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[1.7.3] Community Delta-V Map 2.7


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One link that I see has been forgotten, but may be handy to have for asteroid-ejection missions: escaping the solar system from Kerbin's orbit. If I recall my astrodynamics correctly, Vesc is sqrt(2) times Vcirc (for any given circular orbit), so the delta-V to escape from the Sun at the edge of Kerbin's SOI is (sqrt(2)-1) * Vkerbin = 0.414*9284.5 m/s = 3843.8 m/s.

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Maybe a line below Eeloo's branch. Instead of leading to a circle as the others do, it could end with an arrow and have text overlay saying "Escape" or "Interstellar Space" or something. If we could give Eeloo a different color (it's white/light grey with brown stripes), black would work well for this branch.

Alternatively, we could bump Eeloo's branch to the top of the SOI-edge lozenge with the rest (or down to the bottom?), and then the Escape branch would connect to the end and lie directly opposite the Kerbol branch.

(Also, given the number of sig-figs in the other labels, 3845 or 3850 m/s is probably a better number to use.)

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Looks like we have work to do. Outer Planets was updated. Neidon now has moons. I guess it's good we have that extra whitespace on the OP map.

That's what brings me back here every now and then. I'd been using the OPM WAC map (with the stairs), since there was never a version of Galahir's that had it, but this is the first time I've seen yours swash, and it's really good! The compact high/low orbit symbols are great, every destination is on either a vertical or horizontal axis, Jool and Sarnus' moons all line up, everything is finally the right color (no more dark green Minmus!), destination totals... I could go on.

I do kinda wish that the OPM map was a single image, but that's easy enough to do on my own. Great work on this one, the delta-v map is one of the most important and useful contributions from the community and you've done a fine job maintaining it.

Edited by Starbuckminsterfullerton
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About EVE, I just succeed reorbiting to 140km, and I spend 6500m/s (VAC).

The listed 10000m/s is off.

My ship had 9400 m/s VAC and I had 2900 left at 140km. I started from 1250m (Midlands)

I think 7000 m/s VAC for Eve would be sufficient, no ?

Did you take off from sea level?

Provide .craft file, and if possible, a video footage of your ascent including visible numbers (TWR, stages dV) through it, or a reasonably detailed report of your ascent, so we can reproduce it.

Otherwise, I can consider the listed statement off.

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No, I didn't take off from sea level because I failed to land on shores. Landing a 180tons in water always end badly :D

As I said I startd from 1200m in midlands (as is most of the dry land mass on the equatorial plane)

The ship isn't even optimized, It's my first successful attempt.As my boosters tends to crash on the main core, I had to fly straight up until they where empty, ditch them and turn east (around 15km). As I overheated the command pod, I had to turn the ship up to cool it a little.

I have to work on my ascent vehicle, I'll post you some pictures. I'll keep track of my expended dV, but I may have a hard time starting from sea level. (I fail to have Hyperedit do that) I have to landit manually, and I must say that I'm more focued on having the critical temp under 98% than choosing my landing site...

PS : I could aim for exploding sea and ignite engines before touching water, that would be possible.

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I did a few Eve reorbit (120km) recently from 600m or 1200m and i needed respectively 7250 m/s or 7000 m/s delta-V (vac), it's probably 7500 m/s from sea level. (8000 m/s safe value)

It depends on twr (mine was 1.1 at liftoff, max 3), ascend profile and aerodrag which were not perfect, on Kerbin this ship can ascend at 45% (MJeb) but on Eve it won't work under 85% (boosters blast the rest of the rocket even with 200% tweakscaled sepratron and 0° AoA, and it ends with more heating problems if the ship flies longer in the thick atmo).

To get to 100km Eve stable orbit after a trip from kerbin (1290 m/s ejection from LKO was the lowest speed at that time for this window, 114 days), i needed 2000 m/s delta-V (1300 burn + 700 aerobraking) approximatively, my speed was 5200 m/s at first time at this altitude.

mission report here

Edited by xebx
small adjustments
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If Kerbin can be done for 3300-3600, 8k for Eve seems reasonable.

Pics seem pretty conclusive, it'd be nice to have the dv readout for the craft on eve's surface

While i'm here..

I re-arranged the current map so that it is a bit more viewable on a horizontal screen, since my screen is horizontal. I can view this without zoom on a 32 inch monitor.

I take no credit aside from jiggling things around in paint. Hope someone finds it handy! It stays open on the PC.. super helpful! Thanks to the OP!

Edited by Violent Jeb
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After recheck my ejection burn from lko was 1290 m/s not 1190 m/s, it was the lowest speed for a fast transfer (114 days). The real lowest speed is 1050 m/s approx for a slow transfer (181 days). This explain the excessive speed (5200 m/s) i had at first time above Eve atmosphere.

I also rechecked vac delta-V of the Eve lander and it's 8200m/s, so i adjust the delta-V requirement for 1200m, 600m and sea level in my previous post. (not a big difference)

Edited by xebx
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Is this correct?

You have that it takes 950m/s from LKO to the elliptical orbit to SOI edge. Then only 130m/s from there to an encounter with Duna. Unless I am not reading it correctly that doesn't sound right at all.

Who is in the wrong here?


I just realized this is because of a continuous burn from Kerbins SOI. Man, only an extra 130m/s taking advantage of the Oberth effect has solved my dv issue. To the Assembly building!

Edited by Majorjim
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Is this correct?

You have that it takes 950m/s from LKO to the elliptical orbit to SOI edge. Then only 130m/s from there to an encounter with Duna. Unless I am not reading it correctly that doesn't sound right at all.

Who is in the wrong here?

It's correct, but you don't do it as two burns, you do it as a single burn of 1080m/s from LKO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is this correct?

You have that it takes 950m/s from LKO to the elliptical orbit to SOI edge. Then only 130m/s from there to an encounter with Duna. Unless I am not reading it correctly that doesn't sound right at all.

Who is in the wrong here?


I just realized this is because of a continuous burn from Kerbins SOI. Man, only an extra 130m/s taking advantage of the Oberth effect has solved my dv issue. To the Assembly building!

God damnit. I've been overbuilding so hard.... :(. Planning on using an extra 1k dV both ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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