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[1.3] Pilot Assistant: Atmospheric piloting aids - 1.13.2 (May 28)


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Version 1.7.0

  • Cascaded speed controller into an acceleration controller
  • Added acceleration control mode
  • Changed mode handling to improve expandability
  • Disabled pause keybinding (tab) in map view due to conflict with a KSP binding
  • And a very blunt hint as to what's coming next

NOTE: Old Speed control presets will have some slight transition issues. Please check the set limits before coming to ask why it won't let you slow down any more ;)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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  Crzyrndm said:
Version 1.7.0


I've alreadu noticed something with the version. meta+x key assignment, While trying out the new FAR version I've press and somehow my craft wasn't responding to my input anymore.... -_-

btw, if you're lost: meta+x key is to reset any trim given to controls, it seems the new version uses this key to auto engage wing leveler and altitude control.

btw², please consider moving icon/option SAS stuff so we can access the auto-pilot easier (i know, the keys supposedly should do this), or maybe provide the toolbar mod support.

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  Gfurst said:

I've alreadu noticed something with the version. meta+x key assignment, While trying out the new FAR version I've press and somehow my craft wasn't responding to my input anymore.... -_-

btw, if you're lost: meta+x key is to reset any trim given to controls, it seems the new version uses this key to auto engage wing leveler and altitude control.

Oh blast, I knew something like that would crop up. Will update shortly such that mode switches are independent of activation again (It's always used Modifier+x as a "level off", it just didn't cause it to activate before if it wasn't active)

Your second comment, I don't understand? (well, I get the toolbar bit, but not the first part)

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Thanks for the advice Crzyrndm, ultimately it didn't work though. I had too much positive cant on my (cant? is that the right spelling?) elevators. Reduced and realigned and now i'm solid.

Thanks again though, now I've more understanding of your mod.

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Version 1.7.1 is a fix for the issue brought up by Gfurst. Control only activates when it is toggled on or the target is updated, mode switching no longer causes a deactivated control system to activate.

  sreinmann said:
Thanks again though, now I've more understanding of your mod.

No problem ;)

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I am now getting a white square where the pilot assist menu button should be. See the attached image. It's the white square to the left of MJ. The last time I saw this it had to do with Active Texture Management but it affected most of my buttons not just one. I tried deleting the texture cache folder for pilot assist from the ATM folder so it regenerated it. But I am still getting just a white square. Does anyone have a clue what is going on? It was fine for version 1.6.0. I updated to 1.7.1 by completely deleting the 1.6.0 folder and installing the new one.


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That one's my fault, v1.7.2 fixes the icon path being incorrect...

  Beetlecat said:
Yes! I do love the very-blunt-hint! k_cheesy.gif

I figured someone might :D (E: and just fyi, don't be surprised if it takes a while. I don't plan on it *just* being distance straight down...)

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  Crzyrndm said:
That one's my fault, v1.7.2 fixes the icon path being incorrect...

I figured someone might :D (E: and just fyi, don't be surprised if it takes a while. I don't plan on it *just* being distance straight down...)

Thank you the quick response. I had seen that all white button thing in the past so I was not certain it was something to do with ATM or not. Thanks again for the fast patch and for your work on this mod.


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  Crzyrndm said:
Oh blast, I knew something like that would crop up. Will update shortly such that mode switches are independent of activation again (It's always used Modifier+x as a "level off", it just didn't cause it to activate before if it wasn't active)

Wait what? come again? I do think the quick key auto-engage is useful, but is it now? and what do you mean by "it just didn't cause it to activate before if it wasn't active"?

  Crzyrndm said:
btw², please consider moving icon/option SAS stuff so we can access the auto-pilot easier (i know, the keys supposedly should do this), or maybe provide the toolbar mod support.

Your second comment, I don't understand? (well, I get the toolbar bit, but not the first part)

Sorry to, sometimes I can be confused and get confusing. :confused:

What I've meant is, to use to main toolbar button to open directly to assistant controls, and not through that mini window with options and extra SAS. So we can access it easier.

I believe you can set the right click button to open a different window, menu or settings for example. Should simplify things. And same thing if you add support to blizzy toolbar, right click functionality and multiple icons if the user wants.

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  Gfurst said:
Wait what? come again? I do think the quick key auto-engage is useful, but is it now? and what do you mean by "it just didn't cause it to activate before if it wasn't active"?

Modifier + X is set up to be an "Stop what you're doing and go for level flight" button. In order to do that, it force sets the active mode. Prior to 1.7.0 this wouldn't matter if you weren't using a control system already, however I changed the way mode handling worked with 1.7.0 in order to make it more expandable (ie. coping with a third/fourth/+ mode). At that time, disabled was just another mode and so when the "level off" command switched the modes around, it caused all the control systems to activate. I can certainly do a quick activation command command, but "level off" isn't going to be it :P (and the actual problem to fix was making sure disabled stayed disabled while still allowing mode switching)

Right clicking the toolbar button makes sense, I'll get that added.

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Wow, this is amazing! I've been looking for something like this since I started playing KSP.

The only thing I think might be missing is a way to automatically switch between two different PID presets based on subsonic or supersonic flight.

If you wanted to get even fancier with it, you could define two presets and then attach each one to two different Mach numbers/dynamic pressures. Then represent each one as the endpoints of a spline, and have user defined control points create the spline. You could then interpolate between the two presets based on the spline curve. That way you could cover the changing aerodynamic properties.

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  Gfurst said:
Thanks Crzyrndm (how the hell do I say this?)

You're welcome (however you want :P)

  Wanderfound said:
Anyone worked out a decent set of PID tuner settings for NuFAR yet? I seem to be getting pitch wobbles no matter what I do.

Reducing overall sensitivity (2-3x scalar) and then a further reduction to Kd (2-4x) has seemed alright to me mostly. That is combined with dynamic deflection though (Q:%; 0:100, 40:50, 80:30, 160:25)

  StevenRS11 said:
The only thing I think might be missing is a way to automatically switch between two different PID presets based on subsonic or supersonic flight.

You might want to have a look at Dynamic Deflection ;)


First test of the terrain follower is extremely promising :D (obviously the UI is in need of some changes but the functionality mostly works...)

Although, if you're going to be flying that low, remember to dramatically increase the output limits in the altitude controller. Some of the mountains require some very steep climb's...

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Cheers, with the update things seems a whole lot smoother. I still get some pitch wobbles though, specially with altitude hold, but also with the vertical speed set.

Didn't know about your modlets, will check them out immediately :)

And as a shameless advertisement, please check out the last link the my sig, some patches and fixes I'm working on. Might be interesting.

Off topic, I'm finally able to do soft landings on un-even terrain :confused:, something I could never do before, with stock aero though.


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Version with Radar Altitude control now available on github. Just be aware that there are still some errors (oceans in particular need some special case handling, and I don't know what it'll do if you try it above a few km). It currently works fairly well for terrain like that around KSC, but I wouldn't trust it climbing a mountain just yet... :sealed:

  Svm420 said:
Hey is there anyway to disable the wasd control of the values. I really don't want that I'd much rather type to change things

I will add a button to lock keyboard input

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  Crzyrndm said:
Version with Radar Altitude control now available on github. Just be aware that there are still some errors (oceans in particular need some special case handling, and I don't know what it'll do if you try it above a few km). It currently works fairly well for terrain like that around KSC, but I wouldn't trust it climbing a mountain just yet... :sealed:

Apart from the warning "caution too low, caution too low" I don't see much use for it, and tell me terrain ladings as that is a really bad idea. But sound interesting though, don't let it go down the ocean XD.

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  Crzyrndm said:
Modifier + X is set up to be an "Stop what you're doing and go for level flight" button. In order to do that, it force sets the active mode. Prior to 1.7.0 this wouldn't matter if you weren't using a control system already, however I changed the way mode handling worked with 1.7.0 in order to make it more expandable (ie. coping with a third/fourth/+ mode). At that time, disabled was just another mode and so when the "level off" command switched the modes around, it caused all the control systems to activate. I can certainly do a quick activation command command, but "level off" isn't going to be it :P (and the actual problem to fix was making sure disabled stayed disabled while still allowing mode switching)

Having '[Mod] x', instead of zeroing trim (as '[Mod] [qweasd]' adjust trim) while Pilot Assistance is disengaged, engage Pilot Assistance and try to go for level flight is a bit disruptive, especially when flying most rockets.

So I removed it for now. I imagine I could have gone for an immediate disable by pressing 't' as a workaround (or now the RKE On-screen Joystick is updated for KSP 1.0.2, just zero out the trim).

Is it possible to remove this control input collision somehow?

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It no longer forcibly engages control, that was an unintentional effect of some changes I made which I quickly made updates to remove (that post was made after fixing the issue)

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  Crzyrndm said:
You're welcome (however you want :P)

First test of the terrain follower is extremely promising :D (obviously the UI is in need of some changes but the functionality mostly works...)

I almost expected you to do a toss bombing on the KSC :)

Speaking of limiters, actual TFR systems had a "soft/medium/hard ride" knob: maybe you could duplicate that? (IIRC on the F111 "hard" ride meant +2G/0G and "soft" was +2/+0.75)

I suppose you can steer laterally without disturbing the TFR?

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  Crzyrndm said:
It no longer forcibly engages control, that was an unintentional effect of some changes I made which I quickly made updates to remove (that post was made after fixing the issue)

I'm new to Pilot Assistant and I'm really liking it. Because of my previous issues with '[Mod] x', I included some testing of it.

I found Pilot Assistant only takes action on me pressing '[Mod] x' if Vertical Control was already engaged (it switches to VSpeed with Target Speed 0). However, I got the message in the lower right "Pilot Assistant is leveling off" all the time, whether Pilot Assistance functions are on or off or paused by 'Tab'.

What also happens all the time is that no matter what the state of Pilot Assistant, '[Mod] [w|a|s|d|x]' always perform their trim control functions. When Pilot Assistant controls were engaged, they also changed heading and vertical speed/altitude targets.

I don't understand this. Is there some way to prevent this control overlap?

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  thorfinn said:
I almost expected you to do a toss bombing on the KSC :)

Speaking of limiters, actual TFR systems had a "soft/medium/hard ride" knob: maybe you could duplicate that? (IIRC on the F111 "hard" ride meant +2G/0G and "soft" was +2/+0.75)

I suppose you can steer laterally without disturbing the TFR?

1) That was me testing if it could "see" the KSC buildings (obviously not). That video was from the very first flight after I implemented the function so everything was a test

2) I think it's a necessary addition. Terrain following needs much more aggressive control than altitude control normally does (the default tuning is so passive it barely overshoots, that just doesn't work when you've only got a few meters of error)

3) Yup, although it won't "see" around the corner at this stage so it's slightly off. You also have to be somewhat careful about how aggressively you let it turn since any significant bank reduces vertical control and it needs a lot more excess authority than standard controls.

  Jacke said:
I'm new to Pilot Assistant and I'm really liking it. Because of my previous issues with '[Mod] x', I included some testing of it.

I found Pilot Assistant only takes action on me pressing '[Mod] x' if Vertical Control was already engaged (it switches to VSpeed with Target Speed 0). However, I got the message in the lower right "Pilot Assistant is leveling off" all the time, whether Pilot Assistance functions are on or off or paused by 'Tab'.

What also happens all the time is that no matter what the state of Pilot Assistant, '[Mod] [w|a|s|d|x]' always perform their trim control functions. When Pilot Assistant controls were engaged, they also changed heading and vertical speed/altitude targets.

I don't understand this. Is there some way to prevent this control overlap?

Sounds like it's all functioning normally, but:

1) I used Mod+X because it shares the same purpose of returning to the base state (Stock: return to neutral controls, PA: return to straight and level flight) making it much easier to remember. That said, how much use does it actually get? if things get hairy, pausing control and using SAS to bring everything back to a reasonable state will often work better and small mistakes aren't that difficult to rectify by normal means. It exists for a state that doesn't seem likely to occur any more so maybe removal would be best.

2) Mod + Pitch/Yaw controls acting on stock while the relevant control system is engaged is a fairly serious oversight on my part. It doesn't get used often or for long so the result should normally be minor (which would explain why it's gone unnoticed for so long), but I will do something about it affecting the current trim state.

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