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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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If that is literally what you have in your .cfg file then it's because of a syntax error:

} <-- *** should be an open brace ***
@TechRequired = colossalRocketry


Awesome. Nicely spotted. And thanks. 22 replacements of 26. Which would be those 4 that I did early and still worked.

Thanks muchly.

I keep doing things like this. I was making sure the node spelling were exactly right etc, and stepping through everything I could think of. Stupid brackets. When I was following the leg tutorial trying to make my landing legs I got stuck for ages. Turned out it was because I didn't have the right .mu filename in the part config.

Sometimes another set of eyes is the best thing on the planet. :-)

Edited by TiktaalikDreaming
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Is there a list of the names for all the tech nodes? Both stock and CTT?

I am looking to put some patches together.

For stock, you can check this thread.

For the CTT, download it from the KerbalStuff link and check out the ForModders.txt file.

For a nice layout of all the node titles, see the links in this post.

Edited by ev0
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's hard to do, since not nearly all mods that support CTT actually mention it here in this thread. They just put a notice into their own threads. So there's no way to maintain a definitive list of supported mods. This is simply part of the uncurated nature of this project.

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Okay. I'm having some issues. Maybe y'all can help. I installed a heap of mods using CKan for the first time. Mainly kct, kw rocketry, remote tech, tac life support, habitation, community tech tree, and seti tech tree. I also installed some more minor things like KER, docking port alignment, contract mods, etc.

My tech tree doesn't look any different. Isn't CTT supposed to add nodes and shift everything around? When I load up my game, all the nodes are the same as stock ksp.

Because of this, I can't get parachutes in my game, because I think they're supposed to be in a node in the CTT that doesn't exist in my game. Like, I only have one survivability node, but when I look in the seti CTT files, it assigns parachutes to more than one survivability node. Like there's advanced survivability. In my game, I don't see that node. I just see the stock ksp one that comes after engineering 101. You guys have any idea what I can do? Thanks for the help

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I frankly have no idea what went wrong for you, but if I was faced with this issue, I intuitively I would try a two-stage installation.

First, get stock KSP running and add CTT. Start a new game. Verify that the epanded tech tree is present. Then add all your other mods. (Unless there are others you also want to have present at savegame creation already, like KCT. Add them during the first step.)

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Hmm. I was fearing I might have to do that. If I save my game as "backup" and then load it with different mods and stuff blows up, it will only blow up my persistent save right? So I can try just having ctt and the seti ctt, and then load my game, see if it's fixed, and then install mods one at a time again? When I'm done with that, can I load the backup save and nothing will be broken? (except if a mod was messing up my tech tree, obviously I won't reinstall)

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Okay. I'm having some issues. Maybe y'all can help. I installed a heap of mods using CKan for the first time. Mainly kct, kw rocketry, remote tech, tac life support, habitation, community tech tree, and seti tech tree. I also installed some more minor things like KER, docking port alignment, contract mods, etc.

My tech tree doesn't look any different. Isn't CTT supposed to add nodes and shift everything around? When I load up my game, all the nodes are the same as stock ksp.

Because of this, I can't get parachutes in my game, because I think they're supposed to be in a node in the CTT that doesn't exist in my game. Like, I only have one survivability node, but when I look in the seti CTT files, it assigns parachutes to more than one survivability node. Like there's advanced survivability. In my game, I don't see that node. I just see the stock ksp one that comes after engineering 101. You guys have any idea what I can do? Thanks for the help

I m pretty sure you have an outdated module manager.

Please delete all module managers from your gamedata folder and reinstall module manager via ckan.

If that does not fix it, please post a screenshot of your gamedata folder and the ckan window (displaying installed mods) in the SETI thread.

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I m pretty sure you have an outdated module manager.

Please delete all module managers from your gamedata folder and reinstall module manager via ckan.

If that does not fix it, please post a screenshot of your gamedata folder and the ckan window (displaying installed mods) in the SETI thread.

Hmm. I installed all the mods on Wednesday. Has it updated since then? Well I'll try it anyhow. Thanks for the suggestion!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been using CTT with joy since 1.0, in the process of adding mods over the months I started to miss some node type.

Two new ones that do not fully reflect the parts which are in the current supported list.

The node I miss (and added myself)

- Specialized Command Modules.

Would come after HeavyCommandModules node, useful for the NF Mk3-9 and ALCOR lander, which are both rather advanced.

- Adv Electronics and Communications.

Would come after Electronics node, for new upcoming antenna's and for high gain antenna adding mods like AIES or RT.

Would the above be and idea worth thinking about for CTT??

Edited by Gkirmathal
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I have a proposal for a name change of one of the CTT nodes.

I would like to rename "Fusion rocketry" to "High Power Nuclear Propulsion" It's more generic name which allows me to use ith both for engines like the Existing VISTA engine as well as the new DUMBO eninge which is like a NERVA engine on steroids.

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Found a realy weird bug, Tweakscale does not seem to accept improvedNuclearPropulsion as a tech requirement. Whenever it is included in any Tweakscale module is seem to cause to block all right mouse menu's the moment you try to right click a part containing a tweakscale module with a improvedNuclearPropulsion techrequirement (which is not already researched).

Edited by FreeThinker
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First-time commenter, here, so bear with me as I thank y'all for your wonderful work on what's deservedly and obviously become a linchpin of the KSP modding community---thank you!

I have one humble suggestion: I assume it's not controversial to say that the biggest early hurdle to overcome in career mode is the half-million kredit (kerdollar? keuro? kruple?) cost to upgrade R&D for the ability to purchase 100+ technologies. Of all the items locked behind this early hurdle, only one has really felt to me like it should be available before the expense of the R&D upgrade: extendible solar panels with the ability to orient themselves towards Kerbol. Any career mode game with RemoteTech basically requires upgrading R&D strictly and solely for that item before you can really get started with unmanned missions, whereas in games without RemoteTech, the impact of providing them a tier earlier would be minimal. So, my suggestion is to move the 3x2 extendible panel down to the 90-cost tier---it's less space-friendly than the 6x1 set, so there's still reason to upgrade---but it allows getting started with RemoteTech earlier than the current "single-panel, can't orient till you upgrade R&D" allows.

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Reagrd Roverdudes upcoming Orion mod, wouldn't it be an idea to introduce a new Nuclear Propulsion node after the Adv node? Was thinking something in the line of Experimental Nuclear Propulsion.

FusionRockets could be pushed up one level (2250 sp), imo it would make them less op in the techtree if one uses electric engine mods and fusion engine mods.

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I am perfectly fine with pushing the advanced tech out a bit and making room for nukes.

That being said - Nertea, if you're considering a revision let me know, I may use the opportunity to slightly expand out the colonization tree (i.e. it would be nice to have distinct nodes for RabidNinjaWombat's CivPop, which makes a nice follow-on for UKS).

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Here's a Gliffy of proposed 2.2 changes, so far.

Main changes include:

  • Added a new command pod node (Specialized Command Pods)
  • Added a new propeller/subsonic node (High Efficiency Flight)
  • Added a new airframe/hull node (Adv. Aerospace Engineeering)
  • Added a new mini branch off of High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion - Experimental Nuclear Propulsion and Superheavy Nuclear Propulsion

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The new tech node looks very good , better than I anticipated, I only have a small request for a name change. Please Rename "super heavy nuclear propulsion" into something more generic like "exotic nuclear propusion"". This allows me to use the technode for the most exotic nuclear technologies which do not nessisary have to be ""super heavy".

For Insteallar I'm one tech short for the most advanced engines. I would like to have a second antimatter technode (10000 cost). You could call it Advanced Antimatter Power. This will also give players something to choose from. Right now there is only 1 end tech.

I also noticed a mistake in the name "Large Nuclear Power"which we already established to be called "Improved Nuclear Power".

Edited by FreeThinker
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Here's a Gliffy of proposed 2.2 changes, so far.

Main changes include:

  • Added a new command pod node (Specialized Command Pods)
  • Added a new propeller/subsonic node (High Efficiency Flight)
  • Added a new airframe/hull node (Adv. Aerospace Engineeering)
  • Added a new mini branch off of High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion - Experimental Nuclear Propulsion and Superheavy Nuclear Propulsion

Excellent, sounds good. I'll review the colonization nodes since in chatting with rabidninjawombat there's room for a new one to cover civpop

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