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[1.3.0] OPT Space Plane v2.0.1 - updated 29/07/2017


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I just finished my uni exams, i am starting to work on this mod again :) I really want to redo some of the textures and add a new engine because the stock engines are really not powerful enough for these parts...

Can we have some more pictures of the JSL cockpit? Does it have a lift vector, like the stock MK2?


Yes it will have lift but i am still testing it to make it not imbalanced, with this cockpit the larger cargo bay will also be added.

You asked for feedback on the ILS cockpit:

The cockpit windows aren't doing it for me. The bottom edge created by the three windows on each side is too disjointed or broken. I look at it and feel that the front ones should be shorter by a third and the middle longer to meet the virtual bottom edge that would be created by the front and rearmost windows.

ok, rework on the cockpit windows, got it!

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I just finished my uni exams, i am starting to work on this mod again :) I really want to redo some of the textures and add a new engine because the stock engines are really not powerful enough for these parts...


Yes it will have lift but i am still testing it to make it not imbalanced, with this cockpit the larger cargo bay will also be added.

ok, rework on the cockpit windows, got it!

This picture also greatly highlights the dire need for a much larger set of undercarraige. I must say that the cockpit does intruige me, I use your existing parts alongside stock wings alot, infact in all my SSTO's with KAX tweakscale undercaraige.

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Nice parts :) Just a few suggestions I've found:

  • KSP, and particularly MM doesn't seem to like part names with spaces in them
  • The fuel tank masses seem to be way off compared to stock. In particular the i-j adapter is way too heavy and the j fuel tank is too light.
  • I recommend splitting the i-j adapter into two parts - a 2.5m tank with spaceplane textures and a short j tank. This would be a lot more versatile.
  • The regular I and ILS cockpits seem to represent two extremes in terms of window divisions and I think the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. I almost want to say I prefer the overall style of the i cockpit a bit more - I think with a few more window divisions (particularly vertical) you could get a reasonable sense of scale with it.

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Nice parts :) Just a few suggestions I've found:

  • KSP, and particularly MM doesn't seem to like part names with spaces in them
  • The fuel tank masses seem to be way off compared to stock. In particular the i-j adapter is way too heavy and the j fuel tank is too light.
  • I recommend splitting the i-j adapter into two parts - a 2.5m tank with spaceplane textures and a short j tank. This would be a lot more versatile.
  • The regular I and ILS cockpits seem to represent two extremes in terms of window divisions and I think the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. I almost want to say I prefer the overall style of the i cockpit a bit more - I think with a few more window divisions (particularly vertical) you could get a reasonable sense of scale with it.

Thanks for the suggestions! its very helpful. This is the result i comeup with for the cockpit haha


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Thanks for the suggestions! its very helpful. This is the result i comeup with for the cockpit haha


Nice work. The scale looks about right now :) Though if I might make a few more suggestions, I'd recommend terminating the dark section a little before the tip of the nose and extending the side windows down a bit. No pressure of course - I know how painful it can be to redo uvmaps and textures :P

And I'm really digging those new engine nacelles. What sort of engines will you be putting in them?

And are those new landing gear I see? :D

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These look amazing! Although I do have two points of I would like to address about the drop bay. The ability to open both sides of the drop bay is wonderful but sometimes it just doesn't look right. Perhaps if you could open one side at a time it might be better? Also, the dividers in the drop bay can be a good way to mount things but I think it might be easier to use the drop bay for larger payloads if they weren't there, or at least if there were an option of dividers or not.

Other than those small things This mod looks awesome. I can't wait till it's finished.:D

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It looks weird no doubt, but so does an Airbus Beluga. Engineers make things to work first, and to look nice second.

I love weird planes like that. I'm not sure if I can use the word I'd like to use to describe it, but I like them. We don't make many like that anymore. White Knight / Spaceship 1(2) are strange like that (in a good way)...

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I just thought I'd put this out there because I haven't seen anyone mention it yet. :)

Has anyone noticed that the side adapter part, the one with the monoprop storage that's intended to be an intake adapter, the model or mesh, whatever you call it, isn't aligned visually? Meaning, attach one to where it goes on the other part, the 'T' shaped fuel tank/fuselage thingie, and then zoom in to look at where the flat face of the part meets the tank. It's all caddy-whompus! I first noticed it because the texture of the part isn't symmetrical, so even when mirrored the 'top' of the part looks different on each side. That doesn't bother me, but when I zoomed in to look more closely, I noticed that the back edge of the part was clipping into the tank slightly on the right side top, but on the left side there's a slight gap in the same place. This seems to be purely visual, the attachment nodes seem to be perfectly symmetrical, and I haven't detected any misalignment when attaching engines and using RCSBuildAid, so it's not like this is an ultra-critical flaw or anything. :) It's just a visually annoying thing, like the slight gap between both the drop bay and the wide fuel tank when attached to anything with the front attachment node. If I turn them around and use the back one they meet perfectly. Again, strictly visual, just pointing this out, fwiw. :)

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Thanks for the comments everyone! i apologize for not updating as much as i wanted to...

I just thought I'd put this out there because I haven't seen anyone mention it yet. :)

Has anyone noticed that the side adapter part, the one with the monoprop storage that's intended to be an intake adapter, the model or mesh, whatever you call it, isn't aligned visually? Meaning, attach one to where it goes on the other part, the 'T' shaped fuel tank/fuselage thingie, and then zoom in to look at where the flat face of the part meets the tank. It's all caddy-whompus! I first noticed it because the texture of the part isn't symmetrical, so even when mirrored the 'top' of the part looks different on each side. That doesn't bother me, but when I zoomed in to look more closely, I noticed that the back edge of the part was clipping into the tank slightly on the right side top, but on the left side there's a slight gap in the same place. This seems to be purely visual, the attachment nodes seem to be perfectly symmetrical, and I haven't detected any misalignment when attaching engines and using RCSBuildAid, so it's not like this is an ultra-critical flaw or anything. :) It's just a visually annoying thing, like the slight gap between both the drop bay and the wide fuel tank when attached to anything with the front attachment node. If I turn them around and use the back one they meet perfectly. Again, strictly visual, just pointing this out, fwiw. :)

Thanks for pointing that out Neutrino, I wanted to redo some models and textures in future to fix those but i changed my mind im going to do them NOW. Because as much as it bothers you it also bothers me haha details really matters...

These look amazing! Although I do have two points of I would like to address about the drop bay. The ability to open both sides of the drop bay is wonderful but sometimes it just doesn't look right. Perhaps if you could open one side at a time it might be better? Also, the dividers in the drop bay can be a good way to mount things but I think it might be easier to use the drop bay for larger payloads if they weren't there, or at least if there were an option of dividers or not.

Other than those small things This mod looks awesome. I can't wait till it's finished.:D

Astax:I think im going to keep the old drop bay because i personally likes it haha but I considered what you said and made a larger more convensional bay for those needs a medium sided bay. Im going to keep those really large bay for K parts in the future


That cockpit looks very functional, which is what I care about the most. GJ.

Thanks Cpt. Kipard! I think modelling stuff isnt very hard because of your posts and guides! i really appreciate them. but is hard to make important parts like the cockpit looks good sometimes so im still experimenting abit

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Thanks for the comments everyone! i apologize for not updating as much as i wanted to...

Thanks for pointing that out Neutrino, I wanted to redo some models and textures in future to fix those but i changed my mind im going to do them NOW. Because as much as it bothers you it also bothers me haha details really matters...

Astax:I think im going to keep the old drop bay because i personally likes it haha but I considered what you said and made a larger more convensional bay for those needs a medium sided bay. Im going to keep those really large bay for K parts in the future


Thanks Cpt. Kipard! I think modelling stuff isnt very hard because of your posts and guides! i really appreciate them. but is hard to make important parts like the cockpit looks good sometimes so im still experimenting abit

Hey man, thanks! Just trying to help out… Oooh, look, new parts!!! :D I see a crew compartment! And I like those large cargo bays, too! And adapters! Yay! We definitely need more of those. :)

So, when do you think we'll be able to play with those new parts? ;)

Keep up the great work, sir! Later.


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Nice set of new parts. looks good. May I suggest though that you look at the occupancy of your cockpits. In my opinion there is more than enough room to have more than 3 in all of your cockpits. The new cockpit should easily fit 6 and more like 9 into it, your first two cockpits should be able to fit 5 or 6.

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