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Quadcopter/Extra Small Probe Parts. FIRST RELEASE AVAILABLE (fixed now...I think)


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  hieywiey said:
It won't load past "TinyEgine" for some reason, it always stops there.

Someone just tried to load that hypothetical piece of straw that broke Jebediah's metaphorical back. If they had spines anyway... obviously they don't, considering how they bounce so well. Just the minor problem of occasionally being perforated and going -poof- out of existence.

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I have now encountered a new issue (which wasnt there yesterday, so its confusing me to no end). I have installed these parts on a fresh installation of KSP, but when these parts are loaded, all stock parts (aside from Kerbodyne stuff) will not load in the VAB or SPH. If these symptoms seem familiar, and you know of a fix please message me.

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Firstly loving the quad, slight issue when loading previously launched quads from mission control the attach nodes seem to have shifted. The quad looks fine in the VAB and when first lauched but when you return to the ship from another this happens16BYeki.png?2

I am running very few mods(8)

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  angusmcbeth said:
Got this to load past tinyengine by downloading the entire firespitter pack.

And here I thought I was only calling the FireSpitter DLL, I need to see what else its reliant upon (I will state again that there is very good reason that I stick to only modelling most of the time :P)

  Sage Sagan said:
Firstly loving the quad, slight issue when loading previously launched quads from mission control the attach nodes seem to have shifted. The quad looks fine in the VAB and when first lauched but when you return to the ship from another this happensa>

I am running very few mods(8)

It looks like you used the 0.5m pack, seems the probe part doesnt like to scale with the rest of the parts there (its the same size as the 0.25m version from the looks of that image).

I actually had this issue quite a bit when sorting this mod out. When reloading a craft, apparently rescalefactor in the CFG is ignored for command parts.

Well its all early days, this mod was literally born like 3 days ago so bugs abound everywhere.

Edited by electronicfox
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  electronicfox said:
And here I thought I was only calling the FireSpitter DLL, I need to see what else its reliant upon (I will state again that there is very good reason that I stick to only modelling most of the time :P)

Engine sounds perhaps?

Keep going mate its looking great!!

edit: should mention that I am using win64bit ksp

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  angusmcbeth said:
  electronicfox said:
And here I thought I was only calling the FireSpitter DLL, I need to see what else its reliant upon (I will state again that there is very good reason that I stick to only modelling most of the time :P)

Engine sounds perhaps?

Keep going mate its looking great!!

edit: should mention that I am using win64bit ksp

I literally just came to the same conclusion. I'm calling engine sounds from the pack. If it cant find them sounds on loading it just doesnt load properly at all. I'll repack all this soon a bit more properly.

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Just a quick bug report, downloaded the latest version of the smaller parts and I am experiencing the re-size bug when a quad is resumed from the KSC screen.

Whichever part is the root part seems to be the one that re-sizes, hope this is helpful.

On a happier note I just wanted to say how awesome this pack is, my Duna quad is undergoing final testsmtBuZ73.jpg?2QPhWsV3.jpg?1

Hullcam Kerb Pro on fixed mount with Bahamuto D's mouse tracking spotlight re-scaled and mounted on a short 5th arm, Scansat anomaly detector

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  Sage Sagan said:
Just a quick bug report, downloaded the latest version of the smaller parts and I am experiencing the re-size bug when a quad is resumed from the KSC screen.

Whichever part is the root part seems to be the one that re-sizes, hope this is helpful.

On a happier note I just wanted to say how awesome this pack is, my Duna quad is undergoing final testshttp://i.imgur.com/mtBuZ73.jpg?2http://i.imgur.com/QPhWsV3.jpg?1

Hullcam Kerb Pro on fixed mount with Bahamuto D's mouse tracking spotlight re-scaled and mounted on a short 5th arm, Scansat anomaly detector

It seems that the rescale factor in the CFG gets ignored for root parts when a ship is reloaded. The only way I think I can fix it is to scale everything up/down in Unity manually rather than depending on the CFG rescale (unless anyone has a fix for this).

Great to see the parts being used otherwise!

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There is a workaround, if you save your finished quad as a sub-assembly and then start a new model with the re-sized docking port as the root part and attach the sub-assembly to the docking port the bug does not occur.

Also the engines seem very over-powered, I find that setting the electric props to 60% in the VAB makes the quad a lot easier to fly. Maybe something to be looked at in the final config

Edited by Sage Sagan
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  Sage Sagan said:
There is a workaround, if you save your finished quad as a sub-assembly and then start a new model with the re-sized docking port as the root part and attach the sub-assembly to the docking port the bug does not occur.

Also the engines seem very over-powered, I find that setting the electric props to 60% in the VAB makes the quad a lot easier to fly. Maybe something to be looked at in the final config

The strength of the propellers was made with Duna and Eve flying in mind. You need more power to fly on those planets.

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Hi loving the quad copter and as promised I've built a weapon system to suit. Flight is comparable to some of the bigger RC ones I've messed with.

My only reservation is the awkwardness of the assembly, the connection nodes hiding some parts completely, perhaps an engine mount or set of mounts in various cfg's 3 , 4 ,6 etc that are complete and just require a single attachment point on the core? . I may actually do this for personal use anyway but other users may find a use for something similar


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  SpannerMonkey(smce) said:
Hi loving the quad copter and as promised I've built a weapon system to suit. Flight is comparable to some of the bigger RC ones I've messed with.

My only reservation is the awkwardness of the assembly, the connection nodes hiding some parts completely, perhaps an engine mount or set of mounts in various cfg's 3 , 4 ,6 etc that are complete and just require a single attachment point on the core? . I may actually do this for personal use anyway but other users may find a use for something similar

Now all we need is a plugin that allows four or so of these to fly in formation, then we can have swarms of Drones! Mwahahaha!

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