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Is KSP the greatest video game ever made?


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I've only been playing KSP for a short while now, but I must say, its one hell of a game. Greatest game ever, no, not yet at least. I have always been a fan of games which reward the thinker, my highest game hours yet are on Silent Hunter 3 GWX and that's a hell of a game too, but neither will be the greatest game ever.

The title of the greatest game ever has to go to something earth-shatteringly life changing, like COD!:rolleyes: ...or any of the other 1 million iterations of similarly formatted, khaki-cladded banalities. Those are the games generations will talk about in the future, just as the classics of our generation are revered now, so will these titles.

What really matters is whether 'you' think its the greatest game ever, because thats all that really matters in the end.

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Thief 2 and it's hundreds of fan made missions that were excellent

GTA series

Elder Scrolls series


Lunar Flight. This is a great space simulator, maybe the greatest but its limited. As far as I know its the most realistic Lander simulator but there's just one ship, the lander. It takes a lot of time to learn but once you learn just parking it is fun. You've got the moon and you've got Mars with incredible, disorienting dust storms. And Lunar Flight is cheap and modern with modern graphics.

KSP created a new genre as far as I know. Its great but it feels like a lot of things are not polished. It takes a lot of effort but you can do things that you can't do in any other game. Lots of room for improvement and I hope there is.

Mount and Blade broke new ground with horseback fighting that felt right.

Il Sturmovik was a fantastic simulator. You can almost get into space with this rocket shaped ship powered by two propellers. I think you would say they are mounted radially. The damage model is so cool, but its complicated and you almost have to have a stick.

I thought Operation Flashpoint had good sim features and with the fan made stuff it had a lot of gameplay.

FarCry 3

Sins of a Solar Empire and Gal Civ 2 are great games.

I'd put KSP in the top 20 or so.

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  sal_vager said:
KSP is great and I probably played it more than any other game, well except maybe for this ;)

Hah! I used to play X-Wing a lot, too!

But honestly, I have to agree with the OP on all counts. For me, there is no game more satisfying to succeed in, nor is there a game I can say I've had more fun getting involved in. I've played a similar collection as those described as well, and the elder scrolls games are up there too, but KSP takes the cake for me.

I agree about it being a niche game, though. I am a physicist and I have a passion for astronomy, so it seems like I was predisposed to enjoy KSP a lot.

  swiftgates24 said:
It's a great game. I'll give it that. But the best ever? No. That title belongs to something like Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 64, LoZ: Ocarina of Time, Tetris, Pong, those types of games that were revolutionary.

I strongly disagree that "revolutionary" is synonymous with "best ever." These are two categories which may overlap, but not by definition.

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no, but actually falls in the category of great games for 3 things

1-you're free, you can do everything, you can base your space program in every aspect you want.

2-you have to think a lot, calculate, but also do impulsive things like saving your ship from crashing into a hill.

3. its community, its great,loving and caring its has tons of mods

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  • 4 months later...

From the outside, Minecraft looks like the worst game ever invented. It is adownloadable program, where you are thrown into a world, comprised of only pixels. The world can be broken down and re-made into any form you choose. And that is pretty much it. If you are new to the game and you check out any video of someone hanging around in Minecraft, you will just be completely lost. It’s like Runescape without any effort put whatsoever into making a map. It makes no sense. It isn’t uncommon for you to just mock the players of this game and go about with your more mainstream games like Call of Duty.

But the truth is, until you’ve thrown yourself into Minecraft properly, you will never understand the thrill of playing the game. I used to be a non-believer. My little brothers played it and I just thought it was a trend that would fizzle out any week. However, as I explored into the phenomena that is Minecraft, I realized how amazing the game actually is. Hopefully this article will open your eyes into the potential of this game, or at the very least give a little tribute to the gamers converted to Minecraft.


Someone described Minecraft as Lego: the Computer game. That is a fair enough summary of Minecraft. You tear up the lands, collecting stone, wood and whatever rare minerals you find lurking in the earth and then rearrange them to make your own castles, homes and landscapes. Maybe you want a river going through your village. That’s easily enough done. You don’t even have to properly watch it: all you have to do is flick through it and you will see just how amazing your Minecraft creations can be.

Because you really are given an endless world, as long as you are willing to actually try and enjoy the game, you will get something out of it. Before I move onto my next point, I want to show you a video of the craziest thing I have ever seen done with Minecraft. Seeing as the game is made of pixels, some players made a stop-motion Super Mario level. That meant every image seen here meant that the creators had to tear up the landscape you see before you and remake it. How amazing is that! If you don’t like Minecraft, at the very least you have to appreciate that.


When Minecraft started, it was fun, but the players decided there could be some changes to the game. How come the only scenery was day and night? Couldn’t the creator, Notch, add some rain into the map? Maybe a new enemy? Seeing as Minecraft was created by a kid with an idea, he is fairly accessible when it comes to asking for new features. If enough people ask for something in the Minecraft forums, Notch will work at giving us those things.

How awesome is that! It is a real example of an independent game trumping the more mainstream franchises that often fail to give us what we actually want. This is why people can so easily fall in love with Minecraft, because as long as you aren’t a ...., you will get what you ask for most of the time. It is almost like an online community, helping each other every step of the way.


The thing I love most about Minecraft though is the journey to becoming the master of the lands. When you first start the game, you will probably be slaughtered your first night. When the sun goes down, you are attacked by zombies, spiders, explosive monsters called Creepers and the Ender-men (another video game monster based on the creepy Slender). It is a constant battle to stay alive. Even as you make it through your first month, slowly building up a kingdom, you are often restricted to daytime activities, as the monsters will ruin your plans at nightfall.

However, by the time, your castle is complete, the monsters become more of a nuisance than a danger. They can be dispatched with a swing of your diamond sword. You can find their spawn points and create traps out of them, using them as more of a source of minerals, rather than an opponent. There will become a point in Minecraft, where you will understand the mechanics of the game so well that you will have complete control over the world. And when you turn around and realise that you are in that position: that is one of the greatest gaming moments you will ever experience. It makes Minecraft one of the most satisfying games in the world.

from http://oracleoffilm.com/2013/07/23/3-things-people-who-dont-play-minecraft-will-never-get/

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I liked gmod.. but maps are too small.. I loved gmod even more when they discovered trains work and I found sligwolf's stuff.. but maps are too small..

I brought another game called homebrew sandbox.. the map is too small there too..

I brought KSP for the rockets, planes and explosions...

Then I discovered land-trains exist.. abandoned my experiments with rails in KSP..

now I drive trains with a steering wheel...

it IS the best game ever made.. for me ... for much more than the space.. and for its ability to turn minutes into hours.. without time acceleration

(Just one more modification then i'll goto bed... oh.. thats not the moon anymore and birds dont sing at night... usually how my weekends go if I fire up KSP)

Example - a rough edit this is my kerbal space program.. there is many like it but this one is mine :cool:


Edited by Overland
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