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[1.7.3] Community Delta-V Map 2.7


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Personal stuff and mostly technical problems have prevented me from launching KSP for the past month. As such, I can't work on any updates right now. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to adventure yourselves and share your own results. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eve seems to be quite a controversial planet. Many people find different results for that planet's ascent. I will change its value to 8k on the next update, but there WILL be people arguing about it, no matter what value is there.

Edited by Kowgan
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  • 2 weeks later...
Maps updated to version 2.3
[code]- Added OPM's Thatmo and Neidon
- Added time between transfer windows to return to Kerbin (idea by /u/PM_ME_UR_MONADS)
--- This is the average time between transfer windows from a planet to Kerbin. This data is useful for those who use life support mods, so they know how long they'll have to survive in a planet before the next window to return home.
- Reupdated Eve's Ground-Orbit value[/code]

Version 2.3.1 released, containing minor fixes. Edited by Kowgan
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Today I became grateful this map exists.
I realized that Vall is, in fact, bigger and harder to land on than I'd presumed, and it turns out my Mun lander doesn't quite cut it. Fortunately my Tylo lander is overqualified about twice over, so now I know for when Kidonia finally gets there to use the Tylo lander instead of the Mun lander ^^
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  • 4 weeks later...


I've build a simple rocked, using both MechJeb 2 and KER as measurement tools. Using KSP v1.0.5 (1028).

I don't understand why I don't have around same values.

From KSC Launch Pad, indicated "Total dV" is 3,948 m/s (as available dV).

When LKO (80x80 km) was reached, indicated "Total dV" is 1,623 m/s (as available dV again).

3,948 - 1,623 = 2,325 m/s (assuming it's applied dV during launch + LKO insertion + circularization)

I'm right ? or something is wrong?

Map indicates 3,400 m/s to do the same thing.

Thanks for explanations (if they're explanations...)

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I don't know either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're right about the dV usage. It applies for all stages of the go-to-space proccess, since launch. But either you're looking into Atmospheric dV instead of Vacuum, or you got a pretty good ascent profile using 2,3k dV only, or... Something else! :) I really can't tell. Maybe craft pics or more info would help understand.

In any case, the map also disclaims that atmospheric ascents are typical, and different efficiency results are likely to happen between launches/crafts/etc. But still, 2,3k is an achievement.

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22 minutes ago, Kowgan said:

I don't know either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're right about the dV usage. It applies for all stages of the go-to-space proccess, since launch. But either you're looking into Atmospheric dV instead of Vacuum, or you got a pretty good ascent profile using 2,3k dV only, or... Something else! :) I really can't tell. Maybe craft pics or more info would help understand.

In any case, the map also disclaims that atmospheric ascents are typical, and different efficiency results are likely to happen between launches/crafts/etc. But still, 2,3k is an achievement.

Thanks Kowgan, don't worry in fact I'm wrong somewhere. By using ΔV expended readout from MechJeb 2 - thanks to Razgriz1 for this tip - (try to) reproducing the same flight (never exactly same, however), same vehicule (added MJ2 AR202, though), indicated value is now 3813 m/s, near 3400 as indicated in map. My ascent profile may be better (I'm KSP newbie, playing it since one month). 2,3k is an error (fortunately, I prefer this, instead error in map :lol:).

I suppose it's a huge work to create this map, in particular all tests/measurements, simulations or something else, to get closest/average values as possible. Only two words: GREAT STUFF!

What's exactly the atmospheric typical ascent? are they existing some tutorials can explain an atmH typical ascent? (I'll try to find) It's very interessing, not for flight, but to understand mechanisms/principles as personal challenge and... knowledge.


Edited by DomiKamu
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Thank you for the kind words. :)

Keep in mind, when using the dV Expended function from MJ, that it mixes the Atmospheric and Vacuum dV values. You shouldn't rely on that if you're looking for precise values, when you're passing through both atmospheric and vacuum environments.

As for typical ascents, there are great tutorials out there, like this one, provided by A_name. There's a lot of videos showing the most common ascent profile out there as well. You might like Scott Manley's tutorials on Youtube.



Edited by Kowgan
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1 hour ago, Kowgan said:

Thank you for the kind words. :)

Keep in mind, when using the dV Expended function from MJ, that it mixes the Atmospheric and Vacuum dV values. You shouldn't rely on that if you're looking for precise values, when you're passing through both atmospheric and vacuum environments.

As for typical ascents, there are great tutorials out there, like this one, provided by A_name. There's a lot of videos showing the most common ascent profile out there as well. You might like Scott Manley's tutorials on Youtube.



You're welcome! I must say... many thanks again to you, Kowgan! in particular for your patience about me!

Of course - prior your lastest reply (above) - I was nearly sure about indicated values aren't precise, in particular due to mixed environments (atmH and Vac) during launch.

Thanks about the link to A_name's post, great explanations here (and not "TL:DR" anyway). Already shown Scott Manley's tutos, to be honest I was began my "KSP experience" with Scott's tutos ;-) but I'll can watch them again (even if vids are "outdated" - used old KSP version - but remaining good for principles). Thanks Kowgan!

Edited by DomiKamu
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, solderflux said:

@Kowgan I was inspired to make an interactive version of your excellent map. Not as pretty though ;.;



For some reason, I get a black screen here. Only the buttons show up. :/ But that's an amazing effort! Great job! \:)/


2 hours ago, mrmcp1 said:

@Kowgan At the moment I am making my own Delta- V map in a different style to yours and I was wondering would be ok for me to use your in atmosphere values?

Absolutely! Check the licensing terms at the OP. :) Also, would be nice if you shared your work when it's done, as well!

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