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stuck on first couple missions

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I can not seem to pick up that kerbin from orbit and i can not get to the moon at all. Did they take out the ability to target things and setup flights by clicking your orbit? Is there someway to level my pilot? I am lost in the beta

Edited by drew4452862
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You don't have those capabilities from the get-go anymore, no. You'll have to upgrade your facilities before you can do that sort of thing (I think the Astronaut Complex is the one you need to focus on, but I'm not 100% sure).

Where are you on the tech tree, how much have you upgraded your facilities so far and how much cash on hand do you have? What contracts do you have at present?

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98600 cash and awful facilities like level 2 for most. sucks they put in missions like the moon when you can not get to them unless you grind out some boring stuff

No arguments here.

What's your tech level look like? What's your current part count limit? I think you can pull off a rescue mission for less than 98k...though without the ability to target the kerbal it might not be worth it.

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Getting to the Mun isn't too hard, just wait for it to peak over the edge of Kerbin and then burn prograde until your apoapsis meets the Muns orbit :)

It's somewhat even harder in my experience missing mun's SOI then hitting it ^^

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The trick for selecting the right burn point for the Mün is to burn when you're at a 120º angle from it, which is slightly before Münrise. If you have sufficient TWR and stability, you'll get it every time when burning at 120º from a very low orbit. The right positioning relative to the Mün and to Münrise vary by altitude of Kerbin orbit.

To rendezvous in orbit without maneuver nodes or targeting:

1.) Get in a slightly lower orbit if you're behind, or slightly higher if you're ahead.

2.) Time warp until you start to get a lot closer. The point at which you put your orbit back like the target's orbit is when you'd meet up on the other side of the planet. So watch how much closer you get in one half orbit.

3.) Lower/raise the opposite side of your orbit to match the target's orbit. Time warp around to the other side and see how close you got, and adjust your orbit circular again.

4.) Keep repeating steps 1-3, getting your orbit closer and closer to the target's orbit as you get closer and closer to the target. When you get very close to the target, switch out of map view to finish the rendezvous.

5.) Find the target's color diamond marker in your view and watch its heading relative to yours. Line up the target directly past your spaceship from your view.

6.) Point your ship in the direction that the target appears to be heading. It should be completely horizontal to you. Burn gradually until the target appears to stop moving. You might have to adjust your heading a few times.

7.) Burn directly towards the target. Watch its distance so you know how fast you're approaching it. Give yourself plenty of time to "stop". Turn directly around (exact opposite of the way you were just facing), then slow down at closest approach.

8.) You may (probably will) have to repeat steps 5 and 6 again once you get closer. Keep going through steps 5-7 until you're right next to the target. Careful not to crash into it! When getting close, you might consider not moving directly toward the target.

Edited by thereaverofdarkness
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@thereaverofdarkness: did you do that rendezvous or just theory ? Sounds interesting at least, i'll give it a try or two tomorrow ;)

lol to get to mun? select infinited fuel, go straight up, slow down near moon, bam more tech less boring!!!! might need mur money though

since your already cheating, you could just edit your savefile and give you all the money you want -.-

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@thereaverofdarkness: did you do that rendezvous or just theory ? Sounds interesting at least, i'll give it a try or two tomorrow ;)

since your already cheating, you could just edit your savefile and give you all the money you want -.-

Yeah, I don't get career mode and infinite whatever -- what's the point? Just play sandbox...

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This is true but I want the career mode elements, just this part is very boring. What do i need to be able to target him?

Also skipped this mission when it was just science, it is just too hard to dock with things in orbit with out mechjeb

Turns out I can just go straight for the moon, used large rocket parts (the silver containers) and the 2nd large boosters you get. Just kind of gave it fuel to keep it slow and the mun ran into my ship. With out cheating, i think i can make it back but either way it could be more efficient with a little effort.

Edited by drew4452862
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This mission is actually doable without targeting from the map (yet very difficult).

If you have show vessel labels enabled in your settings, you can target a ship that is 60 km away or closer by double clicking it.

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Just test a couple parts on the launchpad or in the nearby ocean. That plus the cash you got for doing the tutorial contracts (launch, 5km, space, orbit) will give you enough to unlock the appropriate building. I'd not bother memorizing which building it is, just look for the one that gives you "patched conics." That will work in normal mode or easier, no prob.

Just make sure you take a "Do science from space" contract at the same time so you can complete 2 contracts in one launch. Or more. That's where the money is... not just rescuing a guy, but rescuing a guy, testing a part, and returning contract science (or 2 of some of these if you can manage it) all in one mission.

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For the rescue kerbal mission i wrote a suggestion thread this morning:


Just makes no sense that we get that contract before VAB is upgraded to be able to target him.

I did this one last night. Turned out to be much easier than I anticipated. I was able to hustle him aboard without targeting or maneuver nodes, and it didn't take much more dV or play time than normal. The one change I made was spending a lot more game time - IOW you want your orbit to be very nearly the same and then compress time until the rescuee is very close. As he gets closer try to match the orbits more exactly. I was able to get him within 1.5k with a very manageable closing velocity.

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