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Opinions on "Kerbal Experience"


Do you like the way Mu has described how the experience system will work?  

360 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the way Mu has described how the experience system will work?

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Which, I wonder, leaves what for experience kerbals to do? That was my whole thing.

Remember that we'll be getting planet biomes too, so any traits that affect performance in the mobile lab will be a big deal. An increase in the transmission bonus would certainly be worth training crew for.

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Note that he's not saying they're axing part-modifying Kerbal experience effects entirely. They're just not going to implement the ones that modify engines specifically.

I do think there's plenty of room to let a skilled Kerbal make itself valuable for taking along on a mission. I personally wouldn't mind if engines were affected, but if that annoys so many people I'm sure there can be a compromise without it.

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Hell, I'd be happy with something just like Final Frontier. I like to know where my little guys have been and what they've done.

Same here. I generally care about my Kerbals, so it would be gratifying to see their accomplishments acknowledged in some way, whether it be badges, medals, or even just a service record that says what they've done. Not everything added to the game has to add gameplay. Small touches that add to the game world can really add a lot to the experience.

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Note that he's not saying they're axing part-modifying Kerbal experience effects entirely. They're just not going to implement the ones that modify engines specifically.

True, and it may be a partial redaction on the original comments with how the system will work and we may still be annoyed by what they come up with, but the engine performance was a big part of the original quip:

The current system works on 5 levels of veterancy, with level 1 giving no bonus at all.

These bonuses would be really, really small, think something between 3 and 5% at max level.

They would be hard to earn, as we want to encourage people to leave Kerbin's SOI

They only affect parts you have full control over, to signify the Kerbal knowing how to work a rocket better, modules without thrust control would see no benefit whatsoever.

The current system we have planned has them only active under certain circumstances, say a Kerbal may have a trait for 4% more thrust while in Atmosphere, and another one while in Vacuum.

Traits don't stack.

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Should have phrased that tweet to be about all parts, we're looking at other possibilities regarding piloting skill like control surface reaction speed since they're a bit on the slow side currently. Plenty of other traits that work along with the base mechanics and currencies of career mode, though

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Personally I want the engine modifying perks... I want my experienced Kerbals to be able to squeeze a bit more fuel out of the tanks... a bit more thrust... a bit more... whatever.

I do not view that as "magic". I do view that as piloting it a bit better for the conditions which makes up for our own inadequacies.

I'd have all sorts of modifiers...

Better ISP... maybe even engine specific...

Better thrust...

More efficient use of RCS... and or Electricity.

Higher crash tolerance

better control authority with reaction wheels.

and of course science boosts... orbital... landed... processing in a lab... eva...

I also want kerbals of sufficient experience to be capable of some mechjeb like things... more stability in flight... maybe even some simple automation...

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... Higher crash tolerance ...

Now that's an interesting suggestion, since crew survival in a pod isn't just about the machine. Higher impact tolerance could be a reflection of better actions inside the pod preparing for impact.

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Now that's an interesting suggestion, since crew survival in a pod isn't just about the machine. Higher impact tolerance could be a reflection of better actions inside the pod preparing for impact.

No, no, no, The actions should be YOURS. If YOU fly better you have a better chance of survival.

You are flying not the Kerbal.

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Part of my concern with part buffs is that I don't necessarily want more thrust or more control surface deflection. I usually throttle engines back, at least a bit, to avoid overspeeding in the atmosphere. Large interplanetary ships can't handle tons of thrust before they start to violently oscillate. I also turn down control surface deflection (or at least go to fine control mode) because turns often become flat spins with too much deflection.

I would love for perks to focus on the three currencies. I could also see an "Engineer" perk reduce electric charge consumption or boost resource production (when that becomes stock).

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"We're heading toward the ground at 300 mph in a lander can that's barely thicker than foil, we're all doomed...! Oh wait, no we're not, Jeb's here! Nothing to worry about!"

too bad that Jeb's boost is only a 5%, so you hit at 285mph. Yep, you're all doomed.

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I'm in the wait and see camp but I'm not overly comfortable with kerbal stats effecting things like engine performance. Geting a bit more or less responsivenes out of reaction wheels/RCS is one thing. a skilled hand on the stick so to speak will be able to control the same system to a greater degree and get more performance than someone touching it for the first time. Possibly have ASAS not wobble so much with a skilled pilot. However no amount of skill is going to make a rocket that provides 500kN of thrust max provide 510kN. Playing around with the fuel flow or whatever to get more thrust is best left to the guys on the ground who actualy know how they work, not the pilot who's flying it.

Personally I'd rather have a limited amount of autopilot options that are tied to kerbal skill. Tell the kerbal to point the ship prograde or at a node and he'll do his best to line up on that orientation and hold it. Better pilots will be more accurate and do a better job. If allowd to auto fly a planed node a better pilot will fly it more accurately and with less wasted fuel. A lesser pilot may be off on the node or spend more fuel correcting for mistakes. The player could of course fly the ship on manual to avoid the issue of a poor pilot .

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I am looking forward to how SQUAD will implement better flying with experienced pilots. Any pilot should improve the ships performance over a probe, if only because a well maintained ship would burn fuel better and survive a crash better.

It would be fun to raise experienced kerbals and have a reason to use the experience.

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(In my humble opinion) I hate the idea of a Kerbal's skill changing something like a rocket's ISP and thrust. Just doesn't make sense to me.

What makes more sense is having other skills, like:

Driver/Pilot: Less likely to roll a rover (somehow), general boost to SAS. Maybe including the "autopilot" system that others have suggested based on this skill. (Maybe auto/semi-auto docking?)

Mechanic: Can repair wheels/solar panels/re-pack chutes from further away. Possibly able to repair other objects, also possibly able to place struts (one per EVA, like flags)

Navigator: Having this Kerbal aboard will help show intercept lines and possibly SOI's.

Scientist: Guess.

If life support systems are implemented, that could lead to a Doctor Kerbal.

Etc. etc.

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I'd be fine if they'd just add a framework for experience and skills, and some rudimentary content to show how it works. Then let modders get creative as they were with contracts. Unlike contracts, experience is not essential to career mode, so it can afford to start small. In the end i'd hope for things like

* Ribbons like in final frontier

* visible changes to the EVA suits, both experience-based and skill-specific. Maybe orange suits for veterans? Or Patches, helm colors, alternate Backpack models. The lights in the helmet could be optional.

* Maybe certifications, like for piloting, command seat, science lab. Gardener for greenhouses, cook for snack-oven.

* You might need a certain set of skills for larger missions, so you can do it with two veterans or five rookies.

I'm not a fan of

* (auto)pilot restrictions

* physics changes

* random effects

Edited by pellinor
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Should have phrased that tweet to be about all parts, we're looking at other possibilities regarding piloting skill like control surface reaction speed since they're a bit on the slow side currently. Plenty of other traits that work along with the base mechanics and currencies of career mode, though

As someone who voiced opinion and voted, I am glad to hear that you are listening to the fan base when feedback is clear and overwhelming.

The only part of the announcement I didn't like was the news that Kerbal skills would impact physical part performance parameters, so I'm glad to hear that got axed. I agree that there is still plenty of scope for skill / experience / training to impact the game in a positive manner.

I like the idea of crew skills affecting things like science (i.e. gains / processing speed / transmission), reputation (i.e. gains for accomplishments, penalties for death), ability to pilot certain things (i.e. hypersonic SSTO? better have a good pilot, LV-N? better be trained for that).

I love the idea of having a log of each Kerbal's experiences. And the thought of Kerbals being able to pilot their own missions with outcomes based on their skill makes me quite happy.

And, since I really don't want to fly 20 nearly identical (same lifter, different payload) cargo flights to put fuel tanks / station modules / ship parts into orbit... If I can get my Kerbals to do that for me with exact results based on their skills (i.e. sorry, I could only get it into a 95x105 km orbit at 4 deg inclination...) I'd be overjoyed.

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Honestly, if kerbal experience only gives bonuses for science, reputation and funds, they might as well scrap the whole experience system. We already have the strategies for that. I wish we could get an actual bonus from an experienced kerbal, but it seems that after all the complaints we won't get anything that adds to the gameplay, since the community seems to be allergic to the whole "gameplay" concept.

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* Maybe certifications, like for piloting, command seat, science lab.

* You might need a certain set of skills for larger missions, so you can do it with two veterans or five rookies.

I like the idea of them getting certificates and ribbons and maybe even medals and stuff, but no way should they be required for missions.

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