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I love this game, but the interface is sub-optimal. I purchased Profiler to play with my wireless Xbox 360 controller and now ALMOST everything works great. I even have it so the pitch up/down, yaw left/right for EVA works with one of the joysticks when I have it in EVA mode. The thing I find impossible is that I can't figure out how to turn off the camera-gravity well snap 'feature'. I just want the Kerbal in EVA mode to go in the direction I want him to go without the program 'helping' me. I've lost more Kerbals this way. When I hit 'translate forward' I want him to go forward according to his pov, not spinning off into the abyss, regardless of what direction the camera is facing or what the program decides is a fun direction to send him off in. In other words, I want to control him just like he was a little spaceship, just like the real ones do. I have not been able to find a command, nor a line in the .cfg file to turn off this 'feature'. Please help.

This is a fairly easy thing to fix. When you first start KSP, in the settings, there is a button in one of the sections (I think it is controls) that says something along the lines of, "EVA Auto-Rotates to Camera" if you switch this off, it won't rotate to your camera anymore.

Hope I could help. :)


EDIT: It turns out it's in Misc or something. :P

Edited by Lhathron the Elf
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This is a fairly easy thing to fix. When you first start KSP, in the settings, there is a button in one of the sections (I think it is controls) that says something along the lines of, "EVA Auto-Rotates to Camera" if you switch this off, it won't rotate to your camera anymore.

Hope I could help. :)


Uh.. th.. the.. wh.. no... how.. ah... eyh... gha.. WHAT?!? :0.0:

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Welcome, Winters!

I expect that the game will become as addictive for you as it has for me.

Happy landings!

Addictive yes. Still working on orbiting my astronauts around the planet. :cool: But have the jest of sending them to space down. Next Mission the Mun.

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could you help me figure out how to edit the bottom part of what is shown in my posts

If you open your settings page (the button/link is at the top right) you will find a link on the left side which will allow you to edit your signature. That is the one you want.


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Hello everyone :) I'm a fairly new player to the great game of ksp. I've managed orbit, I've managed one or two moon landings, and I've managed to strand a kerbal on duna. All of these accomplishments are from about a year ago, and recently just bought the game for myself (had been using roommates shared copy on steam). So I am now basically learning the game all over, and after listening to my favorite kerbal podcast with Biff and Nos, and watching TONS of Scott Manley (sp?) I'm starting to realize that I can't honestly even count those accomplishments because 1.) Didn't know what I was doing when I did it (lol) and 2.) can't even remember how I did them. I did however put some of my newly found knowledge from aforementioned media outlets to use, and just (and I mean JUST) achieved an orbit around kerbin with only a 5km differential! I was rather proud of this but I still have so many questions. So...here they are ^-^

1. How do you calculate TWR? I did google it but...I may need a 'for dummies' version.

2. ... is Delta V? I googled that as well but the answer was less than explanatory.

3. What is ISP? Haven't gotten around to checking out that one myself yet :o

4. I know I need to know what the gravitational pull of a celestial body is to figure out the TWR for a particular stage/craft to lift off...how do I find that out? :)

Thanks in advance, and hello all! :D

Edited by Random Hooded Stranger
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Sup everyone KBullDude in the house. First time i played I was hooked. The shear scope and technical aspect of the game addicted me the min i got my first rocket off the ground. Bought it and have yet to regret my decision. Fantastic game Squad, and to all the Modders out there, your also doing some fantastic work, keep it up.

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1. How do you calculate TWR? I did google it but...I may need a 'for dummies' version.

2. ... is Delta V? I googled that as well but the answer was les than explanatory.

3. What is ISP? Haven't gotten around to checking out that one myself yet :o

4. I know I need to know what the gravitational pull of a celestial body is to figure out the TWR for a particular stage/craft to lift off...how do I find that out? :)

Hello and welcome.

  1. Divide Thrust by Mass (weight), dumb enough? Seriously - in the VAB/SPH when you mouse-over engines their max thrust is shown, so you know that bit. There is an 'i'nformation button at the bottom of the screen that will tell you the vehicle mass. (Thrust / Mass) -> TWR; <1 means you're glued to the ground, =1 means you can hover or maintain vertical speed but that's all, >1 means you can fly! Minimum recommended launch TWR is 1.2, 1.6-1.7 is 'usual'. As you burn fuel your mass decreases but, since the thrust remains the same, the TWR increases. When you jettison stages the whole thing changes so you ideally work all this out for each stage, working backwards from the last (topmost).
  2. DeltaV is 'potential change in velocity vector'. 'Velocity' = 'speed', 'vector' = 'in a particular direction'. Together, it's all a measure of how much you can accelerate, slow down (accelerate in the opposite direction) or go sideways. For Kerbin launch you need ~4,500m/s deltaV and gravity and the atmosphere grab most of it, in space once you're moving you keep moving because there's no atmosphere to slow you down. You therefore use deltaV (by burning fuel -> changing 'potential' into 'actual' change in velocity vector) to change where you're going or how fast you're going there. The rocket equation looks difficult but basically means "the more efficient your engines are and the more fuel they have, the more they can do", which makes sense :-) Use a spreadsheet or one of the MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer Redux or VOID mods to work it out for you.
  3. Isp is engine "Specific Impulse" (mathematicians are wierd, so that's "I"mpulse "specific" in jargon). Just think of it as the engine fuel-efficiency, look it up in the VAB. same as thrust in 1 above. for the engines you're using and stick it in the rocket equation to calculate your deltaV in 2 above.
  4. Worry about that when you start going to other bodies, stick with Kerbin for now! Best answer anyway is look on the wiki

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Hello and welcome.

  1. Divide Thrust by Mass (weight), dumb enough? Seriously - in the VAB/SPH when you mouse-over engines their max thrust is shown, so you know that bit. There is an 'i'nformation button at the bottom of the screen that will tell you the vehicle mass. (Thrust / Mass) -> TWR; <1 means you're glued to the ground, =1 means you can hover or maintain vertical speed but that's all, >1 means you can fly! Minimum recommended launch TWR is 1.2, 1.6-1.7 is 'usual'. As you burn fuel your mass decreases but, since the thrust remains the same, the TWR increases. When you jettison stages the whole thing changes so you ideally work all this out for each stage, working backwards from the last (topmost).
  2. DeltaV is 'potential change in velocity vector'. 'Velocity' = 'speed', 'vector' = 'in a particular direction'. Together, it's all a measure of how much you can accelerate, slow down (accelerate in the opposite direction) or go sideways. For Kerbin launch you need ~4,500m/s deltaV and gravity and the atmosphere grab most of it, in space once you're moving you keep moving because there's no atmosphere to slow you down. You therefore use deltaV (by burning fuel -> changing 'potential' into 'actual' change in velocity vector) to change where you're going or how fast you're going there. The rocket equation looks difficult but basically means "the more efficient your engines are and the more fuel they have, the more they can do", which makes sense :-) Use a spreadsheet or one of the MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer Redux or VOID mods to work it out for you.
  3. Isp is engine "Specific Impulse" (mathematicians are wierd, so that's "I"mpulse "specific" in jargon). Just think of it as the engine fuel-efficiency, look it up in the VAB. same as thrust in 1 above. for the engines you're using and stick it in the rocket equation to calculate your deltaV in 2 above.
  4. Worry about that when you start going to other bodies, stick with Kerbin for now! Best answer anyway is look on the wiki

Wow sir, amazing answers! :D Thank you very much, that made it quite a bit more clear than the equations I was looking at for TWR. Still might take me some practice with numbers to have it down but I do get it now. So much information! *nerdsout*

As far as DeltaV goes, the explanation is perfect, I just don't quite understand how the math behind it works. But that's okay! :D I has brane and lern real gud! Lol seriously though this game has inspired me to find out not only how this stuff works in KSP but in RL too :3 Thank you again for the answers!

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Welcome to the forum, stranger. :P

Wow sir, amazing answers! :D Thank you very much, that made it quite a bit more clear than the equations I was looking at for TWR. Still might take me some practice with numbers to have it down but I do get it now. So much information! *nerdsout*

As far as DeltaV goes, the explanation is perfect, I just don't quite understand how the math behind it works. But that's okay! :D I has brane and lern real gud! Lol seriously though this game has inspired me to find out not only how this stuff works in KSP but in RL too :3 Thank you again for the answers!

Glad you could get answers to your questions. I was writing responses when I realized that you had already been answered.

By the way, Kerbal Engineer Redux calculates a lot of stuff for you if you don't want to do all that work.

See you around! And remember: any landing you can walk away from . . . probably ended terribly, but at least you walked away from it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone!

Been playing KSP since .23, and played over 1000 hours.

Very happy with the game, easily my most played game of all time!

I'll probably be active (Most likely playing KSP) every day.

Anyway, I'm off to take Jeb to the Mun and back (gotta get that Science!).

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Hello everyone!

Been playing KSP since .23, and played over 1000 hours.

Very happy with the game, easily my most played game of all time!

I'll probably be active (Most likely playing KSP) every day.

Anyway, I'm off to take Jeb to the Mun and back (gotta get that Science!).

Hi, welcome! I hope you have a great time here.

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