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[0.90 + 1.0 update] Contract Science Modifier (v0.4) [2015.01.28]


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  FreeThinker said:
Please release for KSP 0.9

I don't want to do all those part missions again to gain science

Just tested, seems to work like charm in 0.90. No need to update if already using 0.3 of this. However would appreciate issue reports, if any encountered.

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Yes! Excellent mod, thank you, Ser! :)

I much prefer field science to be the main source of knowledge, piggybacking experiments (and indeed scientists) on the contracts that fund the KSC. I feel it actually reduces the sense of grinding, because it makes you go out to new places with new science packages, rather than being tempted to do 100 survey missions in Kerbin SOI to get to those nuclear engines. Far more interesting when your first interplanetary missions have to be done with LV-909s :D

This mod definitely deserves a lot more publicity, anyone who likes having a reason to explore the solar system ought to be using this...

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  • 3 weeks later...


I m the author of the SETI-BalanceMod.

Having a reasonalbe science progression is very important for balanced gameplay, so I stated this great mod as a requirement.

Is there any chance for this mod becoming available via CKAN?

It would simplify the installation process a lot.

If you make the mod available via [Moderator removed defunct website link], there is a small checkbox in the lower right corner, which sends an automatic ckan inclusion request.

Thank you for the fantastic mod!

Edited by James Kerman
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  Yemo said:
Thanks for putting it on CKAN!

I will most likely update the SETI dependecies on CKAN over the weekend.

Would appreciate if you notified me whether CKAN dependency on my mod works.

  DanBMan said:
Cool mod, just wondering what the point of the "src" folder is? It has two subfolders of "properties" and "other", which seem to have a duplicate of the .cfg file and license, should I go ahead and delete it?

"src" contains the mod's source code. It is a requirement of KSP forum's administration and is useful, for example, if you want to make sure that a mod doesn't act as a malware in background. It is usually uploaded to some repository like Github but those who are too lazy to mess with Git choose to include it in the zip-file. Haven't suppose that anyone would be bothered because it's only 12Kb. If you don't need it then feel free to delete the whole "src" folder.

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  Ser said:

"src" contains the mod's source code. It is a requirement of KSP forum's administration and is useful, for example, if you want to make sure that a mod doesn't act as a malware in background. It is usually uploaded to some repository like Github but those who are too lazy to mess with Git choose to include it in the zip-file. Haven't suppose that anyone would be bothered because it's only 12Kb. If you don't need it then feel free to delete the whole "src" folder.

Thanks, I seem to have gotten it working. Although may I suggest also modifying the strategies for increased science? Even with the multiplier set very low I can still get +8 science points on Kerbin contract if I select Unpaid Interns. Already a few days into my career with this and I like the pace of advancement much better, I actually get to use mid range tech!

Edited by DanBMan
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  Ser said:
Would appreciate if you notified me whether CKAN dependency on my mod works.

I m having some trouble with my mod and CKAN at the moment, I will set the dependency after I resolved those issues and report back!

@DanBMan: There is a mod called SaneStrategies, it is listed under Phase1 for my mod (see signature).

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  DanBMan said:
Thanks, I seem to have gotten it working. Although may I suggest also modifying the strategies for increased science? Even with the multiplier set very low I can still get +8 science points on Kerbin contract if I select Unpaid Interns. Already a few days into my career with this and I like the pace of advancement much better, I actually get to use mid range tech!

Yes, seems like the Sane Strategies mod is what you need. Please try it.

Frankly speaking, I don't use any strategies at all so don't have any ideas on how they should be balanced. May be that's wrong, but I like to play KSP more in a simulation way rather than a tycoon.

Anyway, if you are unhappy with it you may still post your suggestions here and I'll look what can be done.

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Version 0.4 is out.

Added extended configuration capabilities allowing to specify settings per mod, contract or contract parameter types. Also dummy template configs for several popular mods are included:

Contract Configurator by nightingale

Mission Controller 2 by malkuth

Orbital Material Science by N3h3miah

Orbital Science by DMagic

Station Science by ethernet

And, of course, a config file for stock and FinePrint contracts presents.

Currently they do nothing and global settings rule. They are just templates that you can fill in with settings you may want.

Now you can balance science flow from contracts in any way you like or you may prevent contracts of some mods from being modified. Whatever.

Please report any bugs you encounter. Configs you use would be helpful in the case.

Edited by Ser
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Ooo, nice. Does this mean I can make surface surveys return a (little) bit of science, but the old 'return science from <x> orbit' can remain worthless? Been looking for a way to make rover missions favourable, this might just be the ticket :)

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  FreeThinker said:
This looks fantastic, finally I make real science contract count.

Could you also add a config for[0.90] Orbital Material Science: Early science and contracts with version 0.5.7

It's already there. Look for the file named "CSM Orbital Material Science.cfg" in the Contract_science_modifier folder. Since Orbital Material Science uses only one contract type and two parameter types there's not much you can do with it, just specify settings for entire mod (you may do it either for entire mod or for a single contract type - no difference) or per parameter types which are NE_Science.Contracts.Parameters.OMSDoExperimentParameter and NE_Science.Contracts.Parameters.OMSReturnExperimentParameter. Just add PARAMETER sections in the .cfg file for them if you want to.

  eddiew said:
Ooo, nice. Does this mean I can make surface surveys return a (little) bit of science, but the old 'return science from <x> orbit' can remain worthless? Been looking for a way to make rover missions favourable, this might just be the ticket :)

Of course. You need to specify some custom settings in the section for FinePrint's SurveyContract type in "CSM Stock and FinePrint.cfg" file. They'll override the global science-reducing settings.

Edited by Ser
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Ok, the KSP 1.0 is finally out.

Since Squad seems to have done nothing about contract science balancing I gave the mod some tests and it seems to still work with 1.0. Only the stock contract types have been alittle messed up. Looks like they were unified and became harder to distinguish. For example, all of the contracts that you have at the start of your career have the same FinePrint.Contracts.WorldFirstContract type.

Anyway, there's an update of template for Stock and Contract types on the title page.

Templates for other mods will be updated later when the mods get updated for KSP 1.0.

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