own KSP with some eyecandy. They're there to spark interest in potential new players by showing some funny clips. After all, Squad wants to sell the game.

You won't convince anyone to buy the game by telling him that there's this space agency game, which got updated now with realistic aerodynamics.

As for KSP being educational or not. As far as physics go, I'd say it's decent. I was writing scripts via the KOS mod and was surprised how well the calculated results to different experiments (such as suicideburns or hoverscripts) matched up with the observed results. I think they got newtonian physics pretty spot on.

The aerodynamics are a different game though, I'd agree on that.

He's talking about the resource feature and about how many people wanted it, yet for some reason he thinks that multiplayer, which is also popular I'd imagine, should be delayed and released as a DLC. Same could be said about the resources honestly.

All in all, he just wants this game to be polished, balanced and released (a thing we all want), at least that's what I can deduce from his suggestions.

Personally, I would like to see more smaller parts. Buying the RLA mod for example. And maybe take an idea or to out of the FinePrint mod playbook.

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to each their own I guess. I just feel that just because he wants to play orbiter on hard mode doesn't mean he has to thrust it upon everyone else. The game is supposed to be hard, not necessarily NASA in real life. While I wouldn't mind some of those things eventually being added in as difficulty settings (which is what I see he suggests as well), I don't think many, if any, of those are pressing matters. The game is supposed to be "educational" but one has to ask in what way. I don't think Squad ever intended the game to actually teach people to be actual rocket scientists, which is what it seems like the entire post is premised upon.

One of the few things he suggests that I would agree with would be to make the tech tree easier to edit.

The author of that post does not want to play "NASA Hard" KSP or atleast he doesn't want to force it down other people throats ( otherwise we would had not got in disagreement about the quantity of science you can get in the Kerbin mini-system just some days ago, with him taking the side that it is good as it is :/ ). His point on that post about the educational angle was just that, if you want to tout a game as educational, you can't teach lies, and as it stands, the KSP physics are too far from RL to do so ( I know, I've been introducing KSP to some of the kids I tutor and been pretty much focusing in the orbit mechanics part much more just to avoid questions about reentry shields and aerodynamics ). On the rest of his suggestions, he pretty much just pushes out things that in his opinion would balance the game better ( and yes, people, game balance is important ... ). I do not see any intention of his part of making the game "NASA Hard" . NASA Hard would be this :



From a mod ( WIP and somewhat dead ) that linked KSP to the actual NASA Mission control Software

Notice that this is NOT what regex was asking out :P

P.S. Sorry for the OT but I really don't like to see no one opinion being misrepresented in the way regex ones are in a constant basis. I might not agree with him in all, but IMHO he has a good bunch of solid points that people shrug just because of his fame of "realism-monger" :/

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I want 24 hours to go by before people ask what we want in 0.27 ;)

But really, all I want is whatever destructible buildings is paving the way for. I'm hoping it's one or all of:

  1. Ability to build your own space centers on Kerbin.
  2. Procedurally-generated, destructible cities.
  3. Upgradeable KSC buildings so you have to build a bigger VAB to build that bigger rocket.

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I would like to see SOI transitions either work seamlessly at high time compression (and I realize this is probably not doable) or automatically change the compression rate when crossing SOI boundaries (and then restoring it). Crossing SOI boundaries is a big hassle that could be made much less annoying.

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Reputation that's meaningful as other than an exchange currency

Better rover handling

A way to fit wide rovers inside a cargo bay (telescopic wheels, in situ assembly?)

That final frontier kerbals thing, with physically differentiated kerbals

Better resource transfer inside the ship

Space Program starts "barebones": just the contract building, the VAB and the R&D facility. Everything else has to be built at a cost (can be done now by destroying all other buildings at game start)

Remove the LV-1 engines (the ones for 'ants', not the nuclear ones)

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1. Gas Planet 2

1.b volcanic moon (hellish planet with atmosphere)

2. Just a few Biomes per planet (not too many)

3. More powerful RPG or nuclear Power generation part

Gas Planet 2 won't happen for a while. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features Words highlighted in green are things that are in development but are far from finished.

Quote from wiki:

"Entries in green are already in development but are not expected for the next update or are that huge that there are multiple updates incrementally adding that feature."

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If career is indeed almost finished, they should have worked on something else instead.

We're at least hoping we're through the woods with this dull managerial stuff like contracts and strategies. They don't apply much to sandboxers, and next update is supposed to be part heavy, so hopefully we're going to see some content. Still stand by my dire needs to the usual, though.

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We're at least hoping we're through the woods with this dull managerial stuff like contracts and strategies. They don't apply much to sandboxers, and next update is supposed to be part heavy, so hopefully we're going to see some content. Still stand by my dire needs to the usual, though.

I'm not bashing the managerial stuff, I'm bashing the way it is. The contracts need to be entirely revamped to have any fun in them at all. They need to be more specific, while still making sense (unlike setting off a chute at 3pm on a tuesday at 28,000-31,300m at 440-510 m/s while brushing your teeth). I mean to return munar soil samples from "deep canyons," or "large craters" something specific, and understandable. Or to build a ship to orbit the Mun that got XX% of it's total dv from engines provided by the contractor. All the time limits need to be fixed, so that you have to take it or leave it, and then accomplish it in a reasonable time frame---or be penalized.

Maybe what it really needs is competition. An AI Kountry in a space race or something.

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I'm not bashing the managerial stuff, I'm bashing the way it is. The contracts need to be entirely revamped to have any fun in them at all. They need to be more specific, while still making sense (unlike setting off a chute at 3pm on a tuesday at 28,000-31,300m at 440-510 m/s while brushing your teeth). I mean to return munar soil samples from "deep canyons," or "large craters" something specific, and understandable. Or to build a ship to orbit the Mun that got XX% of it's total dv from engines provided by the contractor. All the time limits need to be fixed, so that you have to take it or leave it, and then accomplish it in a reasonable time frame---or be penalized.

Maybe what it really needs is competition. An AI Kountry in a space race or something.

I wonder if things like contract time limits could be made a difficulty setting like science/money/reputation. Some of the time limits on the contracts are long, but I'm also saying this as someone who can complete most of them in a snap. I mean, planting a flag on Duna may be an eternity for me NOW. It may very well not have been a year ago. But yeah, it would be nice for there to be a way to scale those time scales to put the pressure on players who want that.

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Updated unity, biomes on all planets, female Kerbals, Kerbals keeping a record of where they've been.

I'd like to add in some part expansion.

Spaceplane parts got an expansion this time around. I'd like to see some more science and/or rocket parts added. Maybe some new top tier propulsion stuff. VASMIR? Nuclear power plant (both?)?

Things like robotics would be nice for a robotic arm.

Maybe probe soil sample containers to do unmanned sample returns/science.

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While I want more science stuff, the reality is that the tree gets filled in super fast as it is. In addition, the cart is before the horse. You want to do a certain science, and you get a company to build you an instrument (or delivery system for same). You don;t fly a shoestring mission, then that "science" allows you to build the instrument you should have sent in the first place. Set a mission goal to unlock tech, then keeping it, rep, whatever is the reward.

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Oh, and while we're at it...

The physics exclusions should be in the interface. If it's excluded the interface should list the mass and drag as 0.0, or maybe "negligible". Let's say I have two contracts that each specify a part with a mass of 0.1 and a drag of 0.2. In theory I can just put them on opposite sides of my rocket an have everything remain balanced.

But I have to go look at the wiki first, because one of them might be ignored by the physics engine and the other not, which would unbalance my design. I understand the game functions better if it doesn't have to worry about struts and batteries and such, but the description should be accurate.

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I would like to see all the unfinished IVAs completed, and the finished ones polished up in 0.26. For example, the Mk.1 cockpit's IVA is a little broken; you can see the outside texture from the inside if you look through the windows.

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I don't think it's realistic to say that all of what I'm listing to be added in 0.26, but it's more of a broad road map that I think KSP should take. They're features that I think would make the game feel more polished. Once biomes are added for all the planets and another gas planet is added, I'd say career is mostly feature complete. SQUAD has already done an amazing job and I'm grateful to have such an awesome developer team making the game. :)

  • More realistic aerodynamics (with FAR or NEAR becoming stock to save time + how well made the mod(s) is/are)
  • Realistic fairings to help with making rockets more aerodynamic and realistic looking. Also, interstages for engine clusters.
  • 3.75 meter engine with thrust between Mainsail and KR-2L -- the KR-2L is really big and quite overpowered in thrust in most cases, unless you add a bunch of fuel tanks which adds cost and makes a more powerful first stage engine needed
  • 2.5 meter engine with thrust between Skipper and Mainsail
  • New exhaust effects -- specifically, changing the KS-25 cluster to transparent blue like the real RS-25 engines; the LFB KR-1x2 exhaust to yellow-orange for RP-1 analog; KR-2L to have transparent blue for J-2X analog; Skipper to trans blue; Mainsail to yellow-orange -- also, exhaust expansion as you atmospheric density fades (thanks for reminding me, Tw1 :))
  • More SRB's -- specifically, segmented SRB's with varying thrust as you add them. 1.875 SRB's would be amazing since they are better in proportion to the 3.75 meter tanks (compared to the STS/SLS designs). Thrust should increase as you stack more of them. Upper stage SRB's would be nice as well, like what Antares uses and the kind hoojiwana is making for RLA Stockalike.
  • New Mk3 parts that are more practical and have cargo bays
  • Kerbal Engineer displays
  • Clouds and water shaders (implementation of Environmental Visual Enhancements to save time, since it's so perfect)
  • Biomes for every celestial body (maybe even for Kerbol (the star of the system), such as being caught in solar wind :P)
  • Weather, sandstorms
  • Telescopes and ability to discover life
  • RCS sounds, improved sounds in general

Edited by Woopert
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Naturally, there are a lot of features I'd like to see eventually, but in the next one, I'd like to see

*New engine effects, as they were hoping to do for this update. Realistic vacuum ones would make sense to set up with this.

*adding a female Kerbal mesh. As discussed, this is more than an aesthetic change, and would have been useful before they established the admin roles.

*Kerbal experience. Still looking forward to it, hope they manage it for next time.

I also wouldn't mind some sort of heat shield adding system, I still think having bare underside on the space plane parts looks weird.

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