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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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  Gfurst said:

- Is there a way to change that redish sun glow? something more yellow would be more suited, I don't think its the end of days yet.

- Now that texture were safely converted to dds, is it safe to get rid of all the png files? (testing this out already)

- Besides Kerbin and Mun no other planets configured yet right?

So lemme answer these my self:

- Yes I can change the sun's flare, its on the BoulderCo/Atmosphere/clouds.cfg. Variable _Sunsetcolor, a value of "255, 166, 90, 127" gave me a much more satisfying sun glow. Example

- getting rid of the png files don't seem to had any side effects...

- Yep only basic configuration at the moment, maybe translating some of those awesome visual packs is in order.

  amarius1 said:
Now way! I installed it properly but nothing happened! BTW might it be a problem if Iuse opengl?

As you see above its working really well for me, linux aka opengl...

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Hi there, I've tried out this mod and I'm happy to see it solves the majority of the problems I had with the old EVE.

I had some experience playing with clouds and trying to add new planets into the mix and I think you could use this kind of feedback

I'll hid it into a spoiler because it'll probably end up being a wall of text, and nobody likes those :)

first of all, this is where I had the occasion of work with EVE. you may be interested in it or maybe not. :)

one of the main problems I had was that everything was stored inside the same config file. even worse, inside nodes that were basically indistinguishable from eachother.

also, all the other cloud packs used the same files and just overwrote standard eve files. which is a nightmare if you are trying to add clouds for new planets in a separate folder like I did for OPM Clouds.

at the same time, all the types of clouds were in the same config. so if an user don't want a specific kind of cloud types there wasn't an easy way to remove them.

what I think could really help is to separate the actual mod from the cloud pack. so that if someone wants to come up with a custom clouds pack, it would be relatively easy to delete the "cloud folder" of EVE and keep the "custom cloud folder" even better if this folder is in GameData, so even a dumb user couldn't go wrong :)

another helpful thing would be to put the configs with the cloud textures. so that removing the texture pack would remove also the configs responsible of adding those clouds.

Something that would be extremely user friendly would be to have something like this:

EVE\ < put here the actual mod, responsible of loading the clouds and applying them
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which clouds to load
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the configs

An even more interesting idea is to divide all the textures into different little packs, depending of which feature they add, for example:

EVE\ < put here the actual mod, responsible of loading the clouds and applying them
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which clouds to load for auroras
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the relative configs
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which clouds to load for gas giants
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the relative configs
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which volumetric clouds to load
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the relative configs

this will allow users to remove selectively one certain kind of textures.

You don't like auroras? just delete the folder!

your computer can't handle volumetric? just delete the folder!

easy to install, easy to uninstall. (install doesn't overwrite anything, uninstall dosn't require reinstalling any mod)

It will help also to put easy labels inside the node used for the clouds, so that they can easily be deleted/modified/checked with ModuleManager patches.

and with labels I mean this:

CloudMod = EVE (KSPRC, AVP, whatever)
CloudPack = Auroras (Volumetric, GasGiants, whatever)
PlanetPack = Stock (OPM, NewHorizon, whatever)
Planetname = Kerbin (Eve, Duna, whatever)

I know this is the old EVE setup, but even if the new one uses "EVE_ATMOSPHERE" instead of "CLOUD_LAYER_PACK" the reasoning can be the same

I'm not saying all of those tags are necessarily needed, but for sure it won't hurt much to have the tags, and it will improve modularity a lot.

As you can see I've included "planetname" in there, this is because I think having different nodes for different planets (same node type, like PART nodes are all the same, but each PART gets it's part node, same for the planets clouds)

this probably the least important of the 4, but I still put it in there to give you an Idea of how modular this setup can be.

if this is done, planet packs could provide their own "cloud_configs" that will make use of the textures installed by the user.

Or they could add custom textures and still have the stock system use the textures from EVE

or someone may come up with a nice cloud pack (think AVP or KSPRC), and instead of pillaging EVE and release the mod adding changes into their own archive, they could just point at EVE as a requirement, and then provide their own folder with clouds

and the user will have to do this:

GameData\ < install EVE
EVE\ < keep the mod
EVEClouds\ < delete the clouds and install AVPClouds
AVPClouds\ < everything in here will make EVE load the new clouds

instead of having to do this:


so in my eyes, this will let everybody win:

1- the users for a better overall experience

2- rbray89, as the EVE developer you will have your mod downloaded from you and not just repackaged into others

3- the Cloud making community, for having a good infrastructure where to put the work

4- the Planet making community, for having as well a simpler way to add clouds to their planets

5- me, for being hailed as the bringer of this revolution (just kidding :D)

What I've shown here is just an idea, it still needs refining but I know it can work.

Just take a look at how simpler OPMClouds has got since when I added my compatibility cfgs.

If you did actually read that whole post you will probably have hundreds of questions, I'm happy to answer all of them as long as the attitude is that of contructive criticism, and the aim is to improve the KSP experience for everybody.

This is my attitude anyway, nothing I'm saying has to be read as a personal attack or anything like that.



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  Sigma88 said:
Hi there, I've tried out this mod and I'm happy to see it solves the majority of the problems I had with the old EVE.

I had some experience playing with clouds and trying to add new planets into the mix and I think you could use this kind of feedback

I'll hid it into a spoiler because it'll probably end up being a wall of text, and nobody likes those :)

first of all, this is where I had the occasion of work with EVE. you may be interested in it or maybe not. :)

one of the main problems I had was that everything was stored inside the same config file. even worse, inside nodes that were basically indistinguishable from eachother.

also, all the other cloud packs used the same files and just overwrote standard eve files. which is a nightmare if you are trying to add clouds for new planets in a separate folder like I did for OPM Clouds.

at the same time, all the types of clouds were in the same config. so if an user don't want a specific kind of cloud types there wasn't an easy way to remove them.

what I think could really help is to separate the actual mod from the cloud pack. so that if someone wants to come up with a custom clouds pack, it would be relatively easy to delete the "cloud folder" of EVE and keep the "custom cloud folder" even better if this folder is in GameData, so even a dumb user couldn't go wrong :)

another helpful thing would be to put the configs with the cloud textures. so that removing the texture pack would remove also the configs responsible of adding those clouds.

Something that would be extremely user friendly would be to have something like this:

EVE\ < put here the actual mod, responsible of loading the clouds and applying them
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which clouds to load
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the configs

An even more interesting idea is to divide all the textures into different little packs, depending of which feature they add, for example:

EVE\ < put here the actual mod, responsible of loading the clouds and applying them
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which clouds to load for auroras
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the relative configs
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which clouds to load for gas giants
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the relative configs
Configs\ < put here the configs responsible to tell EVE which volumetric clouds to load
Textures\ < put here the textures needed for the relative configs

this will allow users to remove selectively one certain kind of textures.

You don't like auroras? just delete the folder!

your computer can't handle volumetric? just delete the folder!

easy to install, easy to uninstall. (install doesn't overwrite anything, uninstall dosn't require reinstalling any mod)

It will help also to put easy labels inside the node used for the clouds, so that they can easily be deleted/modified/checked with ModuleManager patches.

and with labels I mean this:

CloudMod = EVE (KSPRC, AVP, whatever)
CloudPack = Auroras (Volumetric, GasGiants, whatever)
PlanetPack = Stock (OPM, NewHorizon, whatever)
Planetname = Kerbin (Eve, Duna, whatever)

I know this is the old EVE setup, but even if the new one uses "EVE_ATMOSPHERE" instead of "CLOUD_LAYER_PACK" the reasoning can be the same

I'm not saying all of those tags are necessarily needed, but for sure it won't hurt much to have the tags, and it will improve modularity a lot.

As you can see I've included "planetname" in there, this is because I think having different nodes for different planets (same node type, like PART nodes are all the same, but each PART gets it's part node, same for the planets clouds)

this probably the least important of the 4, but I still put it in there to give you an Idea of how modular this setup can be.

if this is done, planet packs could provide their own "cloud_configs" that will make use of the textures installed by the user.

Or they could add custom textures and still have the stock system use the textures from EVE

or someone may come up with a nice cloud pack (think AVP or KSPRC), and instead of pillaging EVE and release the mod adding changes into their own archive, they could just point at EVE as a requirement, and then provide their own folder with clouds

and the user will have to do this:

GameData\ < install EVE
EVE\ < keep the mod
EVEClouds\ < delete the clouds and install AVPClouds
AVPClouds\ < everything in here will make EVE load the new clouds

instead of having to do this:


so in my eyes, this will let everybody win:

1- the users for a better overall experience

2- rbray89, as the EVE developer you will have your mod downloaded from you and not just repackaged into others

3- the Cloud making community, for having a good infrastructure where to put the work

4- the Planet making community, for having as well a simpler way to add clouds to their planets

5- me, for being hailed as the bringer of this revolution (just kidding :D)

What I've shown here is just an idea, it still needs refining but I know it can work.

Just take a look at how simpler OPMClouds has got since when I added my compatibility cfgs.

If you did actually read that whole post you will probably have hundreds of questions, I'm happy to answer all of them as long as the attitude is that of contructive criticism, and the aim is to improve the KSP experience for everybody.

This is my attitude anyway, nothing I'm saying has to be read as a personal attack or anything like that.



This is already do-able. You can have as many config files in whatever directories you like. The GUI also addresses this (mostly) as well.

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  rbray89 said:
This is already do-able. You can have as many config files in whatever directories you like. The GUI also addresses this (mostly) as well.

if you mean in wip-eve than wonderful. :)

the current EVE 7-4 release currently requires a lot of fiddling around to get that to work, and there's no reliable way to check wich mod is installed

but yeah, it's already doable. and I think I did a reasonable job with OPM Clouds developed by Eleusis for showing how it could be done.

It's just a matter of introducing those kind of "standards" in a tutorial somewhere so that modders have some "rosetta stone" to follow :D

Edited by Sigma88
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Ok got it working but I have some problems:

1. In strt screen no clouds appear.

2. In map mode Kerbin is only red and white.

3. Most of the time clouds and atmosphere appears red from space ceanter view but fixes after long timewarps.

Cheers! TW, I'm running KSP on 32bit windows 10.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone!, First time poster here. :D Gotta say this game is awesome and the community its even MOAR! I'been playing it for some months now and I'm still hooked to it like first day.

First I gotta say Rbray did an awesome job with eve wip, I uninstalled the eve 7/4 (was it named like that?) becouse it lagged my game but this version goes smooth just in case he needs the info, it's a:

Windows 10
8 Gb Ram
6 Core AMD
MSI Nvidia GTX 470 with 1280MB

So now to the question, I installed Eve Wip on my game and started adding clouds and atmosfere to Duna, Eve, Laythe and Jool they are mostly done for now but Im wondering if someone could give me a hand:

size = 3725,2,0
maxTranslation = 0,100,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.002

In this section of the config file, whats the job of "size" and "area", right now im just using the same value I got in height for the first value and size and not touching anything more but I they look like something important.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.

Just in case someone wants it, the full cfg is here replace the contents of the clouds.cfg and thats all:

altitude = 4000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 6
scaledOverlay = Geometry
offset = 0,0,0
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 60
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 255,255,255,255
_DetailDist = 2E-06
size = 4000,2,0
maxTranslation = 0,100,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.002
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
_Color = 255,255,255,255
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 10000
speed = 15
detailSpeed = 10
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/eve1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 30
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 10000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 15,15,15
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 8000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 20
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,200,200
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/eve1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 80
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 10,10,10
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
size = 8000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 150,70,200,200
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 6000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,180,100
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/eve1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 80
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 6000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 150,70,180,100
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 65000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_MainTex =
_DetailTex =
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_DensityFactorA = 15
_DensityFactorB = 1
_DensityFactorC = 1
_DensityFactorD = 42
_DensityFactorE = 20
_Visibility = 0.5
_DensityVisibilityBase = 2.71
_DensityVisibilityPow = 0.001
_DensityVisibilityOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffBase = 2.71
_DensityCutoffPow = 0.001
_DensityCutoffOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffScale = 1
_SunsetColor = 100,0,100,14
altitude = 8000
speed = 50
detailSpeed = 5
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/duna1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 60
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 8000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 30000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_MainTex =
_DetailTex =
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_DensityFactorA = 10
_DensityFactorB = 1
_DensityFactorC = 1
_DensityFactorD = 38
_DensityFactorE = 5
_Visibility = 0.5
_DensityVisibilityBase = 2.71
_DensityVisibilityPow = 0.001
_DensityVisibilityOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffBase = 2.71
_DensityCutoffPow = 0.001
_DensityCutoffOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffScale = 1
_SunsetColor = 80,0,0,114
altitude = 45000
speed = 90
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,150,25,100
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/jool1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 45000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 15,150,25,100
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 5,5,5
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 120000
speed = 150
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,150,25,110
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/joollayers1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 50000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 15,150,25,110
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 200000
speed = 120
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,180,25,120
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/joollayers2
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 200
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 52000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 15,180,25,120
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 150000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,180,25,120
_MainTex =
_DetailTex =
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 15,180,25,50
_DensityFactorA = 30
_DensityFactorB = 0.9
_DensityFactorC = 1
_DensityFactorD = 42
_DensityFactorE = 0
_Visibility = 0.5
_DensityVisibilityBase = 2.71
_DensityVisibilityPow = 0.001
_DensityVisibilityOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffBase = 2.71
_DensityCutoffPow = 0.001
_DensityCutoffOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffScale = 1
_SunsetColor = 0,80,30,50
altitude = 5500
speed = 60
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 255,255,255,255
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/jool1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 4000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 255,255,255,255
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 120
speed = 80
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 180,180,180,180
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/jool1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 120,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 180,180,180,180
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008

Edited by Elkram
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  amarius1 said:
Ok got it working but I have some problems:

1. In strt screen no clouds appear.

2. In map mode Kerbin is only red and white.

3. Most of the time clouds and atmosphere appears red from space ceanter view but fixes after long timewarps.

Cheers! TW, I'm running KSP on 32bit windows 10.

KSP 32bit or the OS is 32 bit???

OS means.. (your windows)

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  Elkram said:
Hello everyone!, First time poster here. :D Gotta say this game is awesome and the community its even MOAR! I'been playing it for some months now and I'm still hooked to it like first day.

First I gotta say Rbray did an awesome job with eve wip, I uninstalled the eve 7/4 (was it named like that?) becouse it lagged my game but this version goes smooth just in case he needs the info, it's a:

Windows 10
8 Gb Ram
6 Core AMD
MSI Nvidia GTX 470 with 1280MB

So now to the question, I installed Eve Wip on my game and started adding clouds and atmosfere to Duna, Eve, Laythe and Jool they are mostly done for now but Im wondering if someone could give me a hand:

size = 3725,2,0
maxTranslation = 0,100,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.002

In this section of the config file, whats the job of "size" and "area", right now im just using the same value I got in height for the first value and size and not touching anything more but I they look like something important.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.

Just in case someone wants it, the full cfg is here replace the contents of the clouds.cfg and thats all:

altitude = 4000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 6
scaledOverlay = Geometry
offset = 0,0,0
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 60
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 255,255,255,255
_DetailDist = 2E-06
size = 4000,2,0
maxTranslation = 0,100,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.002
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
_Color = 255,255,255,255
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 10000
speed = 15
detailSpeed = 10
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/eve1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 30
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 10000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 15,15,15
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 8000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 20
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,200,200
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/eve1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 80
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 10,10,10
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
size = 8000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 150,70,200,200
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 6000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,180,100
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/eve1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 80
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 6000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 150,70,180,100
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 65000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_MainTex =
_DetailTex =
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 150,70,220,200
_DensityFactorA = 15
_DensityFactorB = 1
_DensityFactorC = 1
_DensityFactorD = 42
_DensityFactorE = 20
_Visibility = 0.5
_DensityVisibilityBase = 2.71
_DensityVisibilityPow = 0.001
_DensityVisibilityOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffBase = 2.71
_DensityCutoffPow = 0.001
_DensityCutoffOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffScale = 1
_SunsetColor = 100,0,100,14
altitude = 8000
speed = 50
detailSpeed = 5
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/duna1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 60
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 8000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 30000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_MainTex =
_DetailTex =
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 180,80,40,180
_DensityFactorA = 10
_DensityFactorB = 1
_DensityFactorC = 1
_DensityFactorD = 38
_DensityFactorE = 5
_Visibility = 0.5
_DensityVisibilityBase = 2.71
_DensityVisibilityPow = 0.001
_DensityVisibilityOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffBase = 2.71
_DensityCutoffPow = 0.001
_DensityCutoffOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffScale = 1
_SunsetColor = 80,0,0,114
altitude = 45000
speed = 90
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,150,25,100
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/jool1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 45000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 15,150,25,100
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 5,5,5
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 120000
speed = 150
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,150,25,110
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/joollayers1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 50000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 15,150,25,110
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 200000
speed = 120
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,180,25,120
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/joollayers2
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 200
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 52000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 15,180,25,120
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 150000
speed = 30
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 15,180,25,120
_MainTex =
_DetailTex =
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
_Color = 15,180,25,50
_DensityFactorA = 30
_DensityFactorB = 0.9
_DensityFactorC = 1
_DensityFactorD = 42
_DensityFactorE = 0
_Visibility = 0.5
_DensityVisibilityBase = 2.71
_DensityVisibilityPow = 0.001
_DensityVisibilityOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffBase = 2.71
_DensityCutoffPow = 0.001
_DensityCutoffOffset = 1
_DensityCutoffScale = 1
_SunsetColor = 0,80,30,50
altitude = 5500
speed = 60
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 255,255,255,255
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/jool1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 4000,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 255,255,255,255
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008
altitude = 120
speed = 80
detailSpeed = 0
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 180,180,180,180
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/jool1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_DetailScale = 100
_DetailDist = 2E-06
_DistFade = 1
_DistFadeVert = 4E-05
size = 120,1,0
maxTranslation = 0,0,0
area = 24000,4,0
rotationSpeed = 0.01
_Color = 180,180,180,180
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_LightScatter = 0.55
_MinLight = 0.5
_InvFade = 0.008
shadow = True
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_MinLight = 0.5
_RimDist = 0.0001
_RimDistSub = 1.01
_InvFade = 0.008

Area adjusts the density of billboards for a given segment, while size controls the xyz scale of each billboard(volumetric cloudlet)... I think

- - - Updated - - -

  Sigma88 said:
if you mean in wip-eve than wonderful. :)

the current EVE 7-4 release currently requires a lot of fiddling around to get that to work, and there's no reliable way to check wich mod is installed

but yeah, it's already doable. and I think I did a reasonable job with OPM Clouds developed by Eleusis for showing how it could be done.

It's just a matter of introducing those kind of "standards" in a tutorial somewhere so that modders have some "rosetta stone" to follow :D

While a walk through would be nice for beginners one has to remember that this is still heavily in development, so maybe that's be something to come once it's released or something to be constructed by users. Also I like to think of this as more of a showcase and a tool for visual 'developers' the values provided are only to give the user a rough idea of what's going on under the hood. It seems many people forget this expecting this to be perfectly configured out the box :P not that you did just sayin' :)

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  Sido said:
Well, i redo a fresh install to be sure...

i got this :


And i absolutly don't know why this happen :huh:

this occurs when adjusting Atmspheric density in particular these attributes. basically you are adjusting the size of the blue glow and also the size of the sunset glow on the atmosphere. And from here you can remove the reddish glow from the midday sun if you don't like the effect.


the catch is i don't know how each attribute is used in creating the effects but if you look at the stock values most are floating point numbers and low with he exception of DensityFactorD and E where they are double digit or negative numbers.

although best practice is to use the files which were provided with the download as a guide. the idea is not to deviate too far from the stock values and you will achieve good results with variations. for example a value of 1 means that you most likely want to use numbers which are lower than 1 but more than 0 double digit less than 100 and above 0, so on and so forth.

from my testing i have found some settings are used as divisors. for example _SpecularPower in the terrain config determines the amount a shine effect on the surface is reduced.

Similarly with _DetailDist the lower the number while being less than 1 and greater than 0 determines how far you can see details. for example. 0.01 is a pretty small sphere of detail and 0.00000001 pretty much all of the planet will be detailed as you zoom out.

- - - Updated - - -

  Rise said:

Don't understand why a cant use shortcut alt+e. It doesn't work for me. Please help:(

check to see that you have the directory structure GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins

from there make sure you have all the dll files in the directory:









If everything is fine on your end regarding the files it could be a conflict with another mod which is causing the issue. At that point you might need to start troubleshooting your ksp install.

Edited by joe_da_cro
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  Proot said:
Rbray, I don't remember if I reported this before, but terrain textures are completely black at night. Artificial sources of light only lights the terrain, but the texture substitutions remains invisible in the darkness. :wink:

So I'm going to bump this as I can't find anywhere that this got answered, but I'm experiencing the same issue. Color detail is fine during the day but once it gets to be night, the terrain is pitch black with the only source of light coming from any city textures and for some odd reason coasts (but not always, its weird), the beaches on the coast are the color they are suppose to be but the rest of the terrain is black. The first image is what normal night Kerbin looks like and the second image is what the terrain looks like with EVE installed.

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If this is what is suppose to happen, ignore me and call me a fool :P

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  Nhawks17 said:
So I'm going to bump this as I can't find anywhere that this got answered, but I'm experiencing the same issue. Color detail is fine during the day but once it gets to be night, the terrain is pitch black with the only source of light coming from any city textures and for some odd reason coasts (but not always, its weird), the beaches on the coast are the color they are suppose to be but the rest of the terrain is black. The first image is what normal night Kerbin looks like and the second image is what the terrain looks like with EVE installed.


If this is what is suppose to happen, ignore me and call me a fool :P

The coasts have a minor issue, but the whole "black as night" thing is supposed to be that way.

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I just found a bug.

If you create a maneuver node inside Mun's Sphere of Influence, the Mun starts to glitch out, like, it becomes pitch white, then normal, then pitch white, then normal as long as the maneuver node is there.

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  Proot said:
Latest version (with KSPRC configs) + scatterer (without EVE atmo): http://imgur.com/a/niokn

I find it pretty amazing. Many thanks Rbray, it's simply wonderful and extremely funny.

I've found that all DDS textures works prefectly, with the exception of the "main" ones which must remain as PNG if you want them to remain transparent. Is that an expected behaviour?

Holy smokes! The way KSP is looking in that image gallery is beyond my wildest expectations of what the game would ever look like, Smashing job matey :cool:

Edit: Just realised how old that gallery is, didn't realise how far back I was reading and replying to, Need to catch up with the latest "KSP modding News" X-D

Still amazing from ground level KSP images though :-)

Edited by GorillaZilla
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