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[1.10.x]FuelWings: v4 - Fuel customization in Stock, B9, & B9 ProceduralWings! - 11/08/2020


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Is there any way to make it so that the fuel tanks are integrated into the wings only after a certain tech tree node is unlocked? It would be nice if the wings could be kept standard until the player unlocks "miniaturization", "advanced construction" or something like that...

Absolutely no idea if this is even possible, just thinking out loud really...

Great mod by the way, I was trying to do something like this myself but I've never managed to successfully write a mod manager patch! Stumbled across your mod while researching how to do this and now I don't have to... Thanks :D

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  • 2 months later...

Any chance of getting this added to ckan?

FYI: in page's 3-5 people were asking about there wings already having fuel in them. Space Plane Plus Plus (SP++) and two B9 wings came with fuel tanks in them. Sadly the SP++ wings were incorporated into stock, and the fuel removed. And one of the B9 wings were also dropped.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

The latest Fuel Wings (2.9) doesn't seem to play well with the latest TweakScale (2.2.11); using rescaled parts on spaceplanes appears to cause the landing gear wheel nearest the part to become frozen in space, leaving the vehicle immovable.  Not sure which is the culprit though. :D

Tested this in stock KSP x64 v1.1.2.

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You are bundling an outdated version of TweakScale. And actually I do not see why this is part of the download at all since it seems not to be a dependency.

Edited by pellinor
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On 10/08/2015 at 10:15 AM, Ford6 said:

Any chance of getting this added to ckan?

If FuelWings is compatible with RealFuels, then in CKAN FuelWings should require ModularFuelTanks OR RealFuels.

This would involve asking both @taniwha and @NathanKell to both add something like "provides" : [ "ModularFuelSystem" ] to their netkan files and then having FuelWings require "ModularFuelSystem". The user would then be asked to choose to install either ModularFuelTanks OR RealFuels.

(Currently RealFuels conflicts with "ModularFuelSystem" although I can't see any mod that actually has that name. (Doesn't look like the old Modular Fuel System is in CKAN))

Unrelated, @Tortoise. Is there a reason you didn't add tanks to airplaneTail and airplaneTailB?

Edited by OminousPenguin
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@OminousPenguinI just wanted to stick with the wings and not the cones, but if people want it then it could be added but I didn't have that planned.

@Dux Aquila I'll look into that later, but it may not be fixable on my end, since NathanKell explicitly stated that people should use one or the other, ModularFuelTanks & RealFuels, and my mod depends on MFT.

Edited by Tortoise
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  • 3 weeks later...

When I have Fuel Wings installed my planes get stuck hanging just above the runway where they originally spawn. It seems like it's fixed somewhere around the tail. Any ideas? I have a lot of other mods installed but I've tried removing them one at a time and this is the only one that makes any difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/11/2016 at 10:37 AM, cardboardzach said:

When I have Fuel Wings installed my planes get stuck hanging just above the runway where they originally spawn. It seems like it's fixed somewhere around the tail. Any ideas? I have a lot of other mods installed but I've tried removing them one at a time and this is the only one that makes any difference.

I just spent the day trying to narrow down this exact issue and found it to be (for me) a combination of FAR, Tweakscale, FuelWings and ModularFuelTanks. If I remove ModularFuelTanks from the mix this issue disappears but I obviously then lose the ability to use FuelWings.

I've elected to stop using FuelWings and its dependency ModularFuelTanks so that I can play with FAR for the time being. Hope that helps you!

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Running KSP 64 bit version 1.1.3 with Fuel Wings 3.0 and Tweakscale 2.2.13 (all other mods removed)

I have found a bug that others previously stated with the planes/rockets getting stuck at spawn position. 

So, I spent a few minutes investigating and specifically, with the advanced canard scaled below 85% my plane gets stuck. Anything above 85% seems to work just fine.

I tried a few other parts and heres what I found:

Tail Fin gets stuck below 89%

Structural Wing A gets stuck below 65%

Swept Wings get stuck below 90%

I couldnt discern a commonality among the breaking points, but maybe someone else can!

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  • 3 months later...

Updated for v3.1:

v3.1 (10/08/2016)
*Applied experimental fix to issue causing craft(s) to be stuck in position upon launch
-To fix this issue, support(fuel) for the following parts had to be removed:
Standard Canard
Advanced Canard
Tail Fin
FAT-455 Aeroplane Tail Fin
Big-S Spaceplane Tail Fin
-All of the parts listed are MOVING wing surfaces.

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Updated to v3.15

v3.15 (10/09/2016)
*Finalized work-around for issue causing craft(s) to be stuck in position upon launch
-small Swept Wing can no longer be fueled either

psst: As of right now, curse is down...Download from the alternative link until it comes back up and displays v3.15

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