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What Are You Planning/Hoping To Do In KSP In The Near Future?


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-build several ion-powered science/funds milking sattelites and put them in orbit around Mun, Minmus, Kerbin, Duna and Ike. I don't really like my current generation sattelites: they're powered by an ant-engine and none of them have too much fuel left for manouvering. Hell, the ones around Ike and Duna are even defunct: their fuel doesn't flow to the engine and they're stuck in near-equatorial orbits.

-build an interstellar probe (probably ion-powered as well) and send it into deep space

-build an SSTO spaceplane with a lot of cargo bays to deliver several of said probes to orbit in a single run

-get a probe over to the Joolian system (without the use of ion engines because I want to use it as a trial run for a manned mission), land on one of the moons and come back to Kerbin. I haven't decided yet which one, Laythe seems like a good candidate. Either that or Pol. Basically I want one that is not too easy, but I'm not going to go for a Tyole return on my first visit. Bop seems a little too forgiving, it might lead me to underestimate the requirements for manned

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  michaelsteele3 said:
I'm hoping to make a legit space station. (Don't really know how to do advanced things in KSP yet :()

What about you?

Finished my station 2-3 weeks ago, was my first one of such a large scale.

What I am planning will depend on the game's development. See my station was a (successful) test run for one of the same type around an Uranus-analogue that KSP might add one day (or a Saturn one if they go with the same order than our solar system). Having Kethane or whatever to mine once my station is established would go a long way. And if we ever get habitation modules/domes I would love to colonize that system.

So that's a very long term plan... Short term, I'm thinking about 'maybe' a Jool-5 mission... But I don't really have the time to manage that efficiently. Possibly making an hybrid electric propeller/wheels (no choice but mods for that, *sigh*) plane/truck and explore Laythe, never done it before and might just be fun to do :)


Something like that, but with cockpit + Science Lab + pusher propeller in the middle (and most of the wheels/gears underneath that since it's the heavy part). I hope I can balance that somehow, that would really rock.


Edited by Francois424
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Write a tutorial about SSTO rockets (and, with Wanderfound, spaceplanes/VTVL). Later - Write a tutorial for people who've never seen KSP before (installation, settings, game options, KSC buildings).

Re-design and submit vehicles for http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93779-SSTO-Spaceplane-Airplane-Design-Contest-II-Akademy-Awards

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I'm finishing final preparations for a new video/series I hope to start in the near future. A MEGA Duna mission involving 5 crewmates and launching and docking together six separate crafts for one single interplanetary hype filled mission of insanity. Glad you asked!!!!

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I want to send a manned mission to Duna! Despite my time with this game, I've yet to land on Duna. I was getting ready for an epic mission with my first career-mode save when 0.24 came out and broke my plans (apparently my difficult to launch colossus costs almost 900,000 funds).

I'm still debating about whether or not I should build an orbital space station before 0.90.

Space stations are fun to build, but I'm a miser with my launch money.

Edited by Vallius
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I'm planning on destroying the Kerbin economy by strip-mining Eeloo for Karborundum. My engineers have yet to find a practical application for the stuff---it's cheaper and a whole lot easier to just keep on using nukes for interplanetary flight---folks on Kerbin are willing to pay insane amounts of money for whatever I can bring home. For instance, I've found that for a mere $250k investment, I can bring home $1M of Karborundum, for a profit of 300%, and that was just the prototype ship to prove the concept, without any optimization. Of course, there are several years between investment and return (due to the trip to Eeloo and back), but I view that as a spendthrift trust. The profits will come in eventually and in the meantime I can't blow the money on foolish ideas :).

Anyway, by monopolizing the Karborundum market, I expect within a decade or 2 to have in my possession every piece of currency on Kerbin. The rest of the planet will be reduced to abject poverty, mass starvation, and general collapse of authority and infrastructure, all except KSC. Then I'll build an interstellar ship (powered by some of the Karborundum I didn't sell) and use it to move to a new star system where I can repeat the process. After several such iterations, I should be able to acquire a majority interest in the galaxy as a whole, at which point I'll start charging all beings throughout it for using MY sunlight :cool:

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With the .90 announcement that it will mark the completion of career mode, I'm put off a .25 career. Once I'm done with my current missions I think I'll take a break from KSP, at least until I can get a better graphics card for my PC.

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I have a new mission in the works with the installation of 0.25

The Jool com sats left 4 weeks ago to be orbited around the major moons, the refueling tanker heading for Laythe left a week ago carrying two 3 kerbal rovers as well

And I've built this to goto Laythe too


Just needs the lander to be attatched to the forward end and its ready to leave

Just hope my drone flying skills are upto to task of de-orbiting, atmospheric entry, and flying around Laythe until the fuel runs out

Although I may make a rover with a fuel tank I can land next to the drone and refuel it.. asumming I've managed to land the thing in one piece :rolleyes:

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Kerbin system:

Fuel station in LKO and Mun orbits. Tanker craft cycling between the two.

Haul the last of the science I need off the Muns, for the parts for going interplanetary.

Science station and base on each Mun.


Mission to/back from.

Science/fuel station in Duna orbit.

Science base on Duna and Ike.


Mission to/back from orbit.

Science base on Eve and Gilly.

Science/fuel station in orbit.

Sample return mission from Eve itself.


Grand tour mission. Exploration on each of the muns, science from each and from Jool itself.

Maybe either a sacrificial mission to get crew reports/EVA, or a flyer to go suborbital and back again.

Definitely a glider probe into Jool.

Bases, Jool fuel station.

In general:

Explore all planets/muns.

Bases on all bodies.

Stations around all planets.

Deep space megastation in solar orbit.

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  Francois424 said:


Something like that, but with cockpit + Science Lab + pusher propeller in the middle (and most of the wheels/gears underneath that since it's the heavy part). I hope I can balance that somehow, that would really rock.


I tried building a twin boom the other day, I'll warn you it is very hard. Without any specific mods for them, it proved very difficult. It's hard to properly attach the tail plane evenly to a tapered boom. In the end I felt what I had come up with wasn't in line with my vision at all and barely flew anyway.

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