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Tier One Space Center CONFIRMED: It's a barn!


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At a first look I agreed with many of you that it seems underwhelming. This modeling is not the greatest, but I think it could work.

Speaking of odd, the island runway makes absolutely no sense now. Its in the same style of the max-level KSC, yet is run down and clearly a relic of an older space program. The same older space program the Kerbals seem to have "purchased" in these screenshots. Comprised mainly of caravans and farm buildings.

I don't think the island airfield means there was a previous space program, but it does suggest there was aeroplane activity before, which is a bit on an inconsistency, with you supposedly developing wing technology part way into the game.

I don't think the existence of the rudimentary facilities suggests there was a previous space program, just that the kerbals are starting to set one up.

I prefer it without hints of a previous space program, it's more interesting if you are the one leading the first step into space.

but its not a feature that would entice me into KSP. Infact if I'd just found KSP for the first time, I kinda feel that would put me off, its just a bit......gimmicky

This is a good point- Though I think it could be overcome by use of an appropriate framing device- a cinematic, or some sort of speech from Gene, or some other Kerbal explaining the situation, the kerbals have just founded a space program, you have been chosen to lead them to the stars, yadda yadda. Our facilities and technology are still pretty rudimentary, but hopefully you can change things!

I wish they still had Bac9 on board.

Agreed. He was a proper pro.


This is Robert Goddard ( I think); that seems like a pretty "temp" shed made of wood.

This is a good point. I wonder how soon you'd be able move away from these temporary looking structures.

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Btw, i like the design. It has the right amount of humor, if somewhat low poly compared to the modern facility, and is something we will probably move away from in little time. Just a nice way to show with how little you start and how big you get, instead of a monstrous spaceport from the beginning. I really like that theme, because it kinda mirrors your path with ksp.

Im okay with these buildings but,I really think that we should start to game with unmanned modules,I mean Why are we sending kerbals to first space mission,we should send stayputnik.

Stayputnik is a highly developed remote controlled computer. Being realistic would mean purely programmed missions with little to no ability to influence after launch.

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Im okay with these buildings but,I really think that we should start to game with unmanned modules,I mean Why are we sending kerbals to first space mission,we should send stayputnik.

Agreed. The buildings are reasonable, since the KSC starting as just a fer kerbals' pet project really fits the theme, but I can't imagine launching a manned mission from this place.

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Please tell me these models and textures are replaceable?

Sorry guys, I want to be supportive, but it's too cartoony for me. I get that it's supposed to be representative of humble beginnings, but the textures and poly count are really low grade.

I'm feeling that if memory limitations are a concern here, then it might be worth forgoing plans of multiple tiers and sticking to a smaller number of models that are done at a higher standard. Ack.... I hate being mean with feedback.

Help us Kerbinside, you're our only hope.

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This is a copy of my reddit post.

I think that this is the wrong approach. This buildings looks very sloppy. There is nothing wrong with the humble beginnings and repurposing the existing structures. But humble is very different from sloppy. Kerbals should be reckless, not dumb. You can't expect to pile a lot of scraps and use it as a space center. And some of this buildings look like a pile of scraps.

Leaving the art design aside, this models look very poorly done and the textures also looks very bad. This models are way below from the standards set by the current buildings.

This models reminds me of the old VAB. I will not be surprised if they recycle the old VAB interior for the barn.

I don't want to make a rant here. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed and very sad.

Also, I don't want to be the guy who only complains.

So, if some modder is thinking on a way to replace this buildings. I'm a 3D modeler, and

. I can make a couple of buildings.
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Ugh :/ this messed up my morning to be honest. Of all the ideas about what Kerbals are like, from the most tight and sensible to the extremely far fetched....Trailer park redneck type thing ? Really? I don't find that remotely amusing. I can't even relate to it. It's the first time I say something like this about SQUAD's work , and I've been around since 0.13 (!), but this is CHEAP! It's a really really cheap attempt at humor, if that's the point anyway! It's not even clear what the point is! this is just bad art design build upon bad art direction. I wasn't expecting anything more than passable at best from this, but no I'm genuinely shocked this time!

I don't think I can still be expect anything more to look forward to from SQUAD's part after this. Yes, I've got my money's worth a hundred fold and I'm not claiming rip-off one bit. But this is it. And I feel sad to think that. Of all the potential this game had and could have been... Now I think it's just up to the awesomest modders on the planet. Thank you SQUAD for bringing us this far at least, and for taking good care of keeping your project open for modding.


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I just think that maybe EVA suits should be an unlockable thing. I've always thought it was weird that the very first orbital flight can also include a spacewalk, and these humble beginnings would only make it stand out more.

Agreed, something like: Basic flight suit (Big EVA warning like what you get trying to EVA in atmo) -> EVA suit (with safety tether) -> EVA mobility pack.

I've introduced a few people to the game, and I keep hearing 'Wow, Kerbals have thruster packs? I didn't realise and just let him float away' Making it part of the tech tree would cure this too.

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Ugh :/ this messed up my morning to be honest. Of all the ideas about what Kerbals are like, from the most tight and sensible to the extremely far fetched....Trailer park redneck type thing ? Really? I don't find that remotely amusing. I can't even relate to it.

The trailer park makes sense, even though it might have unfortunate cultural connotations in some parts of the world. When you start major field operations of any kind (e.g. military exercises, shooting a movie, a construction project, or a scientific expedition), you'll probably use trailers and cargo containers extensively. They're lightweight, easy to move around, and reasonably sophiticated, though often a bit cramped. The next phase would probably be building temporary structures and converting existing buildings for new purposes.

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Yeah, I actually kinda like the trailers. I can tell a story in my head where the trailers make sense as the very first mission command.

It's the junkyard that's the real sticking point.

I know that ever since part descriptions were introduced, they included lines like "trashcan full o' boom" and "found by the side of the road." This is obviously a notion that Squad have nurtured for a very long time. I remember the story about the very first Kerbals being made of (stolen) wadded up aluminum foil and launched on model rockets...

But how many players think of their spacecraft as being built out of trashcans, using parts found by the side of the road? How many stories have you read in these forums that embrace the whole junkyard aesthetic? Compare the hundreds of mod parts packs with a clean look, versus the three I can recall off the top of my head that deliberately tried to look dirty. How many YouTube or Twitch KSP guys tell stories about junkyard parts?

Squad may like the junk idea, but I've seen very little evidence that many players at all like it. I believe most KSP fans embraced this game despite the junkyard lore in the parts descriptions, not because of it.

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The idea of starting out as an amateur space company who can't afford proper facilities right from start makes perfect sense to me.

I love it!

...../ )

.....' /

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......... ((__)

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....... -'((__)


edit: I just hope they improve their graphics a bit, they look a bit plain c-:

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Yeah, I actually kinda like the trailers. I can tell a story in my head where the trailers make sense as the very first mission command.

It's the junkyard that's the real sticking point.

I know that ever since part descriptions were introduced, they included lines like "trashcan full o' boom" and "found by the side of the road." This is obviously a notion that Squad have nurtured for a very long time. I remember the story about the very first Kerbals being made of (stolen) wadded up aluminum foil and launched on model rockets...

But how many players think of their spacecraft as being built out of trashcans, using parts found by the side of the road? How many stories have you read in these forums that embrace the whole junkyard aesthetic? Compare the hundreds of mod parts packs with a clean look, versus the three I can recall off the top of my head that deliberately tried to look dirty. How many YouTube or Twitch KSP guys tell stories about junkyard parts?

Squad may like the junk idea, but I've seen very little evidence that many players at all like it. I believe most KSP fans embraced this game despite the junkyard lore in the parts descriptions, not because of it.

This basically sums up my perspective. I'm fine with the concept, but the art direction is like Rayman goes to Space.

Maybe the next mod pack to be integrated into stock will be Wacky Wood Wares?


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Yeah, I do think the textures could use some work. The junkyard/trailerpark IMO is a perfect start, but the textures look more cartoony than the rest of the game.

I know that ever since part descriptions were introduced, they included lines like "trashcan full o' boom" and "found by the side of the road." This is obviously a notion that Squad have nurtured for a very long time.

I think this is partly where the problem lies. While this has clearly been Squad's vision since the beginning, the game itself has been pretty much devoid of personality, with almost everything being some kind of weird shared headcanon. Now that Squad is adding the polish, it's conflicting with the game's "image" that was pretty much entirely made up by the fanbase.

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Not a fan. Completely jars with the visual style found in the rest of the game. The trailers are ok and expected, but the barn, telescope and silos all look too comical. The plane immediately looks out of place next to it all. I'd make the barn smaller and more shed-like, ditch the silos or at least give them better textures, and make the telescope look less steampunk and more like something your typical garden astronomer would put together. Make it look less like Redneck's do space, and more like an amateur astronomy/rocket club if you want a "humble beginnings" theme to the game start.

Ignoring the general style, the models and textures all look a bit rushed and "temporary" although that may be because they aren't yet finished.

Sorry to be so down on it, but it's best to give honest feedback so you guys can improve it and make KSP as great as possible!

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Squad may like the junk idea, but I've seen very little evidence that many players at all like it. I believe most KSP fans embraced this game despite the junkyard lore in the parts descriptions, not because of it.

Agreed. The junkyard lore does add something, maybe a reminder that you've cobbling together parts, and things may go wrong. Plus, the enthusiasm/recklessness of the kerbals encourages a new player to try, even if they may fail. But overplaying it would be bad.

This game appeal is in the building, the flying, the semi-realistic space experience, exploring new frontiers, discovering, etc. Once everything is unlocked, you should be able to run a pretty fancy space organisation.

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Not a fan. Completely jars with the visual style found in the rest of the game.

Agreed, the only way this would make any sense is if they bring out a line of 'junkyard' rocket parts.

Ho hum, I'm a sandboxer so no skin off my nose.

Squad, please start working on more exploration thingies please.


I fell in love with this game the second I reached orbit for the first time. That's telling.

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Really explains the names Jeb, Bill and Bob. :) They're rednecks!


I actually am really liking the barn. Early Career mode always seems slapped-together. The whole "building a space centre from the ground up" thing really fits with the progression of gameplay. I may stop starting with 60 science (to unlock the first four nodes) to do some solid launches from the barn. :)

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