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I miss the wobbly rockets


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Am I the only one who misses how small rocket parts used to wobble when un-strutted?

Ever since the new joint system was released I hardly ever have to use struts, except for reinforcing radial decouplers.

It seems the only reason to unlock the larger fuel tanks now is to reduce part count and aesthetics, since a stack of small tanks only wobbles a little bit more than two large tanks stacked.

Am I crazy?

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Who would??

Who would miss your SSTO having to have, like, 50 struts per wing section?

Having to strut two fuel tanks to each other??

Having to spend so much time strutting that you forget things like parachutes, SAS etc.

KSP nostalgia has reached Rose tinted glasses state!!


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I don't miss the extreme wobbliness at all. It didn't really add much to the game to need the ships part count to be half struts, IMO. The joints now are much better.

Preach it, brother! Preach it!!! I'm so with you here. Noodlerockets were not all that fun when you were trying to get something done.

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No. Never. In fact, I would be happy if the joints were even stronger, because they are still too weak for Realism Overhaul purposes. I still have to strut my tanks to each other, I still have to strut my payload to the fairings. I have to do about as much strutting now as you had to do before the better joints.

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No. Never. In fact, I would be happy if the joints were even stronger, because they are still too weak for Realism Overhaul purposes. I still have to strut my tanks to each other, I still have to strut my payload to the fairings. I have to do about as much strutting now as you had to do before the better joints.

That is a good point. But they shouldn't make it too strong, otherwise there will be no need to consider structural issues.

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Am I crazy?

In a word? Yes.
I don't miss the extreme wobbliness at all. It didn't really add much to the game to need the ships part count to be half struts, IMO. The joints now are much better.
There's no wobble?

Clearly, you're not asparagusin' enough.

Wow, yes, things are significantly better now. If it's not wobbling, you just simply haven't tried building something big.

When I first got KSP, I tried sandbox mode first, and I just couldn't understand why my rockets would fall apart and explode, and why it was so hard to get to orbit. A friend convinced me to play the career mode (this was 0.23, so that's now science mode), and it forced me to start small, and I learned gradually how to strut things out.

I do NOT miss having to stitch mainsails to the tank above, or having to double the part-count of the ship with struts. I ended up using Kerbal Joint Reinforcement after a while, just to save the frustration. I only uninstalled the mod when stock joints were improved.

But even now, I can still get rockets to flex and break without enough struts. But the strut requirement is much more manageable.

I'm not really nostalgic for this: :) (18 mainsails in asparagus, plus a skipper in the middle, and rows of SRBs, all needing to be strutted like crazy)


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"I miss wobbly rockets" said no one ever. Well... no sane person, at least. Seriously, better joints in the stock game was only an improvement. Lower part count really is an important consideration in the game and, unless I'm mistaken, the only tech node that unlocks a tank that also doesn't unlock an engine is the node that gives you the 1/4 height 2.5m tank (but this node provides a lot of other parts), so it's not like you're wasting cash unlocking them.

Now, in theory, the larger tanks should be both more cost and mass efficient, but that's not represented in the game. /shrug

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