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[v0.17] Damned Aerospace Version 1.5.3 + Crewtank


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Guest GroundHOG-2010
  Emilio said:

Strange, shows up perfectly for me...

Could I request something ?

A reversed version of the propellers, to do push-pull props like the AR-234... Also, the coaxial collider node isn\'t pratical, you should check that

The AR-234 is a jet bomber? (I didn\'t even need to look that up) :P

I am also getting the same problem as other people (the one where the turboprop engine doesn\'t show up).

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Planned for tomorrow:

A simple cone shaped propeller engine in 4 configurations:

1m pulling

1m pushing

0.5m pulling

0.5m pushing

2 surprises

Oh yeah, and that old-school engine I showed you in the last video.

And the coaxial helicopter-unit has been given a slight power output increase and it\'s node_collider scaled down considerably.

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  Damnyoujapan said:

Planned for tomorrow:

A simple cone shaped propeller engine in 4 configurations:

1m pulling

1m pushing

0.5m pulling

0.5m pushing

2 surprises

Oh yeah, and that old-school engine I showed you in the last video.

Hurra! Specific engines for specific things! I used to have a game where the propeller would just turn the other way when I went in reverse(and yes, it put a reverse on planes)

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  thorfinn said:

The tail rotor control isn\'t a banal problem to solve ;)

Oh phooey to you, then. :P

  GroundHOG-2010 said:

I would perfer something like the rotors off this. :P


Wait.. is that Aliens, Predator or Terminator?

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Nope, it\'s Avatar.

The tail rotor isn\'t a problem :

Just put 2 single rotors that rotates in opposite direction, or put one push-prop in the tail, like the... i don\'t remember if it\'s the X3 or X4... Also, the push-pull I was talking about is the Do-335, the AR-234 is a jet bomber....

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Guest GroundHOG-2010
  Emilio said:

Nope, it\'s Avatar.

The tail rotor isn\'t a problem :

Just put 2 single rotors that rotates in opposite direction, or put one push-prop in the tail, like the... i don\'t remember if it\'s the X3 or X4... Also, the push-pull I was talking about is the Do-335, the AR-234 is a jet bomber....

At the push pull thing: Makes more sence now...

  SmiteZero said:

Wait.. is that Aliens, Predator or Terminator?

Its Avatar (as said above). But I just have to laugh at the fact that two of the ones you suggested were directed by James Cameron as well...

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The point being James Cameron likes cool dual rotor death-choppers? I kinda like them too. And now I\'m gonna BUILD THEM (new parts permitting).

One small problem to report with the turboprop: it likes to 'collide' with wings and explode if you maneuver too jerkily. Craft is attached. It looks pretty much the same as one of the example planes in the first post.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

I haven\'t seen any of his other films, except titanic (gotta love a good drama) so I wouldn\'t know. But the helicopters on there we designed that if built right, could fly in the atmosphere of earth, which is the same as that of kerbin, so why wouldn\'t it work. Also, they look cool and I want to build a dragon gunship...

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Weird, some people can figure out how to use the turboprop.

I can\'t even see it no matter how many times I click.

Also the large rotor does not take shocks well, if I land a bit hard it will 'bounce' off of whatever its attached to, can be fixed by strapping it down with struts I think.

Ill grab rev1 now and see if that fixes anything, I am a bit behind on the thread here.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010
  Evolution said:

Weird, some people can figure out how to use the turboprop.

I can\'t even see it no matter how many times I click.

Also the large rotor does not take shocks well, if I land a bit hard it will 'bounce' off of whatever its attached to, can be fixed by strapping it down with struts I think.

Ill grab rev1 now and see if that fixes anything, I am a bit behind on the thread here.

It doesn\'t fix your problems with the turboprop. Try placing it in mid are about three meters from where you want to place it and scroll down.

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Do the props freewheel? From what I say in the videos, they do, but very very slowly... That\'s kind of disturbing in the case of the heli rotor, as I\'d like to try building an autogyro sometime. Could you possibly make a version with thinner blades that spins much more (realistically) faster?

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Tim: what are you trying to lift, the mun?

I\'ve seen both causeless and r4m0n build absurdly large helicopters that fly strangely well.

Mossman: The props freewheel yes, The first video is however from an earlier version when the spinning wasn\'t a function of airspeed. And the current value is just a number I pulled out of my ass.

Emilio: What helicopter are you refering to exactly? I can\'t recall posting any .craft files.

Evolution: I\'m not in charge of the plugin side of things but getting rid of the engine damage is something we have discussed.

Rocketscienist: What?

Groundhog: Avataresq rotors is something that I might potentially make in the future.

SmiteZero: A single rotor helicopter is also something I\'d like to make, mainly because fenestrons look badass, the plugin does however not support that atm.

If anyone has a helicopter craft file they think work well I\'d like to see that someone make a 'share your helicopters' thread in the correct forum, the reason I haven\'t released any craft files for helicopters is that I have yet to come up with a launch system that doesn\'t looks highly absurd.

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