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Nearly 3 years playing KSP and the same old failures happen


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"Ok, sweet, that maneuver went well, gonna hit Minmus beautifully.. now to zoom in and get those good sciencey bits taken care of while I'm still in LKO..."

This is when my brain betrays me and forgets that I'm not in the VAB as I press left shift to zoom in. Sometimes, if the engines are quiet enough, I don't notice until I realize that I'm on my way past Eeloo... >.<

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Evening all

You see KSP beginners... even the veterans cant get it right all the time :wink:

Been playing since just before 0.18 and the other day I decided that just for fun I'd build a rocket and lander for Minmus. I can generally get there with me eyes closed, but not then. It took three attempts and to add insult to injury my lander ran out of fuel and poor Jeb had to abandon ship and find the return ship using only his MMU. To add to the bruising I bounced him off of the return ship three or four times before slowing him enough to enter. Maybe I shouldn't have sucked down the rum before and during the flight, but what fun would that be?

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"Ok, sweet, that maneuver went well, gonna hit Minmus beautifully.. now to zoom in and get those good sciencey bits taken care of while I'm still in LKO..."

This is when my brain betrays me and forgets that I'm not in the VAB as I press left shift to zoom in. Sometimes, if the engines are quiet enough, I don't notice until I realize that I'm on my way past Eeloo... >.<

Done that a lot believe me... A lote lol

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"Ok, sweet, that maneuver went well, gonna hit Minmus beautifully.. now to zoom in and get those good sciencey bits taken care of while I'm still in LKO..."

This is when my brain betrays me and forgets that I'm not in the VAB as I press left shift to zoom in. Sometimes, if the engines are quiet enough, I don't notice until I realize that I'm on my way past Eeloo... >.<

I hate Ion engines for that very reason. Figure on leaving a ship to the encounter node in real time while I go eat something, but go to zoom in, throttle to full by accident, and walk away. Then find myself cursing later as I return from dinner to find a space probe on solar escape... and no Xenon left to correct my mistake.

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Been playing since 0.17 and still occasionally miss stage zero decoupler being put in lower stage in VAB when assembling multi-stage launch vehicles.

"MECO! 2nd Stage Sep and ignition...ignition...ignition... Why you no ignition?"

"Flight, we've had premature separation of the command module from the launch vehicle."

"Flight, Surgeon. Bob's heart rate is elevated."

"Abort! Abort!"

Have come to love LES or at least Bob has.


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"Ok, sweet, that maneuver went well, gonna hit Minmus beautifully.. now to zoom in and get those good sciencey bits taken care of while I'm still in LKO..."

This is when my brain betrays me and forgets that I'm not in the VAB as I press left shift to zoom in. Sometimes, if the engines are quiet enough, I don't notice until I realize that I'm on my way past Eeloo... >.<

On mac, screenshot is apple-shift-3. I've done 20-30 m/s burns accidentally because of that.

(Yes, I know about F1, can't hit it on my desktop, which is a non-mac keyboard on a mac, so there's no Fn key.)

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Oh gosh. So many things:

Timewarping probes before extending panels.

Mixing up different SRBs, decouplers etc. in VAB, big BOOM!!

Not adding fuel lines.

Not adding landing gears to my plane because I had just spent the last half an hour getting the CoM above the CoL.

Adding two-sided symmetry to my thermometer: Hatch shut!!

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My favourite mistake is putting just two fixed solar panels on either side of my spacecraft only to come back and find that both solar panel are perpendicular to the sun and there's no power.

I've done that so many times it's not funny anymore. :(

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Yep. I'm right there with you all. Been playing since 0.9.

I sent a probe to Duna recently because I had a couple contracts (Fine Print mod and DMagic Orbital Science) to do some science experiments there. Got all the way there. Landed beautifully. Did my science experiments....

What do you mean I am out of battery power?! Arrrgh! I forgot batteries?!?!

Fortunately, I was able to complete one of the contracts, since the experiments didn't drain the battery so badly. Just one experiment failed to transmit anything.

So, I sent a second probe in the next window. This one had some 8000 battery power and I think 8 or so blutonium generators to power it. Had a nice flight all the way there. No complications. Went in for landing.....

Apparently, my landing site was at too high of an altitude because my parachutes had almost no effect. Scattered across the landscape...

So now I wait for a THIRD window to Duna...

Edited by Aloriel
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Step 1: Test rocket until it works.

2: Detach most of rocket to make minor alteration near top.

3: Reassemble rocket.

4: Go to pad and launch.

5: Sudden unplanned disassembly because I forgot to re-adjust the staging after re-attaching the lower stages.

All. The. Time.

Edited by Vanamonde
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Step 1: Test rocket until it works.

2: Detach most of rocket to make minor alteration near top.

3: Reassemble rocket.

4: Go to pad and launch.

5: Sudden unplanned disassembly because I forgot to re-adjust the staging after re-attaching the lower stages.

All. The. Time.

That's a variation of Kerman's Law: Any attempt to improve a functional spacecraft will make it less functional. :D

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aaah all the classics:

Kick out Jeb on the pad because it's a one-seater on a rescue mission.

Mix up X and C during delicate maneuvers, mostly near perfect landings.

Wondering why the lights won't toggle on pressing L.

Forgetting to tweak the thrust up, before a daring rendevouz, with 8 engines.

and of course: F9! ... when was my last quicksave again?

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