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Colliding into building 3km away

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This happened to me too.

Small delta wing was destroyed by crashing into the launchpad. It had never been on the launchpad. It was a space plane. I had just re-entered the atmosphere.

Having lost some control surface because of this, It made it harder to fly. But I persevered and coaxed it all the way back to final approach for the runway. Gear down.. looking good.

Feeling pleased with myself at this point. I was going to land her despite the tendency to want to go nose down and port.

About 20 seconds before my wheels would have made contact, the plane disintegrated. I was heartbroken. Didn't play for the rest of that day.

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  Daveroski said:
This happened to me too.

Small delta wing was destroyed by crashing into the launchpad. It had never been on the launchpad. It was a space plane. I had just re-entered the atmosphere.

Where all did you go and what all did you do? As I said, it's very hard to replicate, and it may be anything you've done up to this point.

The more details people post, the more likely this might get narrowed down. And I mean more than what you've already described. Up to this point it sounds like it has something to do with going beyond LKO and back without saves or reverts. But that's the extent of the information I've been able to glean. Pictures of your craft also help, as I try to keep track of if there are certain design characteristics that might contribute to the problem.



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I had this bug, the only correlation I could figure for a cause was I had launched an expendable rocket just prior to bringing my spaceplane in. I brought a KSO shuttle in later and it worked fine. It was happening to me approximately 20 km out from the runway, but it was still colliding with the launch pad. I ended up bringing the spaceplane down safely in the grasslands near the KSC.

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  Claw said:
Where all did you go and what all did you do?



I lifted off, assumed orbit of around 100k, transferred to Mimnus.

I orbited Mimnus. Did Science. Then retroburned for landing.

Kept a vertical nose-up configuration until around 10-20m from the surface. Reduced decent to Nil and reoriented to wheels down. Used RCS to slow decent. Touched down at 2-3 mps.

Locked brakes. Did surface science. Went EVA. got sample. Planted flag. made reports.

Reboarded craft.

Used RCS to lift nose to launch position ensuring rear wheels still in contact. Used main engine to lift off.

Assumed orbit. Transferred back to Kerbin.

De-orbit burn. Entered atmosphere with a nose raised configuration. watched the colourful display. Slowed to less than 1000mps. Levelled craft

Then it began.

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This seems like it's related to the bug that surfaces with higher timewarps.

For some strange reason, any PQSCity objects on planets (like the KSC, various easter eggs) tend throw their colliders around and crash into you.

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I've had this happen a few times and I have some screenshots from 0.25.

Note the exploding building in the background. The collision happened a few seconds before touchdown.


So I decided to taxi around the KSC to see if there was any other collision weirdness. my plane approached the runway and was pushed back by an invisible force without any damage. so I throttled up and rammed it. Instead of exploding the plane's joints randomly failed.



I suspect it had something to do with using physical time warp while approaching the KSC because that has been the case for most of my encounters with this bug. But I really have no idea what to make of it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just had this happen twice. I still havent been able to land. I will continue to try different approaches and add more info if it happens again. Here is what I have done so far.

Launched a space plane to pick up a Space Station science experiment pod. Rendezvous with the station, do not dock. Saved game and quit. Loaded the game the next day. I go to tracking station. Switch to the Space station and undock the experiment pod. Use the pods RCS to dock with the spaceplace cargo hold. Quicksaved. Do a de-orbit burn and make my way down to the KSC. I only ever used timewarp while in space, so no physical timewarp involved. I fly past the KSC to the south and circle back to the runway from the ocean. Cant remember exactly but it was about 4km out that things started to go poof in a cloud of smoke. I had lost most of my wings on both sides and ended up plummeting into the ground near the edge of the water.

Luckily I had set a quicksave before the de-orbit burn. I did not expect this to happen but I wanted to be safe incase i messed up something myself. So I load the quicksave and do another re-entry. This time I come in by the mountains to the east of the KSC. I approach the runway and again about 3-4 km out and my wings start to go poof in smoke. I end up crashing into the ground well short of the runway.

It seems to be only the edges of my wings that get destroyed. It could be more but with the loss of lift I hit the ground before anything else gets destroyed. In the log both times it say that I ran into the launch pad. This is with approaching from opposite sides of the KSC so it doesnt seem to be taking the closest building.

EDIT: Approached from the north and it didnt happen and doesnt happen anymore. I just restarted the game between the original post and edit so that may have fixed it. Still dont know why it happened.

Edited by Artophwar
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I may have had a similer experiance with a simple rocket/parachute. this has happened MANY times to me. I just got the game and out of 7 landings 4 were explosions due to a bug. latest was altitued of 4k im assuming the green text above the ball when it states 3000m surface/ground... means im no where near the ground.... In main view i see the ground get a bit close looking so i deployed struts and parachute.. told parachute to deploy at 4k since several times i died at 1.9k and soon after words got the crash animation/pod rolling. I droped to orbatal view and hovered above my pod and it was listed as 2.9k altitude. Im assuming altitued is based on above ground not liner but either way... it rolled for 1k-2k altitude before blowing up finally. I have had several others even with parachutes properly/normally deployed do the same thing. I did have 2 that blew up before the parachute opened but the 4 i was mentioning are post deploy. Played the demo a bit and got experiances on crashing from there to.

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I had this happen today, but I wasn't in a plane. I was returning from Moho and about 300m over the launch pad. 'Chutes opened, no time warp going on, then suddenly my HH module explodes, along with the 4k battery, large reaction wheel and probe core. The LV-N engines, and chutes attached to them floated all the way down to the surface.

I had done no quick saves, no reverts, no switching of vessels other than the [ ] keys, no going back to the tracking station, nothing up to that point. Basically stayed with the same craft the entire time.

Edited by EdFred
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  • 2 months later...

This bug happened to me today. Flew a shuttle to space and closed the game. Next day I launched a rocket to refuel shuttle and flew the shuttle to a space station around Mun. Came back to Kerbin and was perfectly lined up to land at KSC coming from the West.

I used 4x physics warp during the descent and when I came out at around 10km away a delta wing exploded (flight log said crashed in launch pad). At first I thought the cause was the physics warp. I managed to keep the shuttle steady until about 3 km out when the other delta wings and B type wings IIRC, all exploded. They all "collided" with the launch pad. I will post pictures if my shuttle tomorrow.

I use the following mods:


KW Rocketry

B9 aerospace

Kerbal attachement system

Navyfish docking cam

Kerbal alarm clock

Flight Manager for Reusable Stages

Edited by fran13kie
Forgot to mention mods.
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  • 2 months later...

Just posting to say that I am also having this issue with the delta wing colliding with launch pad so it seems to have made it into 1.0.2. In may case it has happened to the same craft while coming in to land on the T2 runway. On approach and slowing down nearly at touchdown then BANG right wing gone and crash - F3 says it hit launch pad. Reload and try landing from the opposite direction, same thing happens except this time I'm still a couple km from the runway and both left and right delta wings are destroyed by a "collision with the launch pad". Going to try a few more times then will post the save file here if it is consistently happening.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok thats 3 from 3 - this time while 15km above the runway passing over it!!! Can someone else try out this save file and see if it happens to them too please.


The ship is called "Orbital Taxi 1", its in a ~72k orbit with both intakes switched off and both turbojets and the 45 turned on. I find a deorbital burn to a periapsis of 20km over the peninsula to the east of the KSC gets it down in the right area, but it has plenty of liquid fuel left if you are a bit off. I have a few mods installed, but all stock parts on the spaceplane. For the record these mods are:


Collision FX







Kerbal Alarm Clock

I may try with these uninstalled when I get the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Proply said:

Ok thats 3 from 3 - this time while 15km above the runway passing over it!!! Can someone else try out this save file and see if it happens to them too please.


I am having this too. It seems to be happening with the delta wing.

I did download your save file and tried it out in a fresh stock KSP 1.0.2 install.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to bring your spaceplane down close to KSC. (It's a perfectly fine spaceplane the problem is the pilot.)

Investigating. I will post again if I find anything useful or reproducible.

Edited by Kaa253
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