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[0.25] Astronomer's Visual Pack - Interstellar V2


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  1. 1. Which features do you like the most?

    • Semi-Procedural Auroras
    • Clouds for Eve & Jool
    • 29MB Lightning
    • Lens Flare
    • Snow
    • Sandstorms and Surface Dust
    • Atmospheric Scattering
    • Interstellar Music Replacement
    • New Sun
    • Surface Glow

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Cannot launch the app with the Core module installed. I've gotten down to Step 3, and launched after each step to verify - all worked until I installed the Core Mod - at the end of loading the game crashes. What now?

EDIT: I isolated the problem down to /GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures

When I add this folder I can no longer launch the game (which is weird because it is all PNGs and they seem to be the same size as the ones already in the folder).

Edited by Oddible
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Cannot launch the app with the Core module installed. I've gotten down to Step 3, and launched after each step to verify - all worked until I installed the Core Mod - at the end of loading the game crashes. What now?

EDIT: I isolated the problem down to /GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures

When I add this folder I can no longer launch the game (which is weird because it is all PNGs and they seem to be the same size as the ones already in the folder).

Try the steps two posts up. Let me know if that doesn't work.

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Cannot launch the app with the Core module installed. I've gotten down to Step 3, and launched after each step to verify - all worked until I installed the Core Mod - at the end of loading the game crashes. What now?

EDIT: I isolated the problem down to /GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures

When I add this folder I can no longer launch the game (which is weird because it is all PNGs and they seem to be the same size as the ones already in the folder).

You're out of memory.
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Hi, I've installed this pack for 32bit 1.0.4 KSP (with active texture manager and -force-opengl) and I end up with this (dropbox link, imgur won't upload for me anymore for some reason) as my kerbin map view. I get similar effects on Eve, Duna, and Laythe. Jool looks fine though.

I have almost all parts of this pack installed except the extra features, the lens flare, Chatterer, and Texture Replacer. Here is a quick list:


- Planetshine

- Volumetric Clouds

- Core mod

- Atmospheric Scattering (not the problem, removed it but problem persists)

- Sandstorms and Surface Dust

- Snow

- Surface Glow (Probably not the issue since the configs don't affect Kerbin/Laythe/Eve/Duna)

- Auroras

- Clouds for Eve & Jool

My FPS is fine (Windows 10, GTX 970 4GB, >4GB Ram, plenty of SSD space) and I'm running no other visual mods. I'd rather not spent the rest of the day forum digging, so help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: Reinstalled with only EVE, Planetshine, Volumetric Clouds, and "Core mods". Same problem as before.

EDIT 2: Ok, reinstalled again with the bare essentials and this time everything looks fine. I've changed NOTHING yet the problem is gone...whatthef*ck... My best guess is that when the game crashes (during the first load) when ATM is still figuring out how to compress the files, sometimes ATM screws up writing its cache. The bugged cache then goes on to cause the graphical glitch I experienced.

Edited by Guiltyspark
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  • 2 weeks later...
You need to edit in the texture using asset explorer. Instructions are in one of my posts a few pages back or on my thread linked in my sig

any chance of sharing the asset file? cos some of us are almost retarded when it comes to this kind of stuff

pretty please with cherries


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any chance of sharing the asset file? cos some of us are almost retarded when it comes to this kind of stuff

pretty please with cherries


I can't redistribute the asset file as it is something squad made and there are rules against that.... But I can give you a walkthrough of how to make the asset file.

Astronomers Visual Pack Lens Flare

To get the lens flares working in 1.0.x you will need to extract the sun_flare.tex files one at a time from there old .25 asset files and place them in the new 1.0.x asset files one at a time in the KSP_Data folder using Unity asset explorer.

DDS Converter http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter

Back up your original asset file first!

Unity Asset Explorer http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/27/?

Using Unity asset explorer 1.3 or newer

First open "sharedassets10.assets" from the astronomers visual "jj Abrams" Lens flare. Right click "sun_flare.tex"

click "extract" this is the file you will need.

Rename Folder created by unity asset explorer from "sharedassets10" to "sharedassets9"

(folder will be automatically created in the same directory as the asset explorer .exe file)

Now back up and open "sharedassets9.assets" from your ksp_data Directory. In Asset Explorer Right click "Sun_flare.tex" and click 'Import"

(It will Import from the folder you already created and renamed)

Save the changes and, boom the asset9 file in your ksp_data folder has now been modified with the new lens flare.

The same process can be used for the AVP main menu logo from interstellar V1. Repeat the above process with "sharredasset2.assets" and the file you are looking for is "logoFullRed_alt.tex"


The lightning does not work in 1.0.x without cfg editing. Here is an updated .cfg file, just replace everything in the lightning .cfg with this. Using notepad++ or equivalent.

Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.7.8.2.html

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I can't redistribute the asset file as it is something squad made and there are rules against that.... But I can give you a walkthrough of how to make the asset file.

thank you good sir. you have no idea how much i love that sun and how much i can't stand the current yellow blob.... wait, maybe you do as we're all on this thread for the same reason :)

Edited by Maars
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  • 3 weeks later...
So I'm trying to get the city lights on Kerbin to work, but they just don't show up in-game. I'm pretty sure I have it all installed correctly. :huh:

Apologies if this has been answered already.

Can't imagine why they wouldn't show up presuming everything was installed correctly and its not one of those odd OpenGL bugs.

But, general install order for a no hassle install should be:

Install .24 EVE

Go through the steps in the Interstellar folder

Skip any planetshine or distant object bits, the lens flare, sun and lightning (This last one is optional, as last i checked it still seemingly worked as intended but it looks wonky seeing random lighting all over the place)

And as always, be sure to try it on a clean install (IE, delete everything including the game and reinstall) just in case. You never know, sometimes some small fragment of another mod long since deleted or updated gets stuck somewhere in the woodwork and gums up everything.

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So I'm trying to get the city lights on Kerbin to work, but they just don't show up in-game. I'm pretty sure I have it all installed correctly. :huh:

Apologies if this has been answered already.

Do what G'th said. Also, note that they might not be showing up in the tracking station but do show up when you're controlling a ship; that's what happened to me.

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Howdy folks. Odd little error I'm experiencing here. 64-bit install, unhacked, in Linux, with CKAN. i7 running 16GB ram on a large variety of hdd's and ssd's, with a GTX980. The only non-CKAN mod at this time is Kethane. Loading a full-on EVE-AVP pack was the difference between crashing on load screen or not.

In troubleshooting, I'd unselected all EVE-related modules in CKAN, and sure enough, I loaded fine (after almost eleven minutes of load time, with a final memory footprint of ~5.5GB with 130-ish mods.) Reenabling all EVE modules caused the crash. From this, I took to the forums, and discovered chatter that suggests that the Auroras modules are the culprit.

Now, armed with this info, I'm troubleshooting again. I can successfully load into KSP with the EVE base-mod only, with no AVP modules. Fine, this strengthens the Auroras-as-culprit hypothesis.

Here's my newest problem. Selecting "Astronomer's Visual Pack" on the CKAN modlist brings me to a new tab, requiring me to select a High / Low / Medium cloud pack. My preference is for High, of course, but no matter my selection at this stage, the now-selected cloud pack highlights in pink, indicating a conflict that MUST be resolved before I proceed to any installs with CKAN.

Selecting "Astronomer's Pack: Atmospheric Scattering" yields the same Sophie's choice as above, as does the Eve / Jool cloud pack, Lightning, "Sandstorms and Surface Dust," Snow, and Surface Glow. Note that the DOE and PlanetShine modules do not yield any issues. I also have selected in CKAN the Scatterer mod, PlanetShine, and I'm weighing whether to use Kopernicus / Outer Planets Mod.

Is the metadata index properly keyed for my scenario? Am I doing something wrong? Why is the cloud pack flagging as in some kind of conflict with some other mod, even though I cannot get a reciprocal flag on that other conflicting mod and therefore cannot identify the conflict?

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I encountered many problems of that nature with CKAN. Their dependency-network logic isn't consistent with their interface. Frequent reproducible unhandled exceptions. And crashing the game even without additional AVP modules. In the end I gave up on running AVP via CKAN, and installed it manually, which has worked okay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The sky of Kerbin is black with white clouds and lightning until I get to the upper atmosphere.

Has any one else had this problem? If so, were you able to fix it?

That happens to me every time I launch. Just scroll out your view to orbit then zoom back in. It's not an actual fix but it does fix the problem.

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That happens to me every time I launch. Just scroll out your view to orbit then zoom back in. It's not an actual fix but it does fix the problem.

That does the trick for me too.

Want to PM me your mod list so we can narrow the problem down?

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