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Clarify the reputation system

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If I had to describe reputation in career mode in one word, it would be arcane. Runners-up would be confusing, unintuitive, or cryptic.

1. The reputation meter at the top of the spaceport overview is a bit hard to read, and there's no tooltip to show the exact number.

2. The reputation number that's shown at the end of a mission does not match up with the meter. There also doesn't appear to be any other way to view this number.

3. The sum total of reputation gains does not match up with the meter OR the end of mission report.

4. It's unclear which of the above three numbers the strategy options affect.

5. It's unclear how reputation affects contract options.

These numbers should all be synchronized in some way. The meter should have a tooltip with details on how much you have, and possibly a brief description of how it works.

In mission control, there should be some explanation of how your rep affects the available contracts. Maybe display some greyed-out contracts that you don't have enough rep for, along with how much you would need before you can take them.

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Personally, I would make it so rep earned on missions, adds or subtracts from a "Public Support" or maybe something like how we Americans have have presidential "approval ratings"

Earn rep, your approval rating goes up, and the public loves you and has no problem supporting your more advanced endeavors.

With that system then the arbitrary rep points will add to a scale going from 0%(public hates you) to 100%(ALL THE MISSIONS) and that is very easily visually represented.

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When I saw the link to here I first thought you meant the Forum's rep system...

- - - Updated - - -

Reputation will affect what kinds of contracts are offered, up to and including making it impossible for you to get any new contracts (which will happen only at extremely negative rep values).

I have very positive rep but can only get new contracts by doing an already selected one. And then I only get one contract. Have I hit done kind of limit? :)

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There shouldn't be a limit like that, as far as I know. It can glitch out on occasion, but usually that's when trying to play in a save ported from 0.25 or earlier, or sometimes mods can occasionally glitch it for no apparent reason (though that is quite rare).

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I generally understand now how reputation works but it's impossible to tell just how many rep points exactly you have at any given moment. A simple tooltip would be nice though a bit more informative indicator would be even better. And just for clarification - I get a strong feeling that you can't get >1000 rep points, is this true?

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I generally understand now how reputation works but it's impossible to tell just how many rep points exactly you have at any given moment. A simple tooltip would be nice though a bit more informative indicator would be even better. And just for clarification - I get a strong feeling that you can't get >1000 rep points, is this true?

It is. The reasons why the reputation scale has an asymptote are not clear to me, seems needlessly confusing.

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I generally understand now how reputation works but it's impossible to tell just how many rep points exactly you have at any given moment. A simple tooltip would be nice though a bit more informative indicator would be even better. And just for clarification - I get a strong feeling that you can't get >1000 rep points, is this true?

It is possible with persistent file edits. :wink:

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Is reputation affected by astronaut death? If not, it totally SHOULD be. A LOT. It would thematically make sense and be a fun challenge and help that 'roleplay' experience. Killing off a kerbal in a crash landing would then *mean* something concrete, and maybe give you a good reason to fit that escape tower to your launch vehicle.

It might make sense to make the amount of effect slide based on difficulty level - make it more consequential in hard mode.

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There must be a way to display the value.

In the KSC view, the scale at the top of the screen has color breaks. Those color breaks are at 0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000. If you look really close, you can actually see a faint 0, 25, 50, and 75 on the scale. The color breaks are a bit more obvious. Not the greatest, but it's what's available.

Moderators need to give the in game rep an explanation !!!!

Moderators have nothing to do with the ingame reputation system. I'm not sure what you're asking for here.



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There is an in-game way to ESTIMATE your rep. Go into the admin building and use one of the rep-spending strategies' sliders to see how much of a contract you can take. Note this only works if your rep is under the max percentage you can take (and if you can take another strategy) but if your rep is more than that, you should be spending it, not hoarding it :)

Unrelated but frustrating as well, I hate how I can't see the rep (or funds or science) that I'd need to be able to cancel a current strategy and then take that same strategy at a higher level.

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Agreed, the reputation system as it currently exists is far too obscure.

I have very positive rep but can only get new contracts by doing an already selected one. And then I only get one contract. Have I hit done kind of limit? :)
There shouldn't be a limit like that, as far as I know. It can glitch out on occasion, but usually that's when trying to play in a save ported from 0.25 or earlier, or sometimes mods can occasionally glitch it for no apparent reason (though that is quite rare).

From experience over the past few weeks there is definitely a hardcoded limit at 15 contracts. You can never accept more than 15 contracts; once you get to 15 no more will generate until you complete one, and then only one will generate to bring you back to 15. Would be nice if the limit was a bit higher, or at least if it was made more clear. Though if they increase the limit they definitely need a custom sorting option for the contract window or it will be even more unwieldy than it currently is.

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