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[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)


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Okay, got a bug issue. Installed the latest version, and my advanced canards now flicker in and out of existence. Got a video of it, but the flickering is only visible in the first second or two of the vid, otherwise it's just invisible.


and logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5bl765gp2cbu1be/AACN39Y17ClLxcs9ZZhbrmhCa?dl=0

Edit: Also with the latest stock fix any time I get a craft over 6000m, the camera flies away from the ship at high speed.

Edited by vardicd
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  Claw said:
I've had many reports of the Engine Gimbal Fix causing wobbly rockets, especially for longer rockets. I have adjusted the Engine Gimbal response speed based on user input. I may turn this into a StockPlus tweakable for those who want it.

Thanks for fixing this - I was wondering why tried-and-true designs were doing the "rocket hula" lately.

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Special NOTE: If you want to use the readjusted parachute drag (ParachuteFix/ParachuteDragFix.cfg), you MUST delete the PartDatabase.cfg file from the root KSP directory. If you don't want to use the readjusted parachute drag, delete ParachuteDragFix.cfg.

What do you mean by drag? You didn't mention anything about drag here:

+ ModuleParachuteFix (Plus) (9 May 15) - (STATUS: Initial Release) - Description: Minor fixes for chutes mounted 90 degrees to airflow


- Adds a couple minor visual bug fixes.

- (Plus) Adds ability to reset chutes that have been activated (staged) but haven't yet deployed.

-- Must move the chute icon to a new stage in order to "restage" it, or deploy with right-click (same as repack)

- (Plus) Adds semi deployment and deployment time tweakable

- (Plus) Adds a couple visual effects (such as symmetric radial chute spread and asymmetric chute movement)

Also, if I don't want to touch squad folder, should I leave ModuleParachuteFix\ModuleParachuteFix.dll in place or delete it too?

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  rockowwc said:
I cant seem to find the download on github for the latest version

Yes, sorry. It was getting late and it seems I forgot to build the release. It is up in the dropbox link though. I will fix git later today.

  vardicd said:
I have a question/request. The stock fairings, have no ejection sound, and it bugs me to no end, how hard would it be to make the fairing ejection make sound? even if it was the standard decoupler sound?

Yes, there is a decoupler sound. I don't know if it's attached to the stock fairing or not. It "shouldn't" be too hard to build, but every time I think that, I find some new quirk in KSP. :P

  vardicd said:
Installed the latest version, and my advanced canards now flicker in and out of existence.

Edit: Also with the latest stock fix any time I get a craft over 6000m, the camera flies away from the ship at high speed.

Okay. I thought I took care of this but it appears not. I can't test it myself at the moment, but it is likely due to the StockPlus portion of the ModuleControlSurfaceFix. Do you have StockPlus active? If so, does it still happen without it?

Thanks for the report, and sorry for the troubles.



- - - Updated - - -

  gendalf said:
What do you mean by drag? You didn't mention anything about drag here:

Also, if I don't want to touch squad folder, should I leave ModuleParachuteFix\ModuleParachuteFix.dll in place or delete it too?

Gah, it really was late...

The Special Note you posted is old and no longer applies, so you can ignore it.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean for "if I don't want to touch squad folder." I assume that is in regard to the "Delete PartDatabase.cfg" in the readme.

In either case, it is safe to use ModuleParachuteFix if you want, or delete the ModuleParachuteFix folder completely. No need to delete any Squad files.



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Big negative on the stock plus options. Didn't even install them into the game file. I was only using, Bandwithfix, kerbaldebrisfix, mk3strengthfix, moduleaerosurfacefix, modulecontrolsurfacefix, fairingfix, wheelfix, and stickylaunchpadfix. nothing else. I went back to the older version to be safe, but just removing the folder moduleaerosurfacefix seemed to fix it.

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Claw, might as well point out another major balancing issue I've noticed.

Parts have weight and cost, the weight is count as a base while additional stuff (such as resources) are added to the final part.

Cost however are counted as base plus the cost of all resources built-in. why is this bad?

  • when setting up cost for parts you need to account for the resources costs too, making it more complicated at balancing stuff.
  • will technically allow for parts to have negative costs, if the resources cost more than the actual part (then removing said resources).

Don't know how easy of an stock fix this would be. However if you make a simple DLL I might try to throw in a MM patch (and maybe some MM wizardry, if I can), to fix value for stuff.

Just throwing it out there, if it was actually implemented stock, would make everybody's life a lot easier.

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  vardicd said:
Okay, got a bug issue. Installed the latest version, and my advanced canards now flicker in and out of existence.

Edit: Also with the latest stock fix any time I get a craft over 6000m, the camera flies away from the ship at high speed.

I cannot replicate this issue, so I'm guessing it's a mod interaction issue. Based on what I see in your logs, I can probably fix this, but I will have no way to test/confirm.

  gendalf said:
Claw, remove the note from the OP then :/

Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out. I will try to scrub the documents again tonight. :)

  Gfurst said:
Claw, might as well point out another major balancing issue I've noticed.

You point out valid problems, but I tend to stay away from balance issues. I think it would be quite the undertaking to rebalance all of the stock parts in order to implement a mod that only uses the cost specified in the .cfg. Also, it would make recovery funds more difficult to deal with. There's probably too many embedded mechanics in the game to try and change this without causing all kinds of issues.



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Awesome with the MK3 fix. I got sick of my mk3 planes falling apart when sneezed on to the point in which I pretty much gave up playing. What good are nice big wheels if the whole thing just falls apart on touchdown, even with tons of struts.

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Version 1.0.2d.2 is out.

This release also includes fixes to flight control surfaces (which didn't retain deployment status) and Airbrake action group fixes, among a few other things.

A new version of EngineGimbalFix has been included. This allows engines to gimbal without having to be "staged." It also turns engine gimbal rates into a StockPlus feature, and includes a tweakable to control the rate.

ModuleControlSurfaceFix and ModuleAeroSurfaceFix have extra error detection added to (hopefully) improve compatibility with other mods.

StockPlus is still embedded within the download, but is disabled by default. Please see the readme on how to enable, if you want to use stock plus.

Additionally, I spent some time on StickyLaunchPadFix, but I can't seem to even trigger the sticky pad. Anyone have a craft I can try? My old ones that used to stick aren't sticking anymore.



Edited by Claw
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First, allow me to express my thanks to you for all this work you've done. You certainly make the game more enjoyable to play.

I've enabled the StockPlus in the StockPlusController.cfg file

I have a concern in that when I install the next update, whenever that will be, that this will be overwritten, and I'll forget to turn it back on again. Given that I have a large number of mods installed, and also play on at least 3 different systems (Windows, OSX and Linux), I am concerned that I will remember this.

Would you be able to do one of the following:

1. Make this an option which can be set in the configuration during runtime


2. Check for the file outside of this directory tree


3. If the file isn't there, assume it is disabled and then delete the file from your release. If the file IS there, follow whatever is in it. This way, if I put the file there, it will be honored, but if it isn't there, you will have the same results as if you had stockplus disabled in the file


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  Claw said:
Additionally, I spent some time on StickyLaunchPadFix, but I can't seem to even trigger the sticky pad. Anyone have a craft I can try? My old ones that used to stick aren't sticking anymore.



It's really, really hard to get the sticky Launchpad bug to happen. I can do a hundred launches and it might only happen once, but it seems to be centered on the lv-t 45. the only time I've had it happen is on designs with 2 or more of the lv-t 45's touching the Launchpad, but even with that happening, its not reliably replicable. launch/recover/launch ad nauseam.

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  linuxgurugamer said:
First, allow me to express my thanks to you for all this work you've done. You certainly make the game more enjoyable to play.

Thanks, I appreciate that. Sometimes making these things work right is a pain in the back side. So it's great to hear the they are useful. :D

  linuxgurugamer said:
I have a concern in that when I install the next update, whenever that will be, that this will be overwritten, and I'll forget to turn it back on again.

I understand your concern. I am trying to keep the StockPlus piece as unintrusive as possible. I will see what I can think up. Right now, StockPlus doesn't look in a specific location. So moving the config out of the directory to anywhere else (like the GameData root) would still work, assuming I remove the config from the download so that there aren't two of them.

  vardicd said:
It's really, really hard to get the sticky Launchpad bug to happen.

Yeah, I think that's why I wasn't even sure if it was happening in 1.0, but it's definitely been reported a few times. So I'm not even sure if it's the same problem anymore, and if the existing fix does any good. I haven't had one stick in my own 1.0 games yet, but then again I haven't done much career lately.



Edited by Claw
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  vardicd said:
It's really, really hard to get the sticky Launchpad bug to happen.
  Claw said:
Yeah, I think that's why I wasn't even sure if it was happening in 1.0, but it's definitely been reported a few times. So I'm not even sure if it's the same problem anymore, and if the existing fix does any good. I haven't had one stick in my own 1.0 games yet, but then again I haven't done much career lately.



I know the bug is still present in pure stock games, without your fix it happens way more often, so it is definitely still needed. One thing I noticed from looking at the screenshot that I posted the other day, if you look really close, the 2 side lv-t 45's look like they spawn inside the launch pad, below the collision mesh, so maybe that's what's causing the occasional stuck on Launchpad?


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  vardicd said:
if you look really close, the 2 side lv-t 45's look like they spawn inside the launch pad, below the collision mesh, so maybe that's what's causing the occasional stuck on Launchpad?

Well, the root problem is that there are two collision meshes on the tier two launch pad. So what happens is that the rocket is sitting on one mesh while the thrust is blocked by the other. I have to do multiple checks to figure out which mesh the engine is actually sitting on and disable the correct one. If I disable the wrong collider, the rocket will fall through the pad. Unfortunately it isn't always sitting on the same mesh.

So yeah, basically what you are saying. It's inside one of the meshes. There are several other things I could try, but if I can't replicate it easily then it's impossible for me to know if it's doing any good.

Another thing I just thought to ask, what is your physics slider set to?



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Regarding sticky launchpads, some of the Novapunch ones (mainly the big 5m engines) stick to the launchpad, but rockets of the size usually used with those engines are often launchclamped anyway.

I did ask fiberion about it but it's easier to just clamp the rockets instead of fixing it. So, no idea if you want to look at those.

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  Claw said:
Well, the root problem is that there are two collision meshes on the tier two launch pad. So what happens is that the rocket is sitting on one mesh while the thrust is blocked by the other. I have to do multiple checks to figure out which mesh the engine is actually sitting on and disable the correct one. If I disable the wrong collider, the rocket will fall through the pad. Unfortunately it isn't always sitting on the same mesh.

So yeah, basically what you are saying. It's inside one of the meshes. There are several other things I could try, but if I can't replicate it easily then it's impossible for me to know if it's doing any good.

Another thing I just thought to ask, what is your physics slider set to?



I'm going to assume my physics slider is set to default values, since I don't think I've ever noticed a physics slider before.

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  vardicd said:
I know the bug is still present in pure stock games, without your fix it happens way more often, so it is definitely still needed. One thing I noticed from looking at the screenshot that I posted the other day, if you look really close, the 2 side lv-t 45's look like they spawn inside the launch pad, below the collision mesh, so maybe that's what's causing the occasional stuck on Launchpad?

I have encountered it with 1.0.2c.2 installed. It happened to me when building the rocket in the Tier 1 VAB, launching on the Tier 2 Pad. I built a rocket that was fairly tall (at the max 30 parts). The first stage was powered by a single LV-T45 with 2 BACC boosters attached. Through my first few test cycles, it was fine, then it began to consistently be stuck. (KER definitely reported TWR above 1.0)

I have a workaround that has been successful so far. In the VAB, I typically build the rocket with it floating well above the VAB floor. When my rocket got sticky, I moved the rocket in the VAB so that its base was below the floor of the VAB. When I launch the same rocket with that positioning, the problem has not occurred.

I haven't tested with 1.0.2d.2 yet.

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Claw -- sorry to take so long to respond to your feedback re: my sticky launch pad issue. I can send a craft file if you like (I'm at work, so I can't do it now, however), but based on the other people who have posted this issue in the past few pages, I see commonality that might be the issue: (a) the "Swivel" engine, and (B) multiple side-mount boosters with the "Swivels" which align lower than the "main" central engine.

I'm wondering if it's a mesh issue like you suspect, but possibly the cause is that the craft initially "settles" on the main central engine, which would leave the side boosters in the mesh, or something like that, and it's not adjusting enough....? Just a thought; I'm no expert in such things.

It's simple enough to just put a launch clamp on the craft, so no biggie from my end. Just curious mainly.

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There is problem with level one runway and stock fixed(unretractable) landing gears.

I think that fix could be easy, spawned craft need to be slightly higher.

Thing that is going on is that those gears are half sinked into ground and wide fixed gears jumps in air along with plane. Especialy if it is lightweigt plane that is alowed for level one runway anyway.

I will provide craft file soon in my craft exchange thread(link in signature), let me know if you need some pictures of it.

Debug console does not show anything suspicious, probably will not going to help you with this.

Level II and Level III runway does not suffer from this bug.

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  kcs123 said:
There is problem with level one runway and stock fixed(unretractable) landing gears.

I think that fix could be easy, spawned craft need to be slightly higher.

Thing that is going on is that those gears are half sinked into ground and wide fixed gears jumps in air along with plane. Especialy if it is lightweigt plane that is alowed for level one runway anyway.

I will provide craft file soon in my craft exchange thread(link in signature), let me know if you need some pictures of it.

Debug console does not show anything suspicious, probably will not going to help you with this.

Level II and Level III runway does not suffer from this bug.

I've also noticed that small planes with those gears do a little jump for joy when loaded! I've only tried craft with those gears on the first tier runway so I don't know if the upgraded runways have that issue too.

I have a little Q about the ModuleParachuteFix. When I used the StockBugFixModules.v1.0.2c.2 the parachutes worked beautifully in that they where spread apart when deployed, like this;


With the current version (StockBugFixModules.v1.0.2d.2) the chutes don't seem to be spread anymore and clip into each other.


These are different craft, but the chutes in both are mounted at 90 degrees to airflow. Is this something that the ModuleParachuteFix controls or is it down to something else entirely?

Also in v1.0.2c.2 there was a slider to control the torque grip on wheels but in v1.0.2d.2 that seems to have gone. That slider was really useful, any chance of getting it back in?

Thanks Claw, your work on these stock fixes is really appreciated, I imagine that some of them are tricky to fix too.

Edited by katateochi
meant to say grip, not torque
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On parachutes: I've only played with 1.0.2d.2. I used a craft with three of each of the 5 types, for this test.

Radial attach types (drogue and normal) are spreading nicely for me, but node-attach types, seem to go straight up and clip into each other as usual.

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Okay, there's a massive bug with the plus component of ModuleControlSurfaceFix. I'm not sure what the conditions are, but ailerons placed on a traditional planform aircraft are almost always reversed. Elevons on a delta wing seem mostly fine.

It's particularly weird if you fly the stock Stearwing A300. The ailerons at the ends of the wings are reversed, but the inboard and mid-wing roll control surfaces work as normal. The result is that the wing flexes, but there's no roll control at all.

With "plusEnabled = False" in ModuleControlSurfaceFix.cfg the problem is gone.

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