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[1.2][v0.9.7]Kerbal Live Feed - Interstellar Flight Inc (FORK)


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Could have been me working on MySQL and doing some dumps of eve-survival.org Database. Speaking of servers Sept is my Donation drive month for my server (Normally all EVE-ONLINE players :) ))

So if you can spare a couple dollars for server cost drop me a donation at wwds@eve-survival.org or you can use the button on the eve-survival.org front page.

Thanks for the support.


Edited by Stavell
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was able to setup the client but I want to setup a server for me and my friends but I cant figure out how to get the server working. I downloaded the master from github but dont know where to go from there since I didnt see a readme or anything like that. Could anyone give me a set by step to get it setup?


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You'll have to edit the directory names in the server code and recompile it. as i hardcoded the directorys to fit my server and the direct write to the image galley on the web sites folders. also you'll have to open port 8080 and 1025 to be able to connect. and If you using linux I don't know it the server as written will run even if compiled on liunx.

I was able to setup the client but I want to setup a server for me and my friends but I cant figure out how to get the server working. I downloaded the master from github but dont know where to go from there since I didnt see a readme or anything like that. Could anyone give me a set by step to get it setup?


Edited by Stavell
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You'll have to edit the directory names in the server code and recompile it. as i hardcoded the directorys to fit my server and the direct write to the image galley on the web sites folders. also you'll have to open port 8080 and 1025 to be able to connect. and If you using linux I don't know it the server as written will run even if compiled on liunx.

I'm also trying to setup a KFL server (running linux). Not sure if it'll work but willing to give it a shot.

Changing directory paths in the code and opening ports isn't a problem, but I don't have much experience with C#. How do I compile just the server? What files need to be included?

Any help is greatly appreciated! Cheers for the awesome mod :)

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You'll have to edit the directory names in the server code and recompile it. as i hardcoded the directorys to fit my server and the direct write to the image galley on the web sites folders. also you'll have to open port 8080 and 1025 to be able to connect. and If you using linux I don't know it the server as written will run even if compiled on liunx.

Ok that doesn't sound bad. Did you use visual studio to compile the code? Also which file has the directory's specified in it or doesn every file need to be modified?


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you have to change: to point to your install of kerbal space program ( under program references)

<Reference Include="Assembly-CSharp">
<HintPath>E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll</HintPath>
<Reference Include="Assembly-CSharp-firstpass">
<HintPath>E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll</HintPath>

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  • 1 month later...

My Alienware Laptop is at Dell for repair. I have tested current version with 1.05 and all seems to work.

I will compile a new version when the PC comes back. Unless something is broke

then I will start installing the Dev software on my wifes pc and fix it.

So let me know if you find anything broken.

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My Alienware Laptop is at Dell for repair. I have tested current version with 1.05 and all seems to work.

I will compile a new version when the PC comes back. Unless something is broke

then I will start installing the Dev software on my wifes pc and fix it.

So let me know if you find anything broken.

Tried it in 1.0.5 today and it seems like the in-game GUI can't receive messages or screenshots (but can still send them) and also spits out this in the debug log every few seconds:

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'MessageSystem.AddMessage'.
at KLF.KLFManager.readClientInterop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KLF.KLFManager.updateStep () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Edited by mythbusters844
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Minimized? is that when it throws the error? Checking into it, hope I can get my laptop back by Tuesday

Tried it in 1.0.5 today and it seems like the in-game GUI can't receive messages or screenshots (but can still send them) and also spits out this in the debug log every few seconds:

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'MessageSystem.AddMessage'.
at KLF.KLFManager.readClientInterop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KLF.KLFManager.updateStep () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, I remember I used to play with this at around version 0.20 and I loved it. Sadly it seems like I get this error now:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.get_Connected()
   at Client.get_isConnected()
   at Client.connectToServer(ClientSettings settings)
   at ConsoleClient.connectionLoop(ClientSettings settings)
   at ConsoleClient.connect(ClientSettings settings)

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Try it again normally that only happens if the server is down. I'm actaully working on catching and dealling with that error better.


Also make sure KLFClient is not blocked by firewall on port 2075.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Livefeed is well and truly borked, isn't it? How much work do you think it'll take to get it up and running again? Also, if you didn't know, there's a plugin updating help section in the addon dev section. If you do update this, good luck! I don't know if I'll actually continue playing KSP very much without this.



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Not working. When I try to start KLFClient.exe I just get the spinny mouse cursor loading icon thing but the client won't start. It also freezes the File Explorer window and the only way to unfreeze it is to kill the explorer.exe process.

I'm running Windows 10. It used to work earlier but for some reason it won't anymore. It also did this in 1.0.5. Running it as admin or in Win7 compatibility mode doesn't work either. I also checked Event Viewer but it's showing no errors.

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On 4/1/2016 at 4:01 PM, CaptainKorhonen said:

Not working. When I try to start KLFClient.exe I just get the spinny mouse cursor loading icon thing but the client won't start. It also freezes the File Explorer window and the only way to unfreeze it is to kill the explorer.exe process.

I'm running Windows 10. It used to work earlier but for some reason it won't anymore. It also did this in 1.0.5. Running it as admin or in Win7 compatibility mode doesn't work either. I also checked Event Viewer but it's showing no errors.

Are you using a 64 or 32 bit windows 10? Are you compiling it yourself or using the exe provided under releases?


I have Windows 10 64bit and can not reproduce problem.

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12 hours ago, Stavell said:

Are you using a 64 or 32 bit windows 10? Are you compiling it yourself or using the exe provided under releases?


I have Windows 10 64bit and can not reproduce problem.

64 bit, and using the exe version. I tried to repair my Windows install but that didn't work. It just suddenly stopped working a month or two ago even though it was working fine before that.

Edit: Alright, I found the problem. KLF doesn't like it when the system is using a period as a decimal symbol. It has to be a comma or the program will just hang on startup just like it did on my computer. You might want to do something about that.

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