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All the small things - Small features that should be stock

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Many mods add big features and parts to the game, that squad never thought about. And I mostly really appreciate both, the Mod existing and it not being stock. But sometime I see a feature and think "oh that's so kerbal".

This thread is about what raisins you'd pick from the community to add to the stock game.

Please don't suggest whole Mods or even Mod-Packs (don't wanna hear: "RSS need to be stock soooo badly...").

My nominees are:

1. Seismic Impact Science as in "KSP Interstellar"

Put an accelerometer on the ground, lithobrake something harshly into said ground, profit.

2. Grab, carry and attach parts as in "Kerbal Attachment System"

Forget solarpanels much? What's more Kerbal than having Jeb repair your craft literally on the fly.

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A simplified version of engineer. Mass, TWR, delta v displays in the VAB. AP, PE, delta v in flight. A few obvious other readouts I'm not thinking of at the moment.

An alarm clock and a flight planner. Both of these should be essential with the transfer plan being transferable to the alarm clock.

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A simplified version of engineer. Mass, TWR, delta v displays in the VAB. AP, PE, delta v in flight. A few obvious other readouts I'm not thinking of at the moment.

An alarm clock and a flight planner. Both of these should be essential with the transfer plan being transferable to the alarm clock.

Yeah something like this could be unlockable as you increase your command centre level/

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A simplified version of engineer. Mass, TWR, delta v displays in the VAB. AP, PE, delta v in flight. A few obvious other readouts I'm not thinking of at the moment.

An alarm clock and a flight planner. Both of these should be essential with the transfer plan being transferable to the alarm clock.

I don't think it needs to be simplified, because the player can make their own read out windows with as much info as they want. And with Fine Print being integrated, orbital readouts will be useful for orbital contracts, (if Squad adds them).

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True care, truth brings! Sorry. :P

To be honest, integrating KAS's ability to carry and attach parts seems like quite an important addition to me. For kerbals with "Engineer" stats, it would allow for some pretty cool stuff like building a rover on-site, deploying ALSEP-like experiments, attaching missing parts to a vessel, carrying struts to a station, and other things.

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I don't think it needs to be simplified, because the player can make their own read out windows with as much info as they want. And with Fine Print being integrated, orbital readouts will be useful for orbital contracts, (if Squad adds them).

Indeed. Perhaps the default could be simplified. I know when I first installed engineer, I was overwhelmed. I disabled many of the readouts. As I played on, the usefulness of those readouts became apparent, and now I have many of them visible. Perhaps unlocking more of the readouts as you progress through the campaign would be a good solution.

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Hard to guess how "small" is a feature, see this XKCD strip...


My first suggestion was going to be a dV reader in the VAB/SPH, but it have been done.

KAS and Kerbal manipulating tools isn't a small thing for me, even if I like it a lot.

I would love to have the Dev "fix" the equation ruling Specific Impulse, but actually doing so certainly require to recode and balance the entire Aerodynamic Model.

So... "Antenna Range" ?

I don't think it can be that hard to require different antenna depending of range, rather than speed. Allowing relay would seem harder but small step first.

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I agree 100% on the ability to grab, remove, and attach parts as in KAS. I use KAS and Engineer, and probably would have stopped playing by now if they weren't available.

My suggestion is this - I created a rover for a rescue mission on the Mun, and it worked so well I now have 7 on the Mun and one on Minmus, as well as 2 on Duna. They are all very stable, practical, and versatile. I wish the devs would show some love for rovers. More and better rover parts are needed!, including methods of attaching to rockets!

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