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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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This is looking more and more like a map!

Thanks again for your data, dvc, SasquatchM, toastar, and togfox1.

Edit: Can\'t be bothered linking a more recent data set, find it yourself.

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Here is an updated render.. it may be wonky as I am tired. KSP crashed overnight so I will post my updated csv later.

-edit: Slightly more awake and added a greyscale map at a higher resolution that is rotated to the correct orientation for anyone that wants to use it in google earth.

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Here is my version of the Mun Map. Most of the data points are not my own but I\'ve manipulate the drawing program for maximum effect.

See those big blue spots where the altitude is zero. Well, they\'re not really zero - those are unexplored spots the orbit radar can\'t reach.

You know what this means? Dinky di rover missions to those deep craters to gather real telemetry data so our map is complete.

Real science missions eh!

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i put the module on a moon rover, and drove around a bit. it didnt seem to add anything to my data set....

is flying required in order for this to work? i am having trouble getting a stable orbit around the mun in anything but a straight equatorial path.

since the moon does not have any spin, it does not work to simply establish a slightly inclined orbit and let it work its way around.

so, how are you guys gathering so much data?

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Wait... on a real astronomical object, shouldn\'t the poles be at a lower altitude due to centrifugal force, or am I missing something? Like come on, everyone knows Earth is an oblate spheroid.

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Thanks again for your data, dvc, SasquatchM, toastar, and togfox1.

Sad to say... left it for a while... but it hit some mountain...

data attached

By the way dvc, does that attachment include your old data, or is it all fresh? I didn\'t notice any repeats at the beginning/end.

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The crxTelemetry by Corax definately works with a rover and I have some very high detailed maps by doing this.

What this thread is about is the orbital scans of the surface from an orbit ~3500m high. It has good detail but not perfect and I suspect rover scans of depressions and interesting features will still have value in a project like this.

I haven\'t tried the ISA_RAM on a rover but I\'m happy to test that.

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Added SasquatchM\'s latest data. Now 13823KB total, 685062 measurements.

It\'s starting to get hard to tell where data is added on the default map. I count this as a good thing. :)

Thanks again for your data, dvc, pina_coladas, SasquatchM, toastar, and togfox1.

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