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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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I skimmed the thread, and can't find any numbers for how much zoxygen a kerbal uses up over a given time period. Did I miss something? I want to calculate how much battery power I need for a lander to survive the Minmus night. Trial & error takes too long :D

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Hi friends,

I tested ZO2 system w/017 in two days.

Short report:

- The MAIN system is working fine

- created based on the instructions on the first page solar panels with SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech Module provide charging in normal mode (EPS gain) - no problems found (using Kosmos and DynaVolt modify panels)

Identified problems:

1. Changed the icon in the parts list of ship: in 0.16 was displayed as a fuel tank in blue, but in 0.17 as a radial decoupler also in blue, but it works correctly.

2. For all panels with SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech Module does not appear in the description of the panel (in stock) the value of collected EPS

3. the main problem identified:

- when trying to install a small external EPS tank is something strange - the sound is heard as if incorrectly installed, the program freezes for a few seconds (the sound does not stop), and then attached the tank disappears.

- after trying to install external tanks become impossible to attach any other element on the surface.

- if you save and load the ship again (not restart the game) you can normally install the modules on the surface of the other, but until you try to install an external EPS tank.

A similar situation with a large external tank and the battery (F Cells and Nuclear)

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2. For all panels with SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech Module does not appear in the description of the panel (in stock) the value of collected EPS

It's a limitation of the part modules. It works with the partResGenerator integrated in SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech without an additional part module, just add

partResGenerator = True
power = [energy gained per second]

AFAIK EPS uses values per fixed frame (1/50s), while everything else including PowerTech uses values par second.

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This mod works fine in 17 (no eps) but dropping out from extreme warp will sometimes disintegrate the ship. Ithink thats common with all mods. Ie this is a game engine problem.

Yeah, and i really hope this will be fixed soon.

Its happening to me very often since we have the additional planet, because you always need max warp.

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Tested thoroughly with Zoxygene module attached direct to cockpit with three kerbals on board, sped up time, waited one month. No zoxygene use. Battery was seperated by cross feed fuel connector to test whether the mod creator set the mod up properly (to cross feed) and depleted a tiny bit within the first second of 'launch' (never left the pad) and never went down any further. I ran similar tests in 0.16 before removing the mod, it appears that this is cosmetic only (random parts and HUD fluff) and has no purpose beyond that. If it used to function, it doesn't anymore and hasn't for a while.

Could the mod creator please let us know what's going on? Edit your main post on this thread, keep us in the loop. Life support mods are an essential Squad themselves should be adding, but in the interim we need some purpose to this game!

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When atmospheric, Zoxygene is drawn from the planet's atmosphere outside the vessel.

Like that, the ship can exist almost indefinately without ever running out of it or of power.

Press O while on the launch pad. You'll see the gauges move, the power draw will go up by a factor of about 60x, and if the power supply can't keep up it wil rapidly consume all of the stored Zoxygene.

Mind you, the kerbals won't suffocate- Zoxygene can still be obtained from the atmosphere.

Now if you torture test them in this manner while in orbit, the mod will indeed kill the kerbals.

I had a ship last night that was using a Fuel Cell to keep the batteries charged while in-flight, drawing power from my landing stage.

Well, I get halfway to Minimus, and my low zoxygene alarm went off. I check, and not only has my level dropped to 0, but the fuel cells burned up all of my lander's fuel while I was in time warp on my way to minimus.

Seems like the most practical way to power this for flights of any length of time is to use either a solar array with large batteries, or just use the nuclear battery units. Fuel cells just eat up tons of fuel when going any further than LKO.

Edited by OdinYggd
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Trying this out for further than LKO and possibly interplanetary travel. I tried using the drill both big and normal and neither one would provide any power to the ZO2 system. I put the pointy end twords the ground while on the moon and nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need another plug in?

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