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Howdy All-

Just got into KSP and am having a blast with it. Thanks to the devs and all the gurus whose tutorials I've been absorbing the last few days.

My major accomplishment so far: After getting to Mun, 1 of the crew got frustrated trying to figure out how to undock the lander. Eventually, he decided he didn't need no stinkin' lander, jumped out the hatch at 80km, faced retrograde, and deorbited himself with his EVA pack. This got him down no trouble but didn't even come close to killing his sideways velocity. There is thus a new, rather shallow crater on Mun named "Bill Kerbal" :).

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@ KOHunched: I believe SOME of the colors are like this: You get purple while planning a transfer orbit at the point where you come under the influence of the distance planet/moon you're heading toward, the line being orange before then. And then, usually you fly past that planet unless you do a braking burn so the line turns green after the purple segment, which shows you're now in orbit around the sun from that point. I THINK.

@Cokestar: With Steam, the game will keep itself up to date with the latest patches so don't worry about that. As for other parts and stuff, those are mods made by users. Go to the Spaceport on the list when you 1st start up the game and browse away. There seem to be thousands of them: parts, entire vehicles, heavenly bodies, aids to navigation, you name it.

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I said hello on the other thread, but I want to get my post count up so I can have an avatar :P

Kerbal Space Program is the first game that doesn't have killing other things in it(yet)

If you think that KSP does not involve the killing of other people (sentient species), then you have not played for very long ;)

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Hey everybody, I just came to the forums after encountering a problem with KSP although I've been playing for a little over a month and have according to steam 97 hours in. KSP has fast become one of if not my favorite current game, and I look foreward to discussing my (mis)adventures with you all.



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Hello people, been a fan of KSP since late last year, mostly enjoying it through others' videos, considering my computer (1 GB of RAM...). Still, I've been playing a bit. Had the most satisfying feeling of accomplishment from a video game since I can remember when I was able to connect two poorly made pieces of a space station together after hours of frustration. When I get my new computer I hope to have more impressive accomplishments (and explosions) to be proud of, and hopefully less lag based frustration and more legitimate problem based frustration. =P

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Hello people, been a fan of KSP since late last year, mostly enjoying it through others' videos, considering my computer (1 GB of RAM...). Still, I've been playing a bit. Had the most satisfying feeling of accomplishment from a video game since I can remember when I was able to connect two poorly made pieces of a space station together after hours of frustration. When I get my new computer I hope to have more impressive accomplishments (and explosions) to be proud of, and hopefully less lag based frustration and more legitimate problem based frustration. =P

KSP only takes up about 700MB memory for me. I am using linux, so my OS only takes about 100MB ram alone.

You could try running the linux build on a slitaz dual-boot. Seriusly, if there is a driver for your video card included, you ARE going to play it flawlessly. You can PM me for linux help if you need.

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Hello folks, so i'm the new one *lol* :-)

Finally i mastered to reach the Mun with my "Megalopowermus"-Rocket. My little Kerb just did a great job, took some rounds around Kerbin, made plenty of swing-by's and all of the sudden, he had an Mun-Encounter - well, "all of the sudden" is rather meant to be, like 25 attempts or so....

But it was a great joy to see him laugh at all, and not to scream in insanity about crashing into the surface of Kerbin or getting lost in the deep void ;-)

So, after around 28h ingame (with a lot of try and error) i'm happy it worked at all. So this is why i joined this forum now..perhaps i can find some new ideas or simply find nice people to talk about (even so small) progresses. With the landing on Mun i feel like i'm ready to participate in this forum ;-)

And to mention it, i'm really happy, that after severeal years of boringnes i found a game, that's so much fun. I was just to give up hope...

So long,


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Hey people! I'm 'Lazer Cut' :)

I thought that after having played this game for so long(at least over 250 hours), I'd join the forums. Currently I'm working on a SSTO spaceplane design that I in vain try to get to go on interplanetary travels WITHOUT refueling(hopeless case, added docking port now). Other than that, I've made a lifter with 90t of capacity, a rover craft I've successfully landed on Eve(and mun) and a space station/ship(2 jumbo's with 4 nuclear engines).

Is it possible at all to make a spaceplane that can takeoff from Kerbin and land on, lets say Duna, without refueling? My best design had like 1200 deltaV after getting into orbit and that's far from enough(i use mechjeb and Kerbal engineer mod, rest stock)

Lastly, is there any news on when KSP is going to get optimized? really, I hate flying 500+ parts ships at 5 fps q_q(especially since I got a heavy gaming rig)

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Hey people! I'm 'Lazer Cut' :)

I thought that after having played this game for so long(at least over 250 hours), I'd join the forums.

Are you sure about this? 250 hrs is a very, very long time. That's 83 days if you play 3 hrs a day, every day. If so, awesome and you've got waaay more experience than me.

Currently I'm working on a SSTO spaceplane design that I in vain try to get to go on interplanetary travels WITHOUT refueling(hopeless case, added docking port now). Other than that, I've made a lifter with 90t of capacity, a rover craft I've successfully landed on Eve(and mun) and a space station/ship(2 jumbo's with 4 nuclear engines).

Is it possible at all to make a spaceplane that can takeoff from Kerbin and land on, lets say Duna, without refueling? My best design had like 1200 deltaV after getting into orbit and that's far from enough(i use mechjeb and Kerbal engineer mod, rest stock)

If you're definition of an SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) is the same as mine, I don't believe it is possible with the stock engines and their efficiency. Course yours would be named SSTD ;)

Lastly, is there any news on when KSP is going to get optimized? really, I hate flying 500+ parts ships at 5 fps q_q(especially since I got a heavy gaming rig)

I believe KSP was updated to Unity 4, allowing it to run off a Multi-core processor (up to a quad). Maybe someone else who knows for sure can back me up here. My ships are rarely even close to 500 parts. Even my heavy lifters are around 230 and I get no lag. Maybe you should try and optimize your designs a little bit. Less is more.

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Are you sure about this? 250 hrs is a very, very long time. That's 83 days if you play 3 hrs a day, every day. If so, awesome and you've got waaay more experience than me

Well, maybe not 250 hours of 'active' playing, but my computer has been running the game for around so long. I guess that I maybe cheated a little bit, as it's a known case for me to have it running on my other monitor while I'm playing LoL on the main x)

If you're definition of an SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) is the same as mine, I don't believe it is possible with the stock engines and their efficiency. Course yours would be named SSTD ;)

Just saw a post with a dude having one, but that involved alot of clipping and spamming of air intakes. Meh, I feel like doing that is kind of cheating, but it's an achievement anyway. SSTD(Single Stage To Destination?), would have been so cool to make!

I believe KSP was updated to Unity 4, allowing it to run off a Multi-core processor (up to a quad). Maybe someone else who knows for sure can back me up here. My ships are rarely even close to 500 parts. Even my heavy lifters are around 230 and I get no lag. Maybe you should try and optimize your designs a little bit. Less is more.

Read multiple places that KSP is not multi-threaded, and is not effectively using GPU's. Of course, it might be possible that some mods are slowing me down, heard some rumors about the subassembly mod doing that. But yeah, I'm working on optimizations, I just really wanted to make a Battlestar Galactica replica with a hull(structural plates), but to make it 'scale' I had to dock the parts(600+ parts) together, and well, that was where my fps broke.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, got my new laptop, ready for space exploration for real this time, honest. Just need to get into space mode.

KSP only takes up about 700MB memory for me. I am using linux, so my OS only takes about 100MB ram alone.

You could try running the linux build on a slitaz dual-boot. Seriusly, if there is a driver for your video card included, you ARE going to play it flawlessly. You can PM me for linux help if you need.

Honestly, I've been thinking pretty hard about switching over to linux. I was mostly waiting until I got my own computer first though, so now I suppose I could get started. I'd prefer trying to do the dual-boot thing or one of the other methods of keeping both OS's for now...(it's been awhile since I looked into this stuff >_>)
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Hai guyz, been lurkin the forums for a while, I recently bought KSP off Steam after getting hooked to the demo (played it a ton!). Hopin to join this awesome community and be able to support Squad in their development of KSP, and eventually conquer the world. As in the words of Kerbal Genius, Scott Manley, fly safe!

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Hey everyone. I've been playing KSP for about a month now, had seen it for a little while on Steam and had considered buying it but it never really seemed interesting to me. Eventually I tried the demo, crashed a bunch, and immediately fell in love. It's the same sort of feeling I had when first playing Minecraft back in October of 2010. I'm still not that great at it, but this game is awesome! I just started trying out some mods and decided to do a Let's Play of sorts. I've only done one episode so far, but if anyone is interested, I'll post my channel. TheMagico13/ I am definitely looking forward to the future of this game and its community!

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Hello to all Kerbonauts! I just started playing KSP a little over a month ago (with the help of Scott Manley's excellent tutorials) and I am new to the forums (hence the curious george)! I'd like to thank the devs for making such a to great and entertaining game and I look forward to the next update(s).

Edited by Lewiskerbington
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Hello there! I've been playing the demo for a few days now and just recently put Jeb on a decent orbit around Kerbal. I had an attempt at landing on Mun but I messed it up by pressing the space bar accidentally and jettisoning my booster rocket/landing gear/RCS fuel/RCS thrusters so poor Jeb was stuck on an orbit all by himself which he couldn't escape from...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting the full game soon and expanding my explorations to other planets! Hopefully within a year or so of casual playing I'll have a decent collection of space stations and settlements on land. Cheers!

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Hello everybody.

I've seen KSP on steam for a while (since they started featuring it) and put off playing it for some time (5 months i think), just over a week ago i took the plunge and wow was i confused (which is extremely rare for me), i bought it after about 2hrs of playing and have dumped about 30 hrs or so into developing a rover that will work good on the moon. i'm currently working on mkIII and will hopefully have something quite useful by mkV.

I hope to eventually put a refueling station in orbit, put a small base on the moon and possibly minimus then start planning missions to other planets/moons.

I am also working out some prerequisites to start doing video tutorials/lets play/collab series...maybe, we will see.

is this game awesome or what?

I do have one question, how do you change your avatar? - wasn't enabled for me yet.

Edited by Grim187
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Well.... I'm up. Dunno how long it's going to last for. How the heck do I get back dooo...........

hm. Time to rethink that launcher design.

Anyhow, about me. I'm brickviking, I came here on someone else's behest - some guy called Namelesswonder from esper.net's #minecrafthelp. I don't know his forum username here, but he sneered about the fact that I'd never downloaded KSP. Anyhow, I bought the beastie, finally managed to LAUNCH my first ship. Then found out that getting it back onto the ground wasn't quite as easy as I thought.

I've been in the world of Minecraft since August 2011, and played many other games before then (most of them not very well). This looks like another keeper. Now if I could only get it working on Linux... sigh.

(Post 1)

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finally managed to LAUNCH my first ship. Then found out that getting it back onto the ground wasn't quite as easy as I thought.

I've been in the world of Minecraft since August 2011, and played many other games before then (most of them not very well). This looks like another keeper. Now if I could only get it working on Linux... sigh.

(Post 1)

Yeah, the deceptive ease goes away fast once you try to DO stuff. it all LOOKS simple, though. :)

Not a Linux user, but there are quite a few... check the technical forums, or start up a thread in the "How To" section here in general. Good Luck!

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Basically, the error seems to be that I get as far as loading the loading screen, I get about 1% through, then it drops out with no clue as to why. I'm going to redownload the Linux client zipfile (now I've bought the thing) and reinstall and check. Thanks for the encouragements.

(Post 2)

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I'm new to the program but have to say I'm already addicted! Its comforting to find a game where you require more thought than just point and shoot. Keep up the great work, guys.

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