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Explain that to the insurance agency


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You didn't prepare for the location of the Mun? We're not covering that.

Well, I put a landing leg up against it to see if I could get some free kraken power.

Your SSTO Bounces and Barrel-rolls into the VAB and destroys it upon landing.

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One of the landing gear wheels was missing its suspension.

My currently unmanned yet expensive space station explodes while in orbit (this is kinda a reference to the fact I think my Tantares Space Station is going to be destroyed once I load up the new version I think).

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Docking ports are not certified for vacuum, as stated in the pamphlet.

My VTOL jet was slowing down for a perfect vertical descent, then it flipped upside down at 10 meters from ground and began scraping it a hundred meters before exploding.

I swear I didn't smear any kind of jam or Nutella to ENHANCE VISION! on the canopy, so it's not Murphy's law.

Edited by Janos1986
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We will not cover that because if it was not certified, it would not be in space, correct?

We were rushed in its construction and had to make it in a day.

Your expensive reusable rocket crashes into the VAB, destroying it.

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  • 7 years later...

Well, um, the guys at Mission Control entered, um, by accident, the wrong, um, instruction sequence, effectively causing the rocket to smash, um, into our VAB.        (Can we get the insurance please? It costs a lot)

ANSWER: We won't cover that!


The guys at R&D accidentally confused a SRB and a fuel tank, causing the new rocket to explode.

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But... You can't get insurance for nothing? 

Well you've just annoyed my, causing me to feel bad. GIVE ME INSURANCE!


I crashed my SSTO into a mountain because I launched westwards from KSC.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/13/2022 at 1:19 PM, kerbiloid said:

Dres Canyon National Park was hit by a bobteorite, which left a crater.

but dres canyon is a gravity anomaly of the Dres Black Hole(you know,all planets are black holes plus neutron star dust on the balance point of their gravity and electromagnetic force)which cant be destroyed unless the black hole is moved.

Moving planets is against the law,so ur not getting any insureance and gotta pay 10 snacks for that dres moving

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