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I created an account here a long time ago but I never posted anything until this week. This forum is great! I'm from Montreal, Canada. I play KSP since version 0.23, and I love how the game keeps getting better.


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Greetings, Kerbonaughts!

I'm very new to KSP. I had heard about it before from a couple places, finally got curious enough to try a demo. Loved it! Been playing 1.0.4 since a couple weeks back and it's just so engaging. I had already been researching space travel just for fun, so I brought a halfway decent understanding of the math (or at least factors) behind rockets and orbits. Learned a LOT playing KSP. LOVE IT.

Mostly I've been playing career mode with some fair accomplishments - a successful manned Mun landing, an LKO space station, working plans for a longer mission to Minmus with a science lab, lander, and tons of extra fuel. (Clearly I have too much time on my hands.)

As hooked as I am on the game, I get the sense that the game's community is really great. I'm kinda inexperienced at jumping into forums, though, so... where do I plug in?

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Hello JeSuisPret, and welcome to the forums!

Always happy to welcome another fellow Canadian.

Hello Kyrt Malthorn, and welcome!

You have accomplished a lot in a couple of weeks.

We have an excellent community which is very helpful, informative, interesting, and somewhat fractious at times.

There is always much useful info in the Gameplay Questions section of the forums as well as in the Tutorials subsection.

I often find discussions of interest in the General KSP Discussion section. I also find interesting challenges to participate in within the Challenges section.

There is a lot to see around here. Spend some time and make yourselves at home.

Happy landings!

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Hi all :)

Started playing KSP a while back after hearing it mentioned a few times on Astronomy Cast, and since then have got a couple of friends interested in the game too. I'm playing both the Career and Science games depending on my mood when I start (usually Science) and have got a few things right - manned (kerballed?) landings on the Mun and Minmus plus a probe going to Duna which will afterwards land on Ike.

And now I've stopped lurking on the forum :D

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Hello, I have been playing for about a week now since making this the first new PC game I've bought in about 10 years!

I've just done an orbit of the Mun and will be looking at sending up some landers soon.

A couple of quick questions, I'm sure there might be somewhere on the forum about this, but:

1. Is there an easy way to calculate the total velocity changes needed for a series of particular maneuvers - and then added to that how much fuel/thrust you need for a payload? I've been guessing/trial and erroring so far.

2. Is there a way of knowing where biomes are other than constant EVAing? It may be that this comes with scanners further down the tech tree, I only have everything at science level 90 just now.

This is a really great piece of work and a great way to test out my rusty maths and physics!

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Welcome to the forums, DH_Ocelot! :)

Speaking of tutorials: Since you're a new player, you might find the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature, to be useful. It has tons of tutorials, guides, and other references listed, and some of them are specifically aimed at newer players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone!

I Am New here.

I love KSP. It's one of the best if not the best game around, at least in my opinion.

I started playing after watching a few of Scott Manley's videos on ytube which I think are great! I am still new at playing but they help a lot at getting started and I especially like that he makes mistakes here and there which makes them funny but at the same time I don't feel so bad when I make booboos myself. I also notice that there are many many videos by others as well on just about everything you want to know about the game or the mods and have been checking out some of those. like I mentioned, I am new here but I can already tell there is a wealth of info here too. I cant wait until I am good enough to do things like building space stations, building stuff on other planets and things like that. I am about to attempt my first mun landing to give an idea how far along I am.

Well I am off to start checking out all the interesting stuff on this site.

are there any plans for a multiplayer version sometime? that could be pretty cool.

Good luck everyone in your rocket building!! :)


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I've been playing KSP for a month or so now and have found myself in that very deep "I'll just add one more mod" hole, and I'm loving every minute! As I have trawled through these forums on many occasions already I figured it's high time I registered so I can get involved in the community and tell everyone what a job they're doing! (Seriously, thank you for this game and endless mods!)

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Hello Porter, and welcome to the forums!

I still think it's the best game around. There is a tonne of valuable info around the forums, along with much amusement.

There are indeed plans for multiplayer with much development work well underway as I understand it.

Hello Rokanov, and welcome!

I'm always glad to have a former lurker aboard. I'm sure that you'll enjoy being involved with the community.

Happy landings!

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Hey there robertlong13!

I speak from experience, mods are difficult to make. I thought it would be a simple little thing, but I had to put the work on hold for a long time (and plan on getting back to it at some point) after real life got in the way, since it was more daunting than anticipated. MBS Mod

So, if you are dedicated enough to carry through, hats off to you!


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I got on the forums just to submit my single-stage ISRU Jool-5 ship, which apparently might be the first one if no one gets it done before it completes it's extremely long mission: Kerbin-Minmus-Ike-Duna-Dres-Laythe-Bop-Vall-Bop-Tylo-Bop-Pol-Dres-Duna-Mun-Kerbin or something like that. I might add Gilly, Moho, and Eeloo, and it just might be worthy of Eve...

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