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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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I would suggest a clean install. Start fresh. It's cumbersome, but it will probably work.

Thats the problem. This is a clean install. Literally wiped the entire install location, installed ksp then ran ckan to install realism. Hadnt even played more than a few minutes before this happened. It also seems to freeze while loading 30% of the time and I have to shut the game down and reopen it. Then it loads fine. Any help would be appreciated. Only other thing i installed were the procedural mods (also ckan) and when prompted I chose the 4k dds rss.

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I found time to document my bending rocket bug!

Here are the mods I have installed!:


And here is the bug! (Incredibly bendy rockets)


Here is the rocket if you'd like to test it!


That's a combination of a long payload, a fairly high TWR, and most importantly an excess of control authority from thrust vectoring. Try reducing the gimbal range on those engines, or disabling gimbaling on some or most of them (keep it symmetric, of course). The rocket will turn more gradually and have less tendency to overcorrect.

You might also want to disable any reaction wheels in the payload before launch, as they can contribute to this sort of twisting; they're far from the rocket's center of mass, so they're just rotating their own local section of the stack.

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I found time to document my bending rocket bug!

Here are the mods I have installed!:


And here is the bug! (Incredibly bendy rockets)


Here is the rocket if you'd like to test it!


Ah yes, wobbly rocket syndrome. Fairly easily solved, just use the new re-root button in the editor tools:

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mr_trousers: that's a...really good point. Oops.

Is there any way to make is so the multiple antenna multiplier also extends to dish antennas and not just omnis? Because then you could just strap on several more Reflectron GX-128s, and be able to communicate with Pluto, haha. I don't know if that's realistic at all. But uh... it's the best solution I can think of. Other than say, a new dish with even more range. Increasing the range multiplier by a couple times would also work but doesn't sound... very fun. :( I guess you could increase range multiplier and the charge drain multiplier. I dunno.

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Is there any way to make is so the multiple antenna multiplier also extends to dish antennas and not just omnis? Because then you could just strap on several more Reflectron GX-128s, and be able to communicate with Pluto, haha. I don't know if that's realistic at all. But uh... it's the best solution I can think of. Other than say, a new dish with even more range. Increasing the range multiplier by a couple times would also work but doesn't sound... very fun. :( I guess you could increase range multiplier and the charge drain multiplier. I dunno.

If you are curious what you realistically need to communicate with Pluto, here's a picture of the dish on New Horizons. If I read the wiki correctly, I believe that it is 2.1m in size.

Edit: New Horizons also has 2 other antennas

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Has orbit manipulator been removed? Unlike what the Wiki claims, it's clearly not in the recommended mods list. There's is no "orbit manipulator" on CKAN at all. No note seems to have been made of this, not in the OP's post, or in this thread at all. But unusable Ion engines - that's kind of a big deal, isn't it?

Should I just mod the config?

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I just spent some time trying to plan out a largeish space station with RO and TACLS, and I noticed that the rates for the various converters don't line up with the number of Kerbals their descriptions claim they support.

My goal was to support the station with an input of only food and a closed cycle for everything else, so I'm using the water purifier, water splitter, and Sabatier recycler (small; I haven't unlocked the large one yet).

To support 10 Kerbals, I needed:

- 3 purifiers; so they support at least 3.3 people each, not just 2.

- 4 Sabatier recyclers; so they support at least 2.5 each. This one makes no claim about the number of Kerbals it supports.

- 12 splitters for O2; so they support less than 1 Kerbal each, not their claimed two. Worse yet...

- 20 splitters total for H2 for the Sabatier reactors (8 extra on top of what's needed for O2 production).

- A 4th purifier to supply water for electrolysis (no surprise).

By mass, that's 0.26 tonnes of Sabatier recycler, 14 tonnes of water purifier, and 68 tonnes (!) of water splitter to support 10 Kerbals, which leaves me with a small excess of everything except O2, which is produced in abundance.

The tonnage and the excess oxygen might be fine (if surprising), but the inaccurate descriptions combined with the sheer number of water splitters required make me think something's off here.

For now I guess I'll just tweak the numbers in my RO_TACLS_Tanks.cfg to make the descriptions accurate. I'll post back with the result when I'm happy with it, but I have no idea if I need to alter the masses and volumes of these things to compensate, so the results might not be realistic.

If anyone has explanations or suggestions, bring them on.

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That's a combination of a long payload, a fairly high TWR, and most importantly an excess of control authority from thrust vectoring. Try reducing the gimbal range on those engines, or disabling gimbaling on some or most of them (keep it symmetric, of course). The rocket will turn more gradually and have less tendency to overcorrect.

You might also want to disable any reaction wheels in the payload before launch, as they can contribute to this sort of twisting; they're far from the rocket's center of mass, so they're just rotating their own local section of the stack.

Thank you so much! This Helped SO MUCH!!!! Also, Felger, that worked amazingly as well! To the moon!!!

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Wrong displayed craft stats window mass after loading a rocket:

I am using procedural real fuel tank calculated mass with MechJeb seems fine to me and also craft stats displays correct mass when designing rocket.

But as soon as I save and load the rocket again craft stat mass is displayed way to big about a factor 10 and Mechjeb reports correct mass (the same as when I did design it firstly.

Anyone know whats going on here

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Wrong displayed craft stats window mass after loading a rocket:

I am using procedural real fuel tank calculated mass with MechJeb seems fine to me and also craft stats displays correct mass when designing rocket.

But as soon as I save and load the rocket again craft stat mass is displayed way to big about a factor 10 and Mechjeb reports correct mass (the same as when I did design it firstly.

Anyone know whats going on here

Answered this in the RP-0 thread. It's KSP reading RealFuels wrong. Do it like Real Life. Fuel it on the pad, not in the VAB.

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Here's the RO_TACLS_Tanks.cfg that I ended up with, cut down to the last three blocks since those are the ones I changed.

For each part, the ratios of inputs and outputs are unchanged, but I rescaled them all (including charge consumption) so that they make more sense. The water purifiers consume enough WasteWater for one or two Kerbals based on the RO-default TACLS config, and produce excess Water; the water splitter produces enough Oxygen for two Kerbals.

I left the Sabatier recyclers alone, since they produce the claimed amount of LqdMethane per day. (I switched to the Bosch reaction anyway. I thought it was still locked, but it turned out I just hadn't been able to find it in my mess of a parts catalog.) The rest of the CO2 scrubbers appear to have their rates scaled based on the amount of CO2 produced by a Kerbal, so I left them alone as well.

Hopefully someone else finds this useful.

One other thing I noticed in the cfg is a disagreement between the potassium superoxide CO2 scrubber's description text, which says it releases water, and its actual config, which says it requires water and releases oxygen. I'm not a chemist, so I don't know which one is right.

%RSSROConfig = True
name = TweakScale
type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid
defaultScale = 1.25
@description = Get the most from your pee. Recycle. Rated for 1 person
@conversionRate = 1.0 // # of people - Figures based on per/person
@inputResources = WasteWater, 0.00003125, ElectricCharge, 0.07744004
@outputResources = Water, 0.00002968749, true, Waste, 0.000001562508, false
%RSSROConfig = True
name = TweakScale
type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid
defaultScale = 2.5
@title = TACLS Water Purifier
@description = Get the most from your pee. Recycle. Rated for 2 people.
@conversionRate = 2.0 // # of people - Figures based on per/person
@inputResources = WasteWater, 0.00003125, ElectricCharge, 0.23232013
@outputResources = Water, 0.00002968749, true, Waste, 0.000001562508, false
%RSSROConfig = True
name = TweakScale
type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid
defaultScale = 1.25
@description = Using electrolysis, split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Rated for 2 people.
@conversionRate = 2.0 // # of people - Figures based on per/person
@inputResources = Water, 0.0000117326595, ElectricCharge, 1.1041671689
@outputResources = Hydrogen, 0.01460362, true, Oxygen, 0.00729167, true

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Here's the RO_TACLS_Tanks.cfg that I ended up with, cut down to the last three blocks since those are the ones I changed.

For each part, the ratios of inputs and outputs are unchanged, but I rescaled them all (including charge consumption) so that they make more sense. The water purifiers consume enough WasteWater for one or two Kerbals based on the RO-default TACLS config, and produce excess Water; the water splitter produces enough Oxygen for two Kerbals.

Certainly interesting for me, I've been puzzling over the life support usage myself.

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If you are curious what you realistically need to communicate with Pluto, here's a picture of the dish on New Horizons. If I read the wiki correctly, I believe that it is 2.1m in size.

Edit: New Horizons also has 2 other antennas

How large is, say, the Reflectron GX-128? Isn't it around that size? The wiki does say that the New Horizons is communicating with 70 meter dishes on Earth from the Deep Space Network though, which is clearly not something we've got going for us, so I dunno how that factors in.

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New Release!

This will probably break your saves.

v8.0.0 -- \/

* Huge overhaul to engines across the board, stats are more consistent now. This will probably break your save*. Major thanks to Agathorn!

* Late entry - Raidernick's Salyut and Soyuz supported since last patch

* Bobcat's Soyuz pack now supported! (Thanks advice_dawgg!)

* Fixed some sizing issues with RaiderNick's Salyut & Soyuz parts.

*This will likely break your save if you've got a vessel in flight using one of the engines re-kajiggered in this update. Feel free to try it out if you're feeling adventurous!

Edited by Felger
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I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I'm using the LazTek SpaceX mods w/ RO/RSS, and neither the upper stage or main stage tanks have any Nitrogen in them for the RCS thrusters integrated into those tanks. Nitrogen for the RCS is in the RO config file for LazTek and if I try to add it manually, it is not available in the tank GUI either (Nitrogen is literally not a part of the list for these tanks - I can add it for all other tanks, just not these).

I have a feeling the reason for this is that the ModuleFuelTank in the .cfg file is set to 'type = structural' and I don't think that type can handle the Nitrogen gas. Can anyone confirm the same issue and if that is the cause?


Edit: I went into the cfg file and changed the tank type from 'structural' to 'servicemodule' and the Nitrogen is now showing up and able to be consumed by the RCS.

Edited by gruneisen
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The sizes seem to be off. Like fire the saturn I am well into the third stage before I come close to orbit. Mercury comes nowhere near suborbital. Gemini doesnt come close to orbit. Everything just seems small. Idk like I said it might just be me. I haven't used FASA and RSS/RO in a while. Also I know what I am doing. I have used RSS and fasa for a while it just seems different.

A full Saturn 5 (with or without a LEM) will get into orbit with around 3100 to 3800 m/s left n the third stage (enough for a TLI), but that does take a relatively careful launch. I can get a Titan Gemini into at least a 180km x 180km orbit consistently. The Atlas Mercury I can generally get pretty close to orbit, depending on the quality of my ascent. I always fire all 3 engines at the ground and stage off the two outer booster rockets at 2 minutes 15 seconds into flight, as suggested by the Astronautix numbers.

How much Delta-V do you have left in orbit with your Saturn 5 in orbit, and with or without the LEM?

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While using RemoteTech, i only have one comm station in northern-South America, about Venezuela. i see photos of people's games with about 20 across the globe. Am i missing something??

EDIT: Nevermind, it helps to open my eyes on the RT thread. I found the config file for it.

RE-EDIT: It turns out the thread was closed, does anyone happen to have the conifg? it would be much appreciated.

Edited by schoff123
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I think you guys would find this spreadsheet that I made for TAC lifesupport in Realism overhaul very useful. You can enter the number of Kerbals, the planned duration of your trip, and the which TAC life support converters you want to use, and it will calculate how many units of each resource you will need or produce during your trip. I pulled all the values directly from the .cfg files so it should be very accurate. It should also be useful for those who want to edit the TAC MM configs.

The green section is for you to change the duration, number of kerbals, or the number of resource converters for your trip. The yellow section will give you the total amount of resources consumed or produced based on what you put into the green section.

The blue section is modders to see what the results are from changing a value from the Realism Overhaul module manager config for TAC Lifesupport.

I hope you guys enjoy!

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I honestly figured this is a problem with the part but one of the nice folks over in the FASA board suggested that I should post this here.

I'm trying to build the Mercury-Atlas in RO but I'm running into a problem. I've gove one of the Atlas fuel tanks and engines. I've actually launched this same basic Atlas a couple times without issue. Instead of an explorer probe core, though, this time I have the Mercury/Atlas decoupler, then above that I have the Mercury command module (complete with Re-entry module and retro straps). Less then 30 seconds into the launch there's a small explosion and suddenly my command module slides off the Atlas rocket. When I hit F3 I get the following:

[00:00:43] Join between Mercury Retro Strap / Decoupler and Mercury Re-entry Module failed due to aerodynamic stresses.

I've launched the Mercury/Redstone (which has the same exact command module setup, just a different engine, fuel tank and decoupler) twice without incident. Is there some glitch with the "Mercury - Atlas Spacecraft Adapter"?

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