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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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On January 5, 2016 at 2:47 PM, dasbin said:

I have two wishes for engines that I haven't found yet:

- High-thrust, much larger version of that Gemini engine for landing heavy payloads and also for deep-space heavy-payload maneuvers. There is one high-thrust hypergolic engine in the game but it can only be fired once and no throttle. The only other real option is the Apollo Service Engine but it is unthrottleable and the thrust is still very low for heavy payloads (anything bigger than an Apollo mission), so there isn't really any option for manned deep-space missions right now.

- Super-high-thrust 1st-stage engine - something as big and powerful and expensive as 20x F-1A's, for launching really big payloads. The lag from huge numbers of F1's right now makes it impossible to launch very large vehicles like this. Would love to see something like the Sea Dragon Rocket engine made compatible with RO.

I have a script I use to generate RO-balanced engines (re-scaling and re-statting existing engines) for my own use, and I ran dasbin's wish list through it. You can download the .cfg file here:


It includes

* 355MN Sea Dragon first stage kerosene engine (something like 45x the F-1's thrust)
* 63MN Sea Dragon second stage hydrogen engine
* 235kN Sea Dragon thrust vector control engine
* 400kN "Devil-4" MMH-NTO lander engine

* I haven't tweaked the plumes appropriately so the Sea Dragon plume is silly narrow, the TVCs shoot spears of yellow flame instead of hydrogen blue, etc.
* The TVCs are axial mounts instead of radial, but you can get creative

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Amazing stuff. That Sea Dragon is so beastly. I suspect you could launch the entire ISS to LEO with one launch. Thank-you Borogove!

What are folks doing for later-game avionics controls, particularly when using RP-0? The 1M Controllable Core part is the only one that actually seems to have a suitable mature later-game progression - all the other standard sizes never unlock past their "Early" versions with very low tonnage supported. It would also seem prudent to allow TweakScale on those parts, somehow, for rockets bigger than Saturn V's.

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I started my 1.0.5 RP0 for the first time (fresh install, RO+RP0 setup via CKAN), and I do have an issue that must have a simple explanation I'm too stupid to find.

I installed all the requirements and recommendations, then manually pruned them of tanks/fairings that I never use (procedural parts ftw). I also added a bunch of "tool" mods I can't live without (QuickScroll/Search, AmbientLightAdjust, EditorExtensions, etc.) . Nothing that should mess with the game too much. I do not use KCT right now. Neither Scatterer nor any other graphical mods.

At career start, I get two missions: Karman Line (uncrewed) and First Flight, which I accept.

Despite launching my first rocket (I used a simple A-4) and putting it over ~125km, no contract was completed. Also none of the other "auto-contracts (world records)" were completed. So I redid it step by step:

When sitting on the pad, the "Destination:Earth" of the "Karman Line" mission is properly ticked, but not on any other (noticeable the world records). When taking off, nothing happens (most noticeably, the "Launch a new vessel" on the "First Flight" contract does not get ticked. When reaching the first record thresholds (10.000m, 350m/s), nothing happens: Nothing is ticked. Throughout the flight, the only thing to be (rather: remain) ticked is the "Destination:Earth" on Karman Line. When exceeding 100.000m, the "Above 100.000m" is still not ticked.

Also, I do get fully upgraded base buildings from the get-go (I use Kourou as launch site), which probably should not be the case as well, even without KCT.

Anyone have an idea what could cause this?

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I suspect something happened that caused the First Flight and other contracts to expect your planet to be named 'Kerbin' and not 'Earth'. I had it happen when installing RVE, but you already mentioned you don't use that. 

Did you install RO without Real Solar System?

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I have issues with contracts like this where they don't seem to complete during the mission, but it (almost) always turns out that heading back to Mission Control will show the contract as completed after the flight anyway. Did you try looking at the completed missions there after the flight?

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Issue report:

Using SSTU Orion pod, the things under it disappears/disassembles after going to the pad. It says"Separation of stage X confirmed" in the F3 Flight Results.


Wait a minute, what plugin could spam "[Exception]: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FlightGlobals.getAtmDensity'." and "[Exception]: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FinePrint.Utilities.CelestialUtilities.TerrainAltitude'." in the debug window?Oh well, the old version of HoneyFox's NBody spams this, as the code in AtmosphereDecay.cs couldn't find the variables MaxAtmosphereAltitude and AtmDensity.


Tested in another save, it may be an issue of DMP

Edited by 01010101lzy
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16 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

@Senshi there seems to be an issue with the A-4 engine breaking contracts. Yours is not the first report about that.... @nightingale any idea what to look for to figure out why?

Hmmm... the description of the issue (lots of stuff not getting checked off) sounds like what you get when something crashes the contract system.  Very unusual if it's a specific engine that is causing it, but if it is that then there should be something in the log.

@Senshi - are you able to provide a log file?

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Full log is on the large side: Log (21MB)


I also see I failed to mention I run Win x64, so don't bother too much with my reports.

Above logfile sports a launch (incl a short crash-and-burn-after-launch), reaching 150km and descending. PC locked up (Bluescreen, but I'm not gonna blame that on you ;) ) at ~12km on descent, hence the abrupt end.


However, I did find out what's up due to that bluescreen: After rebooting, the A-4 was sitting on the pad, ready for launch. Curiously, it was marked as debris in the space center. Double-checked it in tracking station, yeah, it's debris alright. And that's the cause of it all: The A4 probe core apparently defaults to Debris ship type, and debris apparently doesn't get tracked for contracts (even when they are the active vessel).

After going to the pad and manually doing the Rename ship -> changing vessel type to "ship", all the "Destination:Earth" things of the other contracts were checked, and after launch, all contracts now work as they should do.

Edited by Senshi
I want my non-WYSIWYG post editor back...
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Playing RO/RSS/RP-0 with Scansat and various other mods.  I recently got a contract to scan the moon for resources using the M700 Survey Scanner.  I know that stock part is not setup for RP-0 so I expected that it might have bad sizing and would likely use non-realistic power, but I went ahead an accepted the contract all the same.  I setup a satellite using three RTG and three XT1 Mk2 solar panels to deal with the power needs.  Then I launched the satellite and put it in a polar orbit of the moon.  Everything went fine until I tried to have the scanner start searching for resources.  There doesn't appear to be a way to have this scanner actually scan the moon in any way that will allow the contract to be fulfilled.  I know we want SCANsat contracts to be available so you can do Hi-Res, Lo-Res and Biome scans, but if SCANsat also includes resource scan contracts, the M700 needs to at least function even if we don't make it properly realistic.


Also, is there any way to remove the new default reputation penalty for declining a mission?  I used to decline missions that I knew I couldn't do or which wouldn't work in RO/RP-0 (i.e. the 1-star Pluto mission when you haven't even left Earth's SOI) in hopes of a viable contract becoming available but now if you do that, you lose reputation. 

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10 minutes ago, chrisl said:

Playing RO/RSS/RP-0 with Scansat and various other mods.  I recently got a contract to scan the moon for resources using the M700 Survey Scanner.  I know that stock part is not setup for RP-0 so I expected that it might have bad sizing and would likely use non-realistic power, but I went ahead an accepted the contract all the same.  I setup a satellite using three RTG and three XT1 Mk2 solar panels to deal with the power needs.  Then I launched the satellite and put it in a polar orbit of the moon.  Everything went fine until I tried to have the scanner start searching for resources.  There doesn't appear to be a way to have this scanner actually scan the moon in any way that will allow the contract to be fulfilled.  I know we want SCANsat contracts to be available so you can do Hi-Res, Lo-Res and Biome scans, but if SCANsat also includes resource scan contracts, the M700 needs to at least function even if we don't make it properly realistic.


IIRC I dont get the M700 survey scanner in my RP-0 campaign. And I certainly dont get resource survey contracts. Are you sure you installed it correctly?


12 minutes ago, chrisl said:

Also, is there any way to remove the new default reputation penalty for declining a mission?  I used to decline missions that I knew I couldn't do or which wouldn't work in RO/RP-0 (i.e. the 1-star Pluto mission when you haven't even left Earth's SOI) in hopes of a viable contract becoming available but now if you do that, you lose reputation. 

Reputation penalties for declining can be adjusted in the difficulty settings at the beginning of a career. When your career is already running, you can still change it by opening your persistent.sfs file in your saves folder, search for "RepLossDeclined" in career, pretty much at the top... and set it to 0 to disable it.

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19 hours ago, TrooperCooper said:


IIRC I dont get the M700 survey scanner in my RP-0 campaign. And I certainly dont get resource survey contracts. Are you sure you installed it correctly?


Reputation penalties for declining can be adjusted in the difficulty settings at the beginning of a career. When your career is already running, you can still change it by opening your persistent.sfs file in your saves folder, search for "RepLossDeclined" in career, pretty much at the top... and set it to 0 to disable it.

As far as I know, I do have it installed correctly.  I've been playing this same game for awhile now and not had any other issues relating to contracts.


Thanks for the info on the rep loss.  It wasn't an option when I started my current game in 1.0.4 and didn't know how to change it.

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On January 12, 2016 at 6:37 PM, markymarkandthefunkybunch said:

hi uh, im not sure if this is a glitch or maybe just a feature of realism overhaul but i've launched several rockets and each time the engine, after burning for a few seconds, throttles down to 0 all by itself. is this just some feature im not aware of?

Piloted or un? Are you using the CKAN default installation, which includes RemoteTech? If so, unmanned vessels will require power and an antenna to be flown.

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19 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@CitizenVeen which mod's RL10? The stock one (i.e. uses the Skipper model) or the FASA one or the AIES one or the KW one or...?

The skipper one.

If I right click on it in game, under model info it says "SkipperLiquidEngine"

17 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@CitizenVeenif you have a problem locating the exact part, in the VAB/SPH right - click the part that is referred as "RL10 Series Vacuum Engine" and search the part module description for the part module name (should be there if you also have RP-0 installed). Then right down the part name so that we can take a look.

I did. Only found a file under gamedata/squad/parts, but wasnt sure if that was the one. I couldnt fine the discription that the engine has ingame, in that file, and it was listed under squad parts (not RO, or RP-0) so I figured that wasnt the right one. In that file, it says gimbalrange=2, so that should be ok, right?

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@CitizenVeen, the path PhineasFreak quoted is one of many ModuleManager files that (essentially) take parts from stock or other mods and reconfigure them. In the case of engines, RO very often only takes the 3D model while reconfiguring everything else (and often rescaling the model, too), so it's usually not worthwhile to look at the original part config. You want to look at the files under Gamedata/RealismOverhaul.

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So, first off all I want to thank the whole RO team for the effort, I'm greatly enjoying all the new challenges from these mods.

But I have a problem with a way to high radiation influx, heating up parts to a rather high temperature, even at night. I narrowed the problem down to only RSS and Real Heat (I hope it is still ok to report here, since I found it while playing with RO?)

KSP 1.0.5 Build 1028 on Windows 7, fresh Install

Mods: only RSS and Real Heat (with their dependencies)



The screenshots are made with a new sandbox save. First one shows the situation at midnight, third one at midday, second one is the equlibrium temperature of 478 K.

I hope someone can help.

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