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Is there any future rebalance plans for science points in career mode?

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Hello, i just bought this game from steam sale few days ago and been playing this game like crazy.

i've been doing some readings on dev posts lately, and i'm very pleased to hear that pilot skills and contracts mod (Fine Print) integration is planned for the next patch.

I dont know if i missed it, but i haven't read any future rebalance plans on science points.

Because, well, i personally think that getting science is very easy even for new players (especially with the latest addition of administration building). even without the building, I heard that we can actually unlock all the technology tree even without venturing further outside Kerbin SOI.

I know with increased difficulty, and without using administration building, this will be much harder to achieve. But it just makes this game become more "grinding", because people know that you can unlock them all without going further from the mun/minmus.

So when i have already unlocked all the technology tree in day 2, i feel like this is not right. I started to browsing the forums, watching some youtube, etc. because i know i have the feeling that this game has reaaaaaly reaaaly lot things to offer with hundred hours of gameplay. why all i do is just build rockets, try to land in mun and fail miserably, repeat, and get all the technology.

Well, to be honest, at first i didn't even know that you can build space stations, refueling stations, rovers, etc until i saw some youtube and start to browsing the forum. Hell, i didnt even know docking, or asteroids (and the fact we can bring asteroid back home) until someone point that out. Then, looking back on the spaceship parts, i've came into realization. This is because i unlock all the spaceship parts too fast that i didnt even know what they are for.

And some people have little incentive to do all of these things (landing on farther planets, building space stations) because they think that they can get more science without too much hassle by landing on mun/minmus. For me, it is not quite much problem because i will to all of these anyway. But for some people, they wont bother looking further, and they will think that this game is only about recreating Apollo program.

Unless we can use the excess science for other things (Or greatly diminish the science point gained from repeated contracts around the same planets/moons), then people will start looking around to get more science, and get their mind blown by the amount of what this game has to offer.

In my opinion, even with Fine Print integration on the next patch, if the amount if science gained from contracts is ludicrous, people will rather "grind" the contracts because its just more convenient way to get science rather than trying to haul big vessel with science lab and all of those science instruments equipped, plus 4 skilled kerbonauts in operation with the risk of never coming back to Kerbin because of the fuel.

dont get my wrong. i still really love this game. My post looks like a ramble, but im actually not (and trying not to). I'm just excited with the thoughts of what this game will become when it goes on beta becaause i know this game will eventually get much more better than this. So i just want to know if i miss anything about any future plans on science points.


TL;DR : do i miss the dev news about science points rebalance at some point later? because i personally think that science point can be easily "grinded" on contracts.

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Not as such right now, at least nothing announced. It serves its intended use for now, but once .90 is out then they will start to look at all the placeholder stuff and see what they can do. This thread here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99521-Tech-tree-and-parts-final-polish is only the most recent one about how to improve the tech tree.

Welcome to the insanity.

Edited by JimmyAgent007
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I sincerely hope there is some plan for science post tech tree. And not just as a currency that can be traded. I think the current system is flawed, as you point out, it doesn't inspire you to set up any of those more complex things. I have an idea for an alternate system in my forum blog if you're interested.

To me, the science and tech tree parts of the game are far too integrated. A better type of science would encourage you to explore, and build things on your own initiative. Contracts are fine, but if it's only them, the game becomes a list to tick off, not exploration to experience.

Edited by Tw1
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Not as such right now, at least nothing announced. It serves its intended use for now, but once .90 is out then they will start to look at all the placeholder stuff and see what they can do. This thread here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99521-Tech-tree-and-parts-final-polish is only the most recent one about how to improve the tech tree.

Welcome to the insanity.

whoa got some interesting discussion going on there. Will go through it

I sincerely hope there is some plan for science post tech tree. And not just as a currency the can be traded. I think the current system is flawed, as you point out, it doesn't inspire you to set up any of those more complex things. I have an idea for an alternate system in my forum blog of you're interested.

To me, the science and tech tree parts of the game are far too integrated. A better type of science would encourage you to explore, and build things on your own initiate. Contracts are fine, but if it's only them, the game becomes a list to tick of, not exploration to experience.

Yeah i'm always thinking of some way to use science post technology other than being currency (that would be dull). I'll read through your forum blog

Yes, there is, next question :)

Thanks! can you point some of the discussion/dev post to me?

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Getting a lot of science from contracts is indeed too easy. Hack, it even possible to complete the tech tree and never leave Kerbin. That's why you should install [0.25] Contract Science Modifier (v0.2) [2014.11.27] and get some real incentive "to boldly go where no kerbal has gone before".

Edited by FreeThinker
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This was posted in Ted's part of the latest "Devnote Tuesdays" post in the Daily Kerbal section so, yes, rebalance is coming soon, though it is a big job...

I’ve been assigned the responsibility of balancing out the game, this includes finer things such as part config values (engine stats) as well as contract rewards and advances. Understandably, it’s a pretty monstrous task, so I’m whittling it all down into prioritized changes that we can make while planning and discussing the grander changes and refinements to be made.
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