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Hello all! Recent new member, who loves space even more than the talking head in Portal 2... and knows just about as much about getting there successfully ;)

Quick question: The forum FAQ says I should be moved out of the "Curious George" group (and given permission to change avatar/signature, and post without delay) automatically after my third post... but that did not happen. Is it something a moderator has to do (I assumed no, from the use of "automatically")? I certainly don't want to be all impatient and such... but I am, alas, impatient and such ;)

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Hallo Kerbonauts. I am Karmano Vorxotauriat, and I have played Kerbal Space Program for aboot 4 months now. It is a Vevy good game.

Hello Vorkotauriat, and welcome!

I'm sorry I missed your post earlier, and hope you enjoy and enrich the forums!

Happy landings!

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Hello everyone!

I've been looking-downloading mods for a long time & I`ve finally decided to register.

The only thing I can say at this moment is: I need more mods installed a the same time!!

See you around!

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