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0.15 Easter eggs? (Obviously possible spoilers inside)


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Still on the moon looking for the Monolith. Got the 'General Lee' rover going from equatorial crater to equatorial crater.

Note: a rover traveling at 522 km/h on the moon handles more like a spacecraft than a car. Wicked hang time! Longest amount of time airborne: 19 seconds. That\'s a 2.75km jump.


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Guest GroundHOG-2010

The first plane to the south pole goes to the new base in the Wikeri Range (please correct me when the acctual name comes out, because as far as I know it is currently the lolcano, which doesn\'t suit it).


Leaving KSC for the Wikeri Base


Mid course, The sun is up now... AHH IT BURNS


Decending, compared to most, along the nice provided coridoor to the right of the runway. Nice picturesque scenery. This is the right way to land.


Landed, took 10 min from KSC, 8 min shorter than the polar flight, with the engines dropped midflight instead of landing (two lower engines). Landing conditions good, approach dead on the money, In the picture VAB to the right, Tracking station to the left and the Launch pad in the middle, but behind a hill.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

When I started I had to type a captcha for my first post. EDIT: I think there might have been one for registering too. How did the bot got past both!?

They must be down at the moment for the changing of the servers.

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Desert Raider I has paid off!


I almost missed it at first, it\'s quite small:



Now this was unexpected. A pyramid in the dessert, with a no easter eggs here sign :D

I think I am gonna go for a new egg hunt.

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I don\'t even know where to begin looking for eggs. It takes long enough to travel a few kilometers from the KSC, I can\'t imagine how long driving (or flying, though I can\'t build a vehicle that reliably flies without flipping out) all around the planet would take.

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Wait, i haven\'t 0.14.2 yet ? I AM STUPID ! ;P

Meanwhile, in VAB...

All crew to research crafts, repeat, all crew to research crafts ! Operation Egg Hunting has begun !

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Still on the moon looking for the Monolith. Got the 'General Lee' rover going from equatorial crater to equatorial crater.

Note: a rover traveling at 522 km/h on the moon handles more like a spacecraft than a car. Wicked hang time! Longest amount of time airborne: 19 seconds. That\'s a 2.75km jump.


I put my probe into a 2.4km orbit, and it was only going 577 m/s. Also, that didn\'t end well. Got halfway around and as I came up on the far side of a huge crator, the ground gets really close (like 10m away or so close). So I have mech jeb nose up and fire the engines. It got up to about 20 degrees before the engine made contact, followed quickly by the rest of the rocket as it transformed into a killometers long fire fireball.

I did discover a lander that no longer shows up on my map though, so I\'ll be sending my first cart to go an investigate that. It\'s within driving range of the super crator, and even if the Obelisk isn\'t in there, I\'d like another look.

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