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Female original three possible names

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Jessica Kerman - Jebediah Kerman

Bobby Kerman - Bob Kerman

Billwina Kerman - Bill Kerman

The other original three would have the same dumb and brave values.

Other names: Billie, Jessy, Jennifer, Bobbet, Bonny, BillyJean, Jebifer, Willamina, Valentina...

Any other suggestions (preferably first name)?

Make a post telling your favourite one.

Edited by LABHOUSE
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isnt it a tad late for a "female original three"?

They will be the original three female kerbonauts, so...

Not sure I like trying to make them too much like the male Original Three. I think they should have non-related names, so we can start some headcanon about them without fitting them into the mold of Jeb, Bill, and Bob. The first three females shouldn't be Jeb, Bill and Bob with slightly different names and a new look.

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Lol. The kerbal Space Program used only boys in the early race to the moon.

But the Koviet Program had Valentina! And everyone knows that Jeb had a serious crush on Her since he meet her on the Mun Low orbit...

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Lol. The kerbal Space Program used only boys in the early race to the moon.

But the Koviet Program had Valentina! And everyone knows that Jeb had a serious crush on Her since he meet her on the Mun Low orbit...

Jeb's too professional for "crushes". Bob though... He's got his eyes on Emmany Kerman. Metaphorically.

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So this is a thing that's pretty heartfelt and personal to me, but one of the first big moments of my life was drawing space things in pre-school and being so excited to meet someone who'd been to space but then they explained to me that she had died and couldn't come to see us and I felt so incredibly sad.

So I nominate the name Christa.

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umm... my pick for 3 names. (that is what I would pick today as it can change on a whim)

- Skye (a fitting name for an astronaut, wouldn't you agree ?)

- Beth (as in Elisabeth)

- Liu (the first Chinese astronaut)

If I have to pick my favorite of the 3, I'd go with Liu... make her a BadS :)

Oh and I will say I want a suit color closer to pink than orange for the main 3 ladies... yeah sexism and all that, I don't care, I do think pink is a nice color for any woman to wear... :cool:

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  • 1 month later...
They will be the original three female kerbonauts, so...

Not sure I like trying to make them too much like the male Original Three. I think they should have non-related names, so we can start some headcanon about them without fitting them into the mold of Jeb, Bill, and Bob. The first three females shouldn't be Jeb, Bill and Bob with slightly different names and a new look.

I agree with this, maybe blue suites instead.

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I definitely agree that the first three female Kerbals shouldn't have names that are mere variations on the original Jebediah/Bill/Bob trio.

A number of years back, I recall seeing fanart / fan references to a potential first female Kerbal named Cassandra (Kassandra?), so that's a possibility. My own suggestions include Babree, Elena and Halnie - a brunette, a blonde and a redhead respectively.

I also entertained the possibility of having a variation on surnames to denote gender, although Kerwoman is probably a bit much IMHO - instead, I suggest Kermina(similar to how certain Russian names end in -nov for males and -nova for females)

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Female Kermans would be awesome (I think there is a mod that has some as well? Not sure).

My suggestions for names, to keep with the theme of the original three:

Clementine Kerman

Belle Kerman

Abigail Kerman

If we wanted to go exotic then I would go with:

Valentina Kerman

Kalpana Kerman

Liu Kerman

(named after Soviet, Indian, and Chinese astronauts, respectively)

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