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Victory conditions for career?

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I've heard that you can lose career mode, if there is someone really bad manager, it has not happened to me, maybe because I'm an experienced player, I play KSP since version 0.12 :D

I just wonder that maybe game should have final goal, akin sims 3 life wish? That player can choice lake crewed Mun Landing, Duna Ladning?

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Finish a tech tree. That's pretty much the most commonly accepted "victory condition" for career.

What you do beyond that is up to you.

Pretty much. As a space game, there is pretty much infinite space. Besides getting all the tech there isn't and shouldn't be an endgame for KSP. Simply put space exploration can never be finished. Even in this limited solar system there's always places to go and things to do. The game doesn't need to define a final goal and then end abruptly like most games. Plus I'm sure people would NOT be happy if the game ended where you couldn't continue playing what you made haha.

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/10/2014 at 1:41 PM, MKI said:

Pretty much. As a space game, there is pretty much infinite space. Besides getting all the tech there isn't and shouldn't be an endgame for KSP. Simply put space exploration can never be finished. Even in this limited solar system there's always places to go and things to do. The game doesn't need to define a final goal and then end abruptly like most games. Plus I'm sure people would NOT be happy if the game ended where you couldn't continue playing what you made haha.

I agree but I would not mind if the game ended like Fallout 4 where you get a nice ending scene and are than returned to the game to do as you please.  Heck even a specialize reward depending on the ending you choose (If multiple endings are possible) where you get a special part(s) usually overpowered is presented to you, just to have fun with.  Well its all imo.

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I feel pretty strongly that the the tech tree should not be the end goal. Parts may be a nice reward, but they're a means to an end. 

Id personally be happy with landing on and returning safely from each planet and moon in the game. It's achievable but difficult, and is open to whatever method or order players want. It could be part of the world first system, but there should be some kind of log or award given for each, if for no other reason than to remind people that there's still plenty to do once the tech tree is done. 

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I've suggested this before on other threads so I'll try and keep it short...

I like the idea of setting a 'target' when you start a career...

Make X funds, science or reputation or land on X number if bodies, etc (or a combination). When you reach your target a 'victory' message appears with the option to quit and feel smug or continue with a new target.

Targets could be set randomly or by choice.  Setting different targets can affect how you play the game to achieve them without forcing any particular style.

Edited by pandaman
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If I had to or rather if I could, the winning conditions on career would be as follow :

- Collect 100% science on all biomes/areas in the game
- Finish the tech tree (with any mod add-ons you might have).
- Get two of each job (Pilot, Engineer, Scientist) to 5 star, a Male and a female Kerbal... if they die, you do not meet the condition and have to retrain new ones.
- Land and take off with one ship from each planet/moons and at least one asteroid (different ship can be used on different planets), yes that includes EVE, but not Jool and other gas Giant if any are added.
- Reach maximum reputation, and unlock every buildings.
- Build a space station which can hold 16 kerbals, and at least 20k units of every fuel in the game, around a body outside the Kerbin sphere of influence (so Moho, Duna, Jool, Eeloo, Kerbol, etc).
- Build a small refinery with 4 resource converter, 4 drills, and can hold 20k ore and about 5k of each refinable fuel type.
- Perform at least one docking in space.
- Plant a flag on every planet/moon.

I think that about covers it.   Personally, I have done almost everything on that list but I would still not have won yet.

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9 minutes ago, Francois424 said:

If I had to or rather if I could, the winning conditions on career would be as follow :

- Collect 100% science on all biomes/areas in the game
- Finish the tech tree (with any mod add-ons you might have).
- Get two of each job (Pilot, Engineer, Scientist) to 5 star, a Male and a female Kerbal... if they die, you do not meet the condition and have to retrain new ones.
- Land and take off with one ship from each planet/moons and at least one asteroid (different ship can be used on different planets), yes that includes EVE, but not Jool and other gas Giant if any are added.
- Reach maximum reputation, and unlock every buildings.
- Build a space station which can hold 16 kerbals, and at least 20k units of every fuel in the game, around a body outside the Kerbin sphere of influence (so Moho, Duna, Jool, Eeloo, Kerbol, etc).
- Build a small refinery with 4 resource converter, 4 drills, and can hold 20k ore and about 5k of each refinable fuel type.
- Perform at least one docking in space.
- Plant a flag on every planet/moon.

I think that about covers it.   Personally, I have done almost everything on that list but I would still not have won yet.

Oh, there is so much more.  Like building a large refueling space station into the side of an asteroid, locating and landing next to all the Easter eggs, and you didn't even mention tourists.  There is so much fun stuff you can do with them.  Also build a geostationary network around not just Kerbin, but other planets as well.  Land an SSTO on Laythe and take off again.  Build a seabase and ship. Circumnavigate a planet or moon in a rover.

IMO, there are so many possibilities, I don't see how anyone could say "I won..."

Edited by Just Jim
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Any 'I won' condition would cheapen what should be an open ended game, IMHO. 


Adding a few "stage complete" things might be ok, like "initial reconnaissance of solar system complete" once you've visited every planet, or "reconnaissance of <body> complete" when you've visited every biome on that body, but exploration doesn't have an end, so really, neither should the game. 


I've never really go the push to add milestone-style goals to this game. You're given parts to make rovers, stations, any thing you can imagine. You've got a solar system up there. Goals should be obvious. 


Better for them to work on the functionality of the things you make, and give us more to do during missions, adding things like better science and exploration gameplay. 

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18 hours ago, Tw1 said:

Any 'I won' condition would cheapen what should be an open ended game, IMHO. 

I do kind of agree with this, despite my above suggestion/comment.

 I think it's more a case of giving players different 'objectives' that can reflect what they want their 'agency' to be...  a business (main priority is make money), research (main priority is collect science) etc.  These objective can be 'victory conditions' if that's what the player wants, but I see them as more like 'short term business plans' that give players a direction and encourage them to try different play styles depending on the current objective . None of this would prevent the game being open ended, unless by player choice, as a new objective can be set once the previous one is achieved.

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Lack of structure and dirrection comes with its own risks. The trouble is that absent another marker of success people will treat the tech tree as the objective. Like it or not, it's the main reward structure and people will respond to it. As it is now you can complete the tech tree in Kerbin SOI. You could stretch that out, but that really only makes the science grind situation worse. The idea really aught to be refocusing the game on what it's really about: building rockets and going places. 

Whats good about setting the objective to be exploring each world is that it's simple to understand, difficult to accomplish, and leaves the how completely open to the player. You can take your time and set up bases and stations, you can focus on maxing the tech tree first or run fast down and dirty missions. Remember how few players even make it to Duna and back. Doing everything in one save is a real accomplishment. 

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