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[1.10.1+] Contract Configurator [v1.30.5] [2020-10-05]


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@nightingale Just had this pop up on me in an an actual CC error window while in the R&D screen.

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This happened while doing nothing more than buying the General Rocketry tech node.  Furthermore, it set my money to zero and hit me with a -1000 rep penalty.  I had no active contracts at the time either so it all went weird. LOL.  I've saved the ksp.log and output_log in case you want either one of them.  Let me know if you need this opened on github or need those logs.

EDIT: It's actually worse than I thought.  That error is popping up anytime I do anything in the R&D window.  Purchasing a node or paying the research cost for any part. It isn't draining my money/rep like the first time the error popped so there's that at least...

EDIT 2: Ok, after exiting and reloading the save game the errors have stopped popping up now.

Edited by rasta013
Moar info part deux...
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  On 5/22/2016 at 5:32 PM, kugutsu said:


I am having a bit of a contract problem that I think might be linked to CC. It is with the 'First Space Station' contract. I have built a station, launched it and got it into orbit empty, then launched a crew, who spent 30 days there. I then undocked their capsule and brought them home safe. Problem is, these last parts don't seem to register, and the contract won't complete, despite all the mission objectives having been met. Any help would be appreciated! If more info is needed, I am happy to provide it, if you tell me what you need. Thanks!

Edit: here is a screenshot of the mission objectives. They should all in fact be complete, as I have fulfilled all of them: http://imgur.com/RF9onEJ


It's possible to write contracts that are difficult or impossible to finish with Contract Configurator.  From the screenshot alone, I have no idea which contract pack that's from, so I have difficulty helping you without seeing the config.  I'd suggest trying on the thread for whichever contract pack that is from.

@rasta013 - thanks, I've fixed that for the next release.

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I think it must be from RP-0, as that seems to disable most other contracts. If I recall (will check again when i get home from work...), the only other contracts available are the Dmagic scan ones, but I don't think they would give the space station contract. Thanks, I will try over on the RP-0 thread. 

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  On 5/23/2016 at 2:13 PM, pap1723 said:

@nightingale Is it possible for me to only require certain parts if a specific mod is installed? What I am looking to do is require that certain science experiments would be included in a mission if DMagic Orbital Science was installed.



Sure, use PartValidation for the part check with a Module Manager condition to check that the mod is installed.

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  On 5/23/2016 at 3:34 PM, nightingale said:

Sure, use PartValidation for the part check with a Module Manager condition to check that the mod is installed.


Thanks for the response! I know how to use the PartValidation function so from my understanding it should work like this:

    name = PartValidation
    type = PartValidation
	Blah, Blah, Blah


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  On 5/23/2016 at 6:19 PM, pap1723 said:

Thanks for the response! I know how to use the PartValidation function so from my understanding it should work like this:

    name = PartValidation
    type = PartValidation
	Blah, Blah, Blah



Spot on. I use this in bases and stations for Station science labs if you need an example, but what you have there is correct.

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@nightingale I have got a seriously weird thing that's been happening to me and I'm hoping you might be able to help point me in the right direction to fixing this since it's contract related...

So, I restarted a career changing nothing about my install which had zero problems before in giving out contracts.  I've now, after trying to hunt down this issue twice, have restarted the career again and the same problem has cropped up at the exact same point it did the first time.  Here's what's happens so bear with me, it's strange.

To begin with, I'm running the same packs I always do and was using in my prior career with no issues : Anomaly Surveyor, Bases and Stations, Field Research, Tourism Plus plus the mod based contracts from ScanSat, DMOS, Nehemiah's mods, Station Science, Impact!, Research Bodies and Tarsier Space Tech.

My career will start out normally.  I'm given a variety of choices, primarily World Firsts, Nehemiah's, Field Research and Tourism Plus are the packs handing out contracts that early.  I'll complete anywhere from 7-10 contracts pretty quickly of course and slowly the variety starts to drop.  By the time I've gotten through about 10-12 more the only thing giving contracts anymore typically is Field Research and Anomaly Surveyor.  Then, as soon as I start purchasing science at the 90 point level, the Mission Control building will inevitably lock up on me when I try to enter it.  The game doesn't crash but I can't enter any other building, CapCom stops working and won't show me any contracts and the only way to exit the game is through Alt+F4 or Task Manager.  The game responds, I can actually open other mod windows like the Contract Configurator, various USI windows, Research Bodies etc.  Last but not least, when I look in the log files trying to track this down (this is where everything starts going weird) I will see this getting spammed repeatedly throughout the log, often for hours on end if I'm on a long session and not having to go into contracts: 

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That NRE at the end is what pops when the Mission Control building dies.  When the MC locks up, all it does it sit there spamming the log with variations of what you see above until I forcibly close the game but no NREs ever appear again and the building never recovers.

So, my problem/question is two fold:

#1 - Why do my contracts start disappearing and I see things like the Kemini Experiments, Recover Asset and Explore Body contracts getting blocked with a message of "Over the Active Limit Blocking Offer"

#2 - Is this string of stuff related to the Mission Control locking up and never recovering.  

A last few nuggets of info:  My MC building from the above example is already upgraded to Level 3 and my reputation as of the breakdown above was at 789 which you can actually see in the log from the VOID (VCTScenario) log message.  Obviously I'm allowed more than 2 active contracts and my reputation is more than high enough that I should be receiving far more than just Anomaly/Field Research contracts.  I will also tell you now, my modlist is stupidly large (200+) but I'm hoping you might be able to give me at least some insight as to what is going on here.  Any help you can give would be very, very much appreciated as I've been tearing my hair out for 3 days trying to figure this out.

Edited by rasta013
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  On 5/24/2016 at 5:25 AM, nightingale said:

@rasta013 - #1 is due to a bug that's due to be fixed in the next release (basically, the Contract Configurator contracts don't get a high enough weight).

#2 is a big issue...  with ResearchBodies.  I'd raise it on that thread. :)


@rasta013 as @nightingale said if you can raise issue two on my ResearchBodies thread please. I just took over this mod a few weeks ago and I was just looking at the code yesterday on this particular item thinking this was a time bomb waiting to go off. I'll have to fix it up and put out a new release.

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getting this error.


[EXC 13:45:36.668] TargetException: Non-static field requires a target
	System.Reflection.MonoField.GetValue (System.Object obj)
	ContractConfigurator.TitleTracker+TitleTrackerHelper.get_uiListMap ()
	ContractConfigurator.TitleTracker.UpdateContractWindow (System.String newTitle)
	ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ContractConfiguratorParameter.GetTitle ()
	Contracts.ContractParameter.get_Title ()
	ContractsWindow.contractsWindow.refreshContracts (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 gID, Boolean sort)
	ContractsWindow.contractsWindow.RepeatingWorker ()
	ContractsWindow.DMC_MBE.RepeatingWorkerWrapper ()


trying to figure out whats causeing after i upgrade building causeing the mission control to lock and be unable to enter. right now it might be soome form of conflict between reasearch bodies and contract config but not sure.

here what happened i upgrded my launch pad to othe second level and after that when i tried to enter the mission control it would input lock and not go in. have to open debug menu and clear input lock to do anything but the mission control would stay input locking it. now this is with research bodeis installed. exited the game and removed research bodies go back in the game and i can go into the mission control.

i had the same happen before when i upgraded mission control. that time i removed contract config and it sstoped the input lock on it.


im not 100% its a conflict yet so ima play without reasaerch bodies and if it still happens then its probaly a contract pack maybe.

the contract packs im useing are




hisztoric missions

interplanetary mountaineer

kerbin space station


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  On 5/24/2016 at 5:25 AM, nightingale said:

@rasta013 - #1 is due to a bug that's due to be fixed in the next release (basically, the Contract Configurator contracts don't get a high enough weight).

#2 is a big issue...  with ResearchBodies.  I'd raise it on that thread. :)



  On 5/24/2016 at 5:36 AM, JPLRepo said:

@rasta013 as @nightingale said if you can raise issue two on my ResearchBodies thread please. I just took over this mod a few weeks ago and I was just looking at the code yesterday on this particular item thinking this was a time bomb waiting to go off. I'll have to fix it up and put out a new release.


You guys rock!  One bug already known and fixed, the other aware of and being worked on and you got my question answered without me having to pull off 200+ mods one by one!  Thank you SO MUCH!

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that error spameing but its once very 5 or so sec. so it dont kill your fps or other mods functions.

now on to more playing to see if it is research bodies causeing the mission control lockup

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  On 5/24/2016 at 6:13 PM, sidfu said:

that error spameing but its once very 5 or so sec. so it dont kill your fps or other mods functions.

now on to more playing to see if it is research bodies causeing the mission control lockup


It is...already found it last night and already reported it to JPLRepo on the Research Bodies thread... :) 

Edited by rasta013
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Big release with lots of bug fixes, and a few new features for contract authors.  Download here!

Contract Configurator 1.12.0

  • Added support for NextKerbalHireCost() expression function.
  • Added HasCrew.excludeKerbal.
  • Fixed exception in the Expression behaviour (thanks severedsolo).
  • Fixed deriving primary situation for biomes with a space in the name.
  • Fixed exception in science util functions (thanks Chippy the Space Dog).
  • Fixed exception when docking (thanks Lennartos and others).
  • Fixed logic for setting contract weights that was broken by 1.1.x changes (thanks severedsolo).
  • Removed some broken validation (thanks linuxgurugamer).
  • Fixed exception when removing certain contract packs (thanks rasta013).
  • Fixed edge case where AwardExperience was late awarding the experience (thanks severedsolo).
  • Fixed exception with Contracts Window + (thanks sidfu).
  • Improved accuracy of VesselNotDestroyed checks (thanks inigma).
  • Fixed bug in barycenter logic when using Sigma Binary (thanks sentania).
  • Improved backwards compatibility with contract packs using the old Wheel module name (thanks galenmacil).
  • Re-generate PQS offset coordinates when flight begins (workaround for Kopernicus waypoint offset issue).
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  On 5/22/2016 at 5:32 PM, kugutsu said:


I am having a bit of a contract problem that I think might be linked to CC. It is with the 'First Space Station' contract. I have built a station, launched it and got it into orbit empty, then launched a crew, who spent 30 days there. I then undocked their capsule and brought them home safe. Problem is, these last parts don't seem to register, and the contract won't complete, despite all the mission objectives having been met. Any help would be appreciated! If more info is needed, I am happy to provide it, if you tell me what you need. Thanks!

Edit: here is a screenshot of the mission objectives. They should all in fact be complete, as I have fulfilled all of them: http://imgur.com/RF9onEJ


Most likely, you need to right-click on the station's command module, click "Rename Vessel", and then make sure it's selected as a Station. The game's code to detect whether a given ship is a "probe", a "ship" or a "station" seems a bit gimpy sometimes, since stations usually contain the elements that define all three.

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I may have a problem with the new patch. After building my first vessel after applying the patch, when the vessel neared completion using Kerbal Construction Time, the game hung with 100% CPU usage. I waited about 5 minutes before killing the game process. Last thing on the log shows..


[LOG 10:33:54.100] Contracts Loaded
[LOG 10:33:54.108] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 10:33:54.112] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[LOG 10:33:54.113] CurrencyOperationRandomized.OnLoadFromConfig
[WRN 10:33:54.207] HighlightingSystem : Edge Highlighting requires AA to work!
[ERR 10:33:54.208] HighlightingSystem : Highlighting System has been disabled due to unsupported Unity features on the current platform!

[LOG 10:33:54.209] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 424991
[LOG 10:34:18.488] [UIApp] Adding ContractsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 10:34:18.512] ScaleModList: listSize 779 maxListSize 1434
[LOG 10:34:18.681] [Contract Parser] Loading All Contracts...
[LOG 10:34:18.839] [Contract Parser] Finished Loading All Contracts
[LOG 10:34:18.845] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.22 424996
[LOG 10:34:19.015] WiderContractsApp: Making adjustments to contract frame!


Will continue to experiment and let you know if it was just a quirk.

Edited by Chippy the Space Dog
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Exception detector is spamming and this as a contract configurator issue and so I tracked this down:


Exception: ArgumentException: No PartModules found for type 'WheelMotor'.


Got over 100 of these in one flight...


Any ideas?


The error log:

[EXC 14:17:21.598] ArgumentException: No PartModules found for type 'WheelMotor'.
    ContractConfigurator.Validation.ValidatePartModuleType (System.String name)
    System.Linq.Enumerable.All[String] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate)
    ContractConfigurator.PartModuleTypeUnlockedRequirement.RequirementMet (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract)
    ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement.CheckRequirement (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract)
    ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, ContractConfigurator.ContractType contractType, IEnumerable`1 contractRequirements)
    Rethrow as Exception: ContractConfigurator: Exception checking requirements!
    ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement:RequirementsMet(ConfiguredContract, ContractType, IEnumerable`1)
    ContractConfigurator.ContractType:MeetExtendedRequirements(ConfiguredContract, ContractType)


That seems to be the repetative error.

Contract packs installed: KerbinSpaceStation, SpaceTux, CC-CP-Scansat


Edited by TheReadPanda
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The CC definition of "rendevous" is just "get within physics range" right? It wouldn't matter if the player walked an EVA kerbal over to it?

Edit: Answered my own question. Not if it's landed (which makes sense)

Edit again: It does work with landed vessels, when you remember to specify the vessel to rendezvous with

Edited by severedsolo
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I also faced the issue that I cannot complete the RP-0 First Space Station contract. I traced the contract definition and state as follows:

Contract definition:

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From my savefile:

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What happened is that in the Rendezvous step, crewCapsule got defined as the same vehicle as spaceStation. When using Rendezvous with Define, is there a guarantee that the "defined vessel" is different from the "target vessel"?


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