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[1.2.2] Realistic Progression Zero (RP-0) - Lightweight RealismOverhaul career v0.53 June 12


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Hi all,

With the removal of the RSS mods from CKan where would i get the RP-0 and associated mod configs for Kerbol construction time?

2 minutes ago, C3nturionsparta said:

Hi all,

With the removal of the RSS mods from CKan where would i get the RP-0 and associated mod configs for Kerbol construction time?

Sorry ignore me!!! its been that long since i installed without CKan i forgot to actually download the RP0 file!!!!

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4 minutes ago, C3nturionsparta said:

Hi all,

With the removal of the RSS mods from CKan where would i get the RP-0 and associated mod configs for Kerbol construction time?

Sorry ignore me!!! its been that long since i installed without CKan i forgot to actually download the RP0 file!!!!

Yes, it comes bundled with the RP-0 download inside the folder KCT_Presets. :)

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There's also the Contract Pack: Historic Missions for RSS. I'm enjoying playing through the extra contracts it provides.  It does give you a bit of a leg up early in your career, with more money available from some not very hard contracts, but tbh I think this is quite nice, as early RP-0 can be a bit repetetive till you can at least do satellite contracts.

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2 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@C3nturionspartathat mod would be Ven Stock Revamp. Be sure to get the 1.9.2 version since 1.9.3 & 1.9.4 are a bit buggy.

Thanks, I took Ckan for granted :( cant believe how quickly i forgot how to do a manual install !!!


Which mod re scales the decouplers and fairings?? i Have installed both TweakScale & Tweakable Everything but no joy.....

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14 minutes ago, C3nturionsparta said:

Thanks, I took Ckan for granted :( cant believe how quickly i forgot how to do a manual install !!!


Which mod re scales the decouplers and fairings?? i Have installed both TweakScale & Tweakable Everything but no joy.....

Did you install the complete Realism Overhaul mod suite before installing RP-0? If not, make sure to grab all the dependancies for RO aswell, RP-0 is only meant to be played with RO as basis.

If you have those the fairings are resizable as well.

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2 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@C3nturionspartathat mod would be Ven Stock Revamp. Be sure to get the 1.9.2 version since 1.9.3 & 1.9.4 are a bit buggy.


15 minutes ago, Theysen said:

Did you install the complete Realism Overhaul mod suite before installing RP-0? If not, make sure to grab all the dependancies for RO aswell, RP-0 is only meant to be played with RO as basis.

If you have those the fairings are resizable as well.

I have all the RO dependencies installed

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Just now, C3nturionsparta said:


I have all the RO dependencies installed

Then you should search under the Aerodynamics tab for the "Procedural Fairing Base" as example, right click on it and set it to the diameter you need. Tweakscale is not needed (and not really recommended) for normal play since you can achieve everything with procedurals :)

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21 hours ago, Theysen said:

Then you should search under the Aerodynamics tab for the "Procedural Fairing Base" as example, right click on it and set it to the diameter you need. Tweakscale is not needed (and not really recommended) for normal play since you can achieve everything with procedurals :)

yeah I have all the procedual parts packs installed as per the req list. they just dont rescale.

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Hi, a bit of a newbie question I'm sure...

Is there a way to get Realistic Progression Zero working, right now, through CKAN and Steam?

In a lapse of judgement I allowed Steam to move me to 1.1.3 and allowed CKAN to bring all my mods as up to date as possible.  Things in the game rapidly dis-assembled.  Understandably.

So, I uninstalled all the mods with CKAN, set Steam to use the previous stable release, waited for that to complete and tried to use CKAN to get RP-0 again.  That appeared to fail to fetch taerobee: Failed to download "https://github.com/Tantares/Taerobee/releases/download/v2.3/Taerobee.zip" - error: The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

At that point I noticed CKAN was reporting KSP version

Now, I'm here looking for advice :)


Anything I can do to get 1.1.2 back?  And get RP-0 installed, ideally with CKAN?  Or am I going to have to go cold turkey until the chain of mods catch up with 1.1.3?



Mat :confused:

Edited by MatBailie
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16 hours ago, MatBailie said:

Anything I can do to get 1.1.2 back

Not really. The only thing you can do is preemptively copy your working setup to have something to play while waiting for the mods to update to new KSP version. Or, you know, YARR.

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I've just made a clean re-install of KSP and RP-0 (using CKAN) and am having a strange problem with an existing career saved game.

Recently I completed researching Early Hydrolox Engines and started playing with new designs.  Initially I had access to both cryogenic fuel tanks, and even did a few simulated launches with them.  Then I read about what a Balloon tank is and decided I was cheating, so went to redesign with regular Cryo tanks rather than BalloonCryo tanks.

But cryo wasn't an option any more.  I played around a while, starting the whole build again, still no Cryo tanks.  Allowed General Construction research to complete, still no Cryo tanks.  Eventually, I found out how to get them, nearly...

  1. Make, or load a vessel
  2. Exit & re-enter the VAB; Hey presto, now I have cryo tanks
  3. Change a tank to Cryo
  4. Click on another part
  5. Click back on on the Cryo tank, and it's no longer Cryo
  6. Change it to Cryo again, and right click on that same part again and it stops being Cryo again

It's the same with new vessels too.  A new vessel can't have cryo until I exit the VAB and re-enter, but even though I can Select Cryo, it won't Stay Cryo.

It's a clean 1.1.2 install copied from my laptop (had no mods), with RP-0 installed from CKAN (including all suggested mods), and a save game folder from a 1.1.3 installation (though this save game was never opened in that 1.1.3 installation).

The logs directory was empty, but KSP.log contains NullReferenceException and other issues.

Is this a known issue?  Any advice?  Anything else I should supply?


KSP.log : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63052334/KSP/KSP.log

Save Game : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63052334/KSP/RP0.zip

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On 28/06/2016 at 5:31 PM, MatBailie said:

Hi, a bit of a newbie question I'm sure...

Is there a way to get Realistic Progression Zero working, right now, through CKAN and Steam?

In a lapse of judgement I allowed Steam to move me to 1.1.3 and allowed CKAN to bring all my mods as up to date as possible.  Things in the game rapidly dis-assembled.  Understandably.

So, I uninstalled all the mods with CKAN, set Steam to use the previous stable release, waited for that to complete and tried to use CKAN to get RP-0 again.  That appeared to fail to fetch taerobee: Failed to download "https://github.com/Tantares/Taerobee/releases/download/v2.3/Taerobee.zip" - error: The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

At that point I noticed CKAN was reporting KSP version

Now, I'm here looking for advice :)


Anything I can do to get 1.1.2 back?  And get RP-0 installed, ideally with CKAN?  Or am I going to have to go cold turkey until the chain of mods catch up with 1.1.3?



Mat :confused:

If you look on the ksp website you can download all the updates since its first release. that's what I had to do, be aware though that saves are NOT compatable with previous/lower versions so if you have loaded the save in 1.1.3 it won't load in 1.1.2

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5 hours ago, C3nturionsparta said:

If you look on the ksp website you can download all the updates since its first release. that's what I had to do, be aware though that saves are NOT compatable with previous/lower versions so if you have loaded the save in 1.1.3 it won't load in 1.1.2

I tried that. But i can't download anything from the ksp website. Can you post the steps. Thanks

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9 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@MatBailie it is a bug in Proc Parts (or RF?) that you are being offered that option at all. Cryo and BalloonCryo unlock with Advanced Construction. If you want low-boiloff tanks until then, use ServiceModule.

Ahhh. Apologies for not noticing, thanks for your help :)

EDIT: Just loaded the game to look at the tech tree.  Where should I be looking to see things like this?  (Apologies if I'm being blind...)

Edited by MatBailie
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