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Single part from a parts pack

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Hello everyone,

I've always wondered this but never bothered to ask/find out.

Ever since I saw Scott Manley use the 5 way RCS block on his spaceplane, I've wanted to use it in my builds.

However, every time I download the B9 pack, I get turned away from the huge parts list since I don't see myself needing/using them enough to justify clogging up memory on my 32 bit install.

The question I'm hoping to get answered is:

Would it work if I simply copy the RCS block I want from the Parts folder to my Gamedata folder?

It would look something like: [KSP main folder] ===> [Gamedata] ===> [b9_Aerospace] ===> [Parts] ===> then the RCS block folder

Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

Thank you.

Edited by iFlyAllTheTime
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Yup, that should be fine. I don't know what other dependancies/plugins B9 requires, but assuming you leave those things alone, you should be able to prune out all the other parts. Just make sure the route to that part remains the same. If it's GameData/B9/SubfolderA/SubfolderB/Part, make sure it stays that way.

If you want to make totally sure that that'll work, open the desired part's cfg folder and look at the model and/or texture lines near the top of the document. Make sure that the texture and such is contained in the folder of the part you're saving. If it's not, and it's in another part's folder (this happens to save memory occasionally, utilizing the same texture across multiple parts), then you'll need to make sure that that file remains in it's proper folder.

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Short answer, probably.

If you don't like part clutter (like I do), check out Part Catalog by BlackNecro. Pretty damn useful and mostly hassle-free (it can auto catalog parts based on filepath).

The clutter is only part of the reason. I'd rather not add an 88MB addon to the game when I'm not planning to use it to its fullest extent. Although, I might still look into Part Catalog. Thank you. :)

It is no longer in the wrong section. :)

Thank you.:)

Yup, that should be fine. I don't know what other dependancies/plugins B9 requires, but assuming you leave those things alone, you should be able to prune out all the other parts. Just make sure the route to that part remains the same. If it's GameData/B9/SubfolderA/SubfolderB/Part, make sure it stays that way.

If you want to make totally sure that that'll work, open the desired part's cfg folder and look at the model and/or texture lines near the top of the document. Make sure that the texture and such is contained in the folder of the part you're saving. If it's not, and it's in another part's folder (this happens to save memory occasionally, utilizing the same texture across multiple parts), then you'll need to make sure that that file remains in it's proper folder.

That makes sense. I'll report as soon as I get this to work.

Thank you.:)

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If you don't want all the parts in a mod, delete the ones you don't want. However, you should not change what folder something is in; often the path matters. For B9, not sure if that block requires plugins or not; but plugins don't really take up memory or add to the part catalog, so that should be ok.

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Hmm, weirdest thing.

To preserve the folder structure I copied the B9 pack, deleted everything except the Parts folder, then inside the folder deleted everything except the rcs block.

Loaded (fortunately) my test sandbox save which had about 8-10 missions in progress. As soon as the save was loaded, all my ships were deleted from the save since none of the parts seemed to exist in the game. To my horror, when I went to the VAB, all the parts in all the tabs were absent except the rcs blocks from B9. (Seems like all those missions in progress have been lost with the persistent file being overwritten. I'm pretty sure there is no way of getting that back, is there?)

I confirmed I had the latest MM that came with B9 R5_2_4 download.

Created a new sandbox save, same result no other parts present.

I've since deleted the B9 folder and confirmed that everything is back to normal. Not to mention, I made a copy of my current career save and placed it somewhere safe.

In the middle of typing this post, went back to the readme.txt file that came with it. An excerpt from the same.

"Unpack everything to the root folder of the game, overwriting already existing GameData and Ships folders.

Source folder contains the source code for the included plugins and is not necessary for the mod to work.

Make sure you have KSP 0.24.2 or higher.

Do *not*, under any circumstances, extract just `GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts` folder alone, the mod won't work this way.

With a proper installation, you should have multiple new folders in GameData alongside with Squad folder that was there originally.

Do not try to move the part folders anywhere or sort them by category subfolders, that will break resource linking in all configs."

For now, giving up on the idea to use those rcs thrusters.:(

Edited by iFlyAllTheTime
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All the RCS parts from B9 use FStextureSwitch2 module; except Port_R1A, which requires Resgen plugin and B9's own resource. RCS blocks should work in B9/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks once you set up Firespitter DLL (if you don't want the parts from Firespitter); simply rename Port_R1A.cfg to Port_R1A.txt to prevent it from compiling.

Edited by nli2work
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