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Anyone read the Culture novels by Ian M. Banks?


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They're superb. Probably not for everyone, but there's great stories, memorable characters and generally cool ideas.

They do pretty well for scientific accuracy, insofar as they represent an advanced civilization that has practically limitless resources and super-intelligent computers :P. Particularly like the battle in Surface Detail :P.

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Use of Weapons is quite good, yes. I'm not sure what I'd peg as my favorite, they all tend to be good in different ways. I greatly enjoyed Matter and The Player of Games.

Another Banks book I highly recommend is The Algebraist, which isn't Culture, but standalone (also sci-fi). Quite a clever universe he's built in that one, and quite impressive to do it in one book. I recently read... Transition, which was weird as heck and Against a Dark Background, another standalone, which also has a really interesting conceptual background.

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