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KSP 0.90 'Beta Than Ever' Grand Discussion Thread!


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Tell me more about this “family†that you speak of.

well theres this woman who keeps complaining about rocket parts strewn all over the garden, and some smaller ones, one of whom is some sort of idiot because all she can do is say a few words and poo her pants every 5 hours.

im glad to be out of it this christmas i really am.

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Sadly, Mk3 IVAs do not yet exist.

Yea, that kinda sucks for my IVA-only playthrough. Also not crazy about the continued lack of IVA for the MK2 Crew Cabin and the non-RasterPropMonitor-compatible MK2 cockpits.

Luckily there's a mod for the MK2s, and hopefully the old MK3 IVA mod will get resurrected soon.

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So, what happened to part highlighting? That was a really good feature idea. I was flying a LKO mission. My upper stage was running on fumes. I was relying on a sequence of Sepratrons to de orbit, but I messed up the staging. I went through three tries to finally get it right. But it was a very kerbal thing to do and was quite hilarious. But I also noticed that there was no part highlighting when hovering the mouse over the staging icon. It was the usual glow. I can't help but think that helped cause it...

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Loving absolutely everything about the update, but is it normal for satellite deployment missions (early in the game) to have apoapsis higher than Minmus?

That's part of the Fine Print mod, and was there when it was only a mod. My assumption is there's a way to adjust it in the config files... *looks* Whoops, it's not. Anywhere in the SOI is considered a viable choice, though, if I remember correctly. My default satellite was built with a little under 1,500 dV so it could get itself where it was going without a tug unless it was ridiculous... and in that case I just avoided the contract unless it was juicy. Just need an LV-909 and a toroidal tank.

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Really expecting this 0.90.0 update later but when I saw that the update was rolled out this afternoon had a warm kerbal feeling.

Currently i just orbited Kerbin playing at the most hardest level. Now contract aquisition is limited to only two contracts. Need to upgrade Gene's Mission Control in a hurry. Upgrading the buildings looks daunting going to be grinding a crap tonne of contracts two by two.

Now to wait for my favorite mods, until THEN I will enjoy stock. Hoping THEN would be now. I can wait till after the holidays.



Great big thanks to SQUAD for getting this relase out so soon(â„¢) before Christmas!

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Figure it might be quickest to ask here: I noticed I couldn't transfer fuel (using Alt click) between two tanks attached radially to one another. Does this process now require a fuel line?

It's available once you upgrade the astronaut complex. See also the charts in the OP for a list of all the things you get as you upgrade each building.

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That might be because you can already control the contract rewards. Having a slider for building upgrade costs might be redundant. Although I see your point because upping contract rewards also impacts parts and R&D purchases.

There's also the fact that Custom difficulty just adopts the building upgrade cost rate of whatever difficulty setting was last selected. That's pretty unintuitive.

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Welp, it's finally happened. Stock KSP can no longer run on my system with only 2GB of memory. Maybe ATM will be an option soon, but if not my space program is likely done forever. If that's so, thanks to HarvesteR and everyone else at Squad for the hundreds of hours of geeky fun.

This is not a complaint. This is not Squad's fault in any way.

You could always set your graphics settings down, thats what I had to do.
Indeed. To be specific, try dropping texture resolution.

If you can't start the game to get into the settings menu, try the following:

* Move a bunch of parts out of the game folder.

* Start the game.

* Drop the texture resolution in the settings.

* Move those parts back in.

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There's also the fact that Custom difficulty just adopts the building upgrade cost rate of whatever difficulty setting was last selected. That's pretty unintuitive.

Indeed a valid point. I suppose I was only addressing the "Normal" comment in his post.

Good point out, I'll have to remember this when it comes up later.



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I think people are missing the biggest and best part of this update.. KSP IS NOW MULTI-THREADED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER....!!!!!! Sadly.. I just tried it, and using more than 1 cpu core doesn't do a thing for improving launch and in-flight performance for complex (800+) part ships, still really poor FPS there.

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I feel the career mode parts count/weight limit for the starting level maybe a bit harsh.... now my next MAIN contract would be to visit the mun... and the parts counts/weight make it impossible to take along 3 material bay and 3 goo (landing site + low orbit + high orbit)... I have the fund to upgrade the launch pad for the weight limit, but not yet the fund to upgrade the VAB for the parts limit.

either raise the initial limit.... or add in an a cheaper intermediate upgrade level for the building. Basically i felt the contract progression does not match the building progression

and what sup with the basic jet contract that give you the experimental jet but not the intake?

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i agree with the 64 bit Mac, but I don't think Squad will add that in soon. Windows is a guinea pig for 64 bit and to is still unstable.

It's a Unity thing, not a Squad thing. If the Unity 5 Mac x64 works well enough, or as well as win64, I hope they will atleast offer it.

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i agree with the 64 bit Mac, but I don't think Squad will add that in soon. Windows is a guinea pig for 64 bit and to is still unstable.

It's up to Unity to provide a 64-bit version of the Unity player to begin with. Back when x64 was first being played with in version .23.5, I don't remember there even being one available to grab.

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I feel the career mode parts count/weight limit for the starting level maybe a bit harsh.... now my next MAIN contract would be to visit the mun... and the parts counts/weight make it impossible to take along 3 material bay and 3 goo (landing site + low orbit + high orbit)... I have the fund to upgrade the launch pad for the weight limit, but not yet the fund to upgrade the VAB for the parts limit.

either raise the initial limit.... or add in an a cheaper intermediate upgrade level for the building. Basically i felt the contract progression does not match the building progression

and what sup with the basic jet contract that give you the experimental jet but not the intake?

I agree on all counts. I passed the jet contract by just attaching the engines to a rocket and staging them. They don't actually have to operate normally. But that does seem very odd to make us test jet engines with no intakes. And yes, some of the missions are quite difficult early on. Either becuase it's very hard to pilot to a specific point (survey) or because of the VAB limitations.

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and what sup with the basic jet contract that give you the experimental jet but not the intake?
Contracts to test jet engines when they can't work come up fairly regularly. I headcanon these as being because while the player might know that a jet engine needs an air intake, or won't work on Minmus, or whatever, the Kerbals don't know that!
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Well after I downloaded this and installed I noticed THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME.

I no longer have to zoom in for pixel perfect precision to line up wings just right.

I can have perfectly straight landing gear (attach to side, offset to where ever u want on fuselage)

I now have a reason to make planes that dont leave the atmosphere.

I can put my wings where I want them without having them go at all sorts of crazy angles, having to take parts off to make them go straight.

I can attach wings in a structurally sound place, then offset them into the correct position for flight.

The list goes on.

Thank you. Bacon for you good sir.

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Welp, it's finally happened. Stock KSP can no longer run on my system with only 2GB of memory. Maybe ATM will be an option soon, but if not my space program is likely done forever. If that's so, thanks to HarvesteR and everyone else at Squad for the hundreds of hours of geeky fun.

This is not a complaint. This is not Squad's fault in any way.

There are plenty of ways you can stay in the action:

1) Lower your graphics settings (texture settings in particular).

2) Install ATM

3) Buy some bloody RAM. You can get 2GB sticks for around $25 or 4GB sticks for $40.

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i agree with the 64 bit Mac, but I don't think Squad will add that in soon. Windows is a guinea pig for 64 bit and to is still unstable.

I guess I don't understand that reasoning. 64 bit support in OS X is much more cleanly implemented than in Windows, much more like Linux. Granted, there are fewer of us Mac users, but there has got to be more of us than Linux users. Why not push out the 64 bit versions that are working while they sort out the Windows wonkiness?

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