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[1.2.2] Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0) - Lightweight RealismOverhaul career v0.53 June 12


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I'm trying a new RP-0 career (using airplanes for the first time) and am getting some inconsistent masses for the starting cockpits:

Cockpit UI Mass Actual Mass Delta
Bonanza 0.3331 0.733 0.4
DHC-3 0.7065 1.107 0.4
He-111 0.6024 0.802 0.2
Ju-87 0.4024 0.602 0.2

UI Mass is from the tooltip, Actual Mass is from the Engineer's Report / Mechjeb (with default resources), Delta is the difference after rounding the UI Mass to 3 significant digits.

The masses in the RO config files match the UI Mass (if you remove all the default resources).

What's causing the extra 0.4 / 0.2 mass?

(edit) Looking at the crew capacities, the two cockpits that have an extra .2 mass have a crew capacity of 2, and the other two have a crew capacity of 6. Is the extra mass added to simulate the crew?

(edit 2) So I realized that each crew member adds .1 mass. The 2-capacity cockpits have 2 crew, and the 6-capacity cockpits have 4 crew with a new career (since you start with 4 active Kerbals). In other words I'm bad and I should feel bad :)

Damn your realism causing me to launch unmanned probes all this time XD

Edited by turch
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Hi and first of all thank you for the hard work in this and other mods!

I started a new career and I´m loving the amount of mods we can now have in the game. I´m having just on problem; I wanted to play with a different launch site and chose Kourou in South America. Rocket launches are going fine, but planes are literally running into a problem; the starting end of the runway is inside the terrain and the planes explode when coming to contact with the border of terrain and runway. Has anyone had similar problems?



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  On 5/14/2016 at 8:07 AM, JuxuR said:

Hi and first of all thank you for the hard work in this and other mods!

I started a new career and I´m loving the amount of mods we can now have in the game. I´m having just on problem; I wanted to play with a different launch site and chose Kourou in South America. Rocket launches are going fine, but planes are literally running into a problem; the starting end of the runway is inside the terrain and the planes explode when coming to contact with the border of terrain and runway. Has anyone had similar problems?




Yeah, I think I had that issue in 1.0.5 in Kourou.

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  On 5/14/2016 at 8:30 AM, Temeter said:

Yeah, I think I had that issue in 1.0.5 in Kourou.


Any ideas what to do about it? If possible I wouldn´t like to start the whole career over as I´ve invested the upgrade points in Kourou...

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Just something I want to mention: Now, where I'm using RD-107's with actual gimbal verniers, it's actually pretty damn hard to control a rocket, compared to full gimbaling. One of the few rockets where I genuinely felt I needed actuated stabilizers. Interesting.

On a side node, I encountered some quite horrifying issues with procedural parts, where placing them in symmetry lead to very inconsistent results. You'd modify your tank to 100% and the symmetrical tanks would carry the same amount of fuel, but while staying at 86% capacity (leading to -50kg dry weight). With reverting to VAB they, at some point, reached a point where they'd carry Kerolex just fine, but combined with -50000 units of HTP (somewhere around that my tanks just nullreffed the hell out of the game). Just an anecdote, not enough consistent info for a report...

  On 5/14/2016 at 9:48 AM, JuxuR said:

Any ideas what to do about it? If possible I wouldn´t like to start the whole career over as I´ve invested the upgrade points in Kourou...


Gotta adjust Kourou in the configs, probably just move it a meter higher or so?

You can switch to another spaceport without problems, tho. You automatically get all the invested points from Kourou when you go to another port and are even able to rearrange them. Although that makes me kinda wonder if there was some mechanic to keep you from exploiting it for science points...

Edited by Temeter
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  On 5/13/2016 at 11:32 PM, NathanKell said:

@Nobody6 kOS bug. Should be fixed in next kOS release. For now uninstall kOS.


Thank you, that seem to fix bugs 1 and 2.

What about bug 3: I cannot research single parts form the science complex? Which is kind of important, because i don't have nearly enough money for all of them.

I also found bug 4 (visual): Most procedural parts will be rendered inside the research center even if they are outside the "available parts" box.

Bug 5: Why does the Aerobee suddenly have 3 attachment nodes? The 3rd one is floating almost a meter above it.

Bug 6: The Tiny Tim Booster does not have a node in the stage list. It also gains the properties of the part it is attached to, e.g. the name.

Bug 7: The basic fins don't work below 25000 m - at that point the rocket begins to miraculously spin as intended. But they do keep the rocket on course, which is something the procedural wings don't do. They also overheat and explode instead. EDIT: that only seem to be a problem during simulation - which makes them pointless (real apoapsis 48 km, simulation 202 km).

Bug 8: Messages received during simulation are not deleted.


btw, since I now run the 64 bit version I decided to use the 8k textures - damn looks the earth pretty now! (well it does need 7 GB of RAM now...)

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@Nobody6 I don't know why that is occurring; it does not occur for me. Start removing non-required non-recommended RP-0 mods?

Yes, there is a known issue with proc part icons.

I believe in the latest version of Ven's Stock Revamp Ven went back to adding a second top node for many engines so there is an optional tankbutt. Just ignore it.

Can anyone else confirm the Tiny Tim issue? I am not aware of anu problem with it.

I really don't know why you are having wing issues. Again I suggest going back to just the mods marked 'required' or 'recommended' in the RP-0 ckan listing, perhaps in a fresh KSP install just to be sure.

8: RP-0 does not itself implement simulations so that would be a bug with the sim code.

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So I recently downloaded RO and RP-0 and all the mods and am having fun failing miserably at rockets again. However, what is the point of testflight? I made a rocket with a thrust plate & 8 aerobee engines in symmetry, and I can't even get past 10,000 meters without one of the engines failing??!? And the rest fail soon after the first! And I have 10,000 du (data units??) on it, so I've got the max data on the part, which makes me think it won't ever get more reliable. Why are they failing so much? how the heck am I supposed to play the game if the engines fail within a minute of ignition? Am I missing something?


I'm definitely considering just removing testflight because it's not fun. Unless I'm missing a way to improve the reliability so that stuff doesn't fail after literally one minute.


In addition. What do I do with all the parts that say "nocost" on them?? I don't understand the footnotes in the part descriptions.

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How am I supposed to know how long engines last? Also, there's only a couple research experiments I can do, so how am I supposed to tech up with just the "atmosphere over grasslands" biome? I'm not trying to sound complain-y, but I'm just not getting the hang of this early RP0 playstyle. I feel like I have zero options. Testflight keeps engines from working long enough to get me to space, not having a guidance unit that lets me control the ship keeps me from being able to use a small rocket, and the bigger guidance unit only has a shelf life of 3 minutes and is impossible to lift into space with the tiny engines because of previously mentioned failure. And will I be adversely affected by removing testflight? Honestly the idea of parts failing for no particular reason doesn't sound fun to me. Is there anything else it does that I need?

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Right mouse button, scroll down to see the burn times. Or context menu (middle mouse button) if you got kerbal engineer, rated burn time. I don't think the guidance units have a shelf life? At least they didn't fail on me a single time.

You can of course remove Testflight without problems if you don't like it. But building heavy rockets out of aerobees is just not realistic, they weren't designed to do that.

Edited by Temeter
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  On 5/14/2016 at 8:14 PM, Kerbonaut257 said:

Honestly the idea of parts failing for no particular reason doesn't sound fun to me.


Every technological product is designed and built with a life span / operation time in mind. It's 50s for the Aerobee. They aren't supposed to fire longer than that. I imagine at this point, debris is building up on the nozzle altering the exhaust gas flow, parts of the engine might start to overheat, valves are degrading ect.

From what I can gather, you aren't supposed to go anywhere with the first few tech nodes. It's the early 1950's and capable rocket systems are still in development. So spend your science and timewarp forward a year or two. You'll have some early upper stage engines and simple lifter engines along with some basic avionics available. :)

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I'm not sure what mod is causing this issue but maybe someone has seen it or knows what's going on.  I'm using rss(also added expanded and the extra solar systems for rss),ro,rp0, rve... (I got it to work) interstellar(for late game), tac life support, and a few other parts mods.  

I go to make a sounding rocket in career mode and it starts moving even while in clamps, I launch and it slowly rises to 99m and stops... no up no down nada lol.   I really want to get this all to work HELP!!!!! LOL

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I've been playing RP-0 for a while now, but with the 1.1.2 update I've been experiencing consistent crashes immediately reaching orbit. I've tried 4 times total, the first two crashed once I switched from a suborbital trajectory to an orbit, the third crashed when I tried to run an action group that ran some science modules after attaining orbit (which seemed to not crash if i was in the orbital view when my perigee and apogee reached 140,000m), and the last crashed as I was exiting time warp circling the globe for biome-specific science. The first two and the last generated error logs, but the third did not (it opened a window saying Visual Basic had caused a bug, if I remember correctly). Any idea what could be causing this? It is impossible to play with the game crashing in orbit.

Error Log for Crash #1

  Reveal hidden contents

Error log for Crash #2

  Reveal hidden contents

Error log for Crash #4

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 5/14/2016 at 10:09 AM, Temeter said:

On a side node, I encountered some quite horrifying issues with procedural parts, where placing them in symmetry lead to very inconsistent results. You'd modify your tank to 100% and the symmetrical tanks would carry the same amount of fuel, but while staying at 86% capacity (leading to -50kg dry weight). With reverting to VAB they, at some point, reached a point where they'd carry Kerolex just fine, but combined with -50000 units of HTP (somewhere around that my tanks just nullreffed the hell out of the game). Just an anecdote, not enough consistent info for a report...


Yeah I ran into that bug as well, if you are referring to this one:

I first thought it was Real Fuels or so, but I agree, its prolly PP. Sorry for bugging you with it, Nathan. :P I'll take it to PP.



  On 5/14/2016 at 10:58 PM, NemesisBosseret said:

I'm not sure what mod is causing this issue but maybe someone has seen it or knows what's going on.  I'm using rss(also added expanded and the extra solar systems for rss),ro,rp0, rve... (I got it to work) interstellar(for late game), tac life support, and a few other parts mods.  

I go to make a sounding rocket in career mode and it starts moving even while in clamps, I launch and it slowly rises to 99m and stops... no up no down nada lol.   I really want to get this all to work HELP!!!!! LOL


The bug is caused by a mod conflict between TweakScale and FAR as far as I know. Also... I'd suggest not to mix Interstellar with RO/RP-0. If you want SciFi tech, the Near Future mods are supposed to work better with RO. Though, prolly not configured for / by RP-0 I guess.


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  On 5/14/2016 at 8:07 AM, JuxuR said:

the starting end of the runway is inside the terrain


Common problem: it's kinda hard to place stuff on the ground in KSP. Also values for PQS thingy work only for specific graphics settings and texture sizes.

  On 5/14/2016 at 9:48 AM, JuxuR said:

Any ideas what to do about it? If possible I wouldn´t like to start the whole career over as I´ve invested the upgrade points in Kourou


I usually just make the whole flat decal terrain shebang bigger by increasing the radius value in LaunchSites.cfg. Specifically for Kourou you can try this (for max terrain settings in KSP and 8K RSS textures only): open GameData\RealSolarSystem\LaunchSites.cfg > find fr_kourou > change radius to 6000 (default value is 4500)

PS. There is probably a much more elegant way to fix that kind of behaviour but it involves understanding how PQS mods work (which I don't have) and more faffing around.

Edited by panourgue
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Hello, any ideas why the cockpits are that heavy ?


It increases each second until reaching 127 tons. And there are no kerbal inside. Because of this bug I can't make a manned fly to space. I don't know if it does the same in a capsule btw, as I didn't unlocked them yet.

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Hello all, I recently started an RP-0 playthrough and so far am thoroughly enjoying it. It is difficult, but rewarding. Right now I am having a problem with the x-ray detector overheating inside of a procedural fairing while trying to fulfill my first satellite contract. I see that its maximum temperature is ~450K which it reaches pretty quickly. Has anyone else had issues with parts overheating inside of a fairing? I'm not sure what to do about it, short of finding the appropriate config file and upping the max temperature of the part to that of the Sputnik part. Any suggestions?

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  On 5/15/2016 at 5:17 PM, wonderwulf said:

Hello all, I recently started an RP-0 playthrough and so far am thoroughly enjoying it. It is difficult, but rewarding. Right now I am having a problem with the x-ray detector overheating inside of a procedural fairing while trying to fulfill my first satellite contract. I see that its maximum temperature is ~450K which it reaches pretty quickly. Has anyone else had issues with parts overheating inside of a fairing? I'm not sure what to do about it, short of finding the appropriate config file and upping the max temperature of the part to that of the Sputnik part. Any suggestions?


This is happening to me after this weekend. It was not an issue before, but installed the lastest updates of all mods suggested by ckan (I am only using RP0 and recommendeds) and now I cant succesfully launch a rocket that was previously working flawlessly. I have noticed the probe even start with some overheating in the launch platform!

Any ideas what might be wrong?

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  On 5/15/2016 at 8:52 PM, hyn said:

This is happening to me after this weekend. It was not an issue before, but installed the lastest updates of all mods suggested by ckan (I am only using RP0 and recommendeds) and now I cant succesfully launch a rocket that was previously working flawlessly. I have noticed the probe even start with some overheating in the launch platform!

Any ideas what might be wrong?


I'm having the same problem, I launched a probe into orbit a few days ago and it worked fine. Then after I updated MFI I launched the exact same probe on the exact same Rocket and it overheated inside of the fairing.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 4:27 AM, TrooperCooper said:

Yeah I ran into that bug as well, if you are referring to this one:

I first thought it was Real Fuels or so, but I agree, its prolly PP. Sorry for bugging you with it, Nathan. :P I'll take it to PP.



The bug is caused by a mod conflict between TweakScale and FAR as far as I know. Also... I'd suggest not to mix Interstellar with RO/RP-0. If you want SciFi tech, the Near Future mods are supposed to work better with RO. Though, prolly not configured for / by RP-0 I guess.



ok so if it's possibly a mod conflict between two needed mods, how do I fix it?  Tweakscale and far?    Is there another form post on this?  As to interstellar I already removed it still got the bug.

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  On 5/15/2016 at 10:47 PM, NemesisBosseret said:

ok so if it's possibly a mod conflict between two needed mods, how do I fix it?  Tweakscale and far?    Is there another form post on this?  As to interstellar I already removed it still got the bug.



I'd suggest to uninstall Tweakscale if you want to play RP-0.


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  On 5/15/2016 at 10:42 PM, CommanderShepherd said:

I'm having the same problem, I launched a probe into orbit a few days ago and it worked fine. Then after I updated MFI I launched the exact same probe on the exact same Rocket and it overheated inside of the fairing.


It also appears that the 1m early guidance system has also broken. I believe it should be able to handle up to 40,000 kg but is locking up at 20,000 kg. Can anyone confirm this happening for them too?

Edit: Nevermind, I had the starting and early guidance systems swapped on accident in my craft

Edited by wonderwulf
I made a mistake
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