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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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Thanks :D

No to both. The first two are not part of the outer solar system (that's still the inner solar system) and with the dwarf planets I've decided against a long time ago, since their orbits make it so that the vast majority will never visit them. I'd rather focus on stuff that most will at least be able to do a fly by of.

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one recommendation towards Urlum and Neidon they are ice giants which is more of a deep slushy ocean surrounded by an atmosphere, so really the best thing to for the next update would be to make Urlum and neidon based off of the laythe template with an impossibly deep ocean and no land, Then use a different texture for scaled to make it still look gassy from a distance, Better yet use cloud layers! ;) 

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56 minutes ago, daniel l. said:

one recommendation towards Urlum and Neidon they are ice giants which is more of a deep slushy ocean surrounded by an atmosphere, so really the best thing to for the next update would be to make Urlum and neidon based off of the laythe template with an impossibly deep ocean and no land, Then use a different texture for scaled to make it still look gassy from a distance, Better yet use cloud layers! ;) 

Well, you're assuming that it's water-like down there. You are correct to some degree, but it's thicker. What you are proposing is suddenly hitting an ocean. Well, no. It's a gradual transition, which means that the atmosphere above the ocean would have to be as thick as the water below. Even worse: the pressure is so intense, over 200 bars, which is only found in the deepest oceans on Earth. So, imagine reaching the 'surface' of Urlum if Capt followed this idea. Don't get me wrong, it's not a stupid idea, it's just not practical, keeping it as a gas giant is better. Anyhow, back to the point. Imagine a craft falling through Urlum's troposphere (lowermost atmospheric layer) and already encountering pressures alike to those found in the deep sea, and it hasn't even reached the water yet!

Furthermore, due to KSP's physics, the craft might even float, which will not happen on real-life Uranus.

So, the 'ocean' would need to have an immense pressure at it's surface, which is not practical.

Also, we are talking about the mantle here. The mantle of the ice giants behaves like a liquid, not the surface. For the mantle you'd have to go very, very deep into the atmosphere, up to the point that you are entering the crust of the planet. Until you reach the mantle of an ice giant, stuff behaves like you're on a gas giant, so Urlum and Neidon are fine as is. Even though they are based off gas giants in KSP, they could still contain a liquid-like mantle, you just can't reach it due to the pressure, the craft would be destroyed before it reaches it. Furthermore, we're talking about the internal structure of the planet here, and those aren't reachable in KSP, so Urlum and Neidon are currently what stockalike ice giants would be like.

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That's quite hard to say, since I did it right the first time. So I don't really know how to fix your situation. The best advice I can give is that you should just copy something like Sarnus and just replace its texture with yours. For a gas giant, you only need a color map, which should be saved as DDS, format DXT_5.

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3 hours ago, TheAxel1105 said:

How did you make the textures to work? When i try to make my texture for my personnal planet mod i got a white ball for my gas planet but the ring work perfectly. Thanks for helping me. :D

Hmm. I will soon upload a tutorial on how to make gas giants (rings included). I have already done a tutorial on how to make oceanic planets with Kopernius, and creating a gas giant shouldn't take too long, I'll have it finished this very week, perhaps even tomorrow, but I can't promise anything.

For now, could you please send me a private message containing a copy of your Kopernicus config? Or would you like me to write a basic config for you that only needs some filling in?

29 minutes ago, CaptRobau said:

For a gas giant, you only need a color map, which should be saved as DDS, format DXT_5

Not necessarily, it works with other file formats too. I personally suspect an incorrect filepath, an incorrect name or incorrect placing of the '{' and '}', but I can't know for certain.

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8 minutes ago, CaptRobau said:

Of course it works with other file formats, but why not push them in the right direction from the start? :wink:

Indeed, showing people who are new to Kopernicus the right path is a good idea, but in some cases it's a good idea to let them experiment with the kopernicus configs first without going through the troubles of getting everything in the right format.

For everyone who reads this and does not know the optimal file formats:

Color map: .dds, type DXT5

Height map: .dds (I am not sure what type, but I use DXT1 and it works!)

Normal map; .dds, requires the special DXT5_nm type. You can use either Nvidia's normal map plugin for Photoshop or a normal map plugin made for GIMP.

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I have one question... What do you do when a mod is finally complete, I mean once you achieved the goals and there is nothing more you can conceivably add but you have to keep updating otherwise the mod slowly dies into the abyss, what do you do when that happens? i just want a little advice :)

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15 minutes ago, daniel l. said:

I have one question... What do you do when a mod is finally complete, I mean once you achieved the goals and there is nothing more you can conceivably add but you have to keep updating otherwise the mod slowly dies into the abyss, what do you do when that happens? i just want a little advice :)

you make another mod :)

then something will break your old mod and, either people won't care or will harass you to fix it :)

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17 hours ago, CaptRobau said:

That's quite hard to say, since I did it right the first time. So I don't really know how to fix your situation. The best advice I can give is that you should just copy something like Sarnus and just replace its texture with yours. For a gas giant, you only need a color map, which should be saved as DDS, format DXT_5.

I take the Sarnus CFG for testing purpose only and when i use a DDS color map i got this white ball. Oh and i don't now how to save a dds picture in a DXT_5 format because i got the texture from space engine

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32 minutes ago, TheAxel1105 said:

I take the Sarnus CFG for testing purpose only and when i use a DDS color map i got this white ball. Oh and i don't now how to save a dds picture in a DXT_5 format because i got the texture from space engine

That explains it. First off, don't post Kopernicus packs using Space Engine textures unless you're an S.E. expert and made the S.E. planet yourself (like I do).

But, for educational purposes: create or find a planet in S.E. and export the texture as .png with a resolution of 1024 for gas giants, max 2048.

Next, download and install GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and a .DDS plugin found online. Import your textures in GIMP, go to export and in the file name on the top of your screen rename it to (yourplanetsname)_color.dds for a color map. Be sure to add .dds!

Next, set the compression to:

DXT5 for Color maps

DXT5_nm for normals

no compression but type L8 for heightmaps

Try it again with those textures.

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1 hour ago, The White Guardian said:

That explains it. First off, don't post Kopernicus packs using Space Engine textures unless you're an S.E. expert and made the S.E. planet yourself (like I do).

But, for educational purposes: create or find a planet in S.E. and export the texture as .png with a resolution of 1024 for gas giants, max 2048.

Next, download and install GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and a .DDS plugin found online. Import your textures in GIMP, go to export and in the file name on the top of your screen rename it to (yourplanetsname)_color.dds for a color map. Be sure to add .dds!

Next, set the compression to:

DXT5 for Color maps

DXT5_nm for normals

no compression but type L8 for heightmaps

Try it again with those textures.

I have a little problem with the dds gimp plugin he don't want to start:(

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