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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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My moon suggestions could be implemented now without RSS, man...

I know, but I have ideas of my own and others. It's all going in a big idea melting pot and I'll start working on making something out of that after the holidays.

So, I think I have the latest version...

Download the latest version from KerbalStuff again and if that doesn't work empty out your GameData folder or copy the whole KSP directory. If it doesn't work on a clean version of 0.90 without any mods causing potential incompatibility issues than I don't know what it could be.

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EDIT: Figured it out. This is going to be too fun!

A quick question about the capabilities of the underlying mod framework. If I were to say, edit the radius value of Kerbin would the KSC be stuck at it's original altitude relative to the planets source point, or will it be relocated to a point on the scaled up surface? I am interested in configuring a scaled up version of this mod, because I am a pretty dedicated 6.4x scale player, and is Kopernicus has the capabilities, I would love to be able to do this, and of course make the config available to other's who like some abuse :P. I am going to try some experimentation down this path, I just wanted to know if others had some guidance.


Edited by saabstory88
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EDIT: Figured it out. This is going to be too fun!

A quick question about the capabilities of the underlying mod framework. If I were to say, edit the radius value of Kerbin would the KSC be stuck at it's original altitude relative to the planets source point, or will it be relocated to a point on the scaled up surface? I am interested in configuring a scaled up version of this mod, because I am a pretty dedicated 6.4x scale player, and is Kopernicus has the capabilities, I would love to be able to do this, and of course make the config available to other's who like some abuse :P. I am going to try some experimentation down this path, I just wanted to know if others had some guidance.


I don't know. It's not very difficult to try out. Eeloo is a stock planet of which I only changed the semi-major axis. The same can be done with the radius of Kerbin. It's all in systems.cfg and I think easy to grasp.

Can you make the rings cast shadow on the planets?

I'd love too, but as far as I know KittopiaTech doesn't allow that.

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This is awesome, thank you! It's a little sad that Squad hasn't already added in outer planets like yours after all the years KSP has been continuously in development. I look forward to the addition of PlanetShine and Distant Object Enhancement compability, and moons of course. Keep up the great work :)

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Just so everyone knows, this is compatible with PFREV, as we use the same versions of the same mods, and the flightglobalsindex-es aren't incompatible, yet.... It's just that my planets and CaptRobau's are somewhat close together. Install my mod before this one, however, or else mine will overwrite this one.

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Awesome mod, but currently rings aren't showing up on Linux.

The first part of the problem is with KittopiaTech, it contained several references to a "Gamedata" folder rather than "GameData". This works fine on windows, which doesn't use a case sensitive filesystem, but causes issues on operating systems that do. I've submitted a fix for this on the github repo, so hopefully that will get pulled soon. In the meantime, here's a fixed PFUtilityAddon.dll. Drop it in the KittopiaSpace/Plugins folder.

The second part of the problem is also due to case sensitivity issues. Renaming "sarnus_ring.png" to "Sarnus_ring.png", and "urlum_ring.png" to "Urlum_ring.png", fixes the rings on Linux.

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This is awesome, thank you! It's a little sad that Squad hasn't already added in outer planets like yours after all the years KSP has been continuously in development. I look forward to the addition of PlanetShine and Distant Object Enhancement compability, and moons of course. Keep up the great work :)

They'd rather focus on actually finishing the core game before adding a few more planets.

Luckily the modders in the community take that planet job for them :D

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They'd rather focus on actually finishing the core game before adding a few more planets.

Luckily the modders in the community take that planet job for them :D

I'll release a hotfix as soon as I can.

Anybody know the amount of Delta-V it takes to get to Eeloo with this mod?

This tool allows you to calculate it. The orbital characteristics are in systems.cfg. For Eeloo the only thing that was changed was the semi-major axis.

An optimal transfer requires between 3,624-16,432 m/s of Delta-V on top of the 4550 or so required to get to low Kerbin orbit. The number depends on when you launch, with the highest being at the absolute worst position vs. Eeloo. With this transfer it'll take 67 years to get there, so you either have be patient or use a less Delta-V friendly method like a directer transfer or a gravity boost from one of the gas giants.

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[quote name=CaptRobau;

This tool allows you to calculate it. The orbital characteristics are in systems.cfg. For Eeloo the only thing that was changed was the semi-major axis.

An optimal transfer requires between 3' date='624-16,432 m/s of Delta-V on top of the 4550 or so required to get to low Kerbin orbit. The number depends on when you launch, with the highest being at the absolute worst position vs. Eeloo. With this transfer it'll take 67 years to get there, so you either have be patient or use a less Delta-V friendly method like a directer transfer or a gravity boost from one of the gas giants.[/quote']

Do you happen to know what the longitude of the ascending node, argument of the periapsis, and mean anomaly at epoch are? Here is what I'm talking about.

Edit: nevermind, I've got things under control :)

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I'm very excited about this mod, I set up some missions to explore. My first manned ship bugged out while passing under the rings of Urlum. Here's a clip from the log file, let me know if you'd like the whole thing CaptRobau:

[LOG 00:55:58.444] Look rotation viewing vector is zero[LOG 00:55:58.444] Look rotation viewing vector is zero

[LOG 00:55:58.444] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 118246576.942221

[LOG 00:55:58.444] ObT : NaN

M : NaN

E : NaN

V : NaN

Radius: NaN

vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]

AN: [NaN, NaN, NaN]

period: NaN

[WRN 00:55:58.444] [OrbitDriver Warning!]: Urlum Explorer had a NaN Orbit and was removed.

[LOG 00:55:58.444] getObtAtUT result is NaN! UT: 118246576.942221

[LOG 00:55:58.444] ObT : NaN

M : NaN

E : NaN

V : NaN

Radius: NaN

vel: [NaN, NaN, NaN]

AN: [NaN, NaN, NaN]

period: NaN

[WRN 00:55:58.444] [OrbitDriver Warning!]: Urlum Explorer had a NaN Orbit and was removed.

[LOG 00:55:58.461] Look rotation viewing vector is zero

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CaptainRobau, wouldn't it be nice if someone made videos about our mods? I feel like no one really knows about how amazing a job we've both done.

Also, I have 35k downloads now. You should really add terrestrial bodies in using my method, or at least some procedural gilly clones.

Finally, I've discovered that Kopernicus-generated planets work with the science archives and even have (glitchy) icons! Yay!

Edited by _Augustus_
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All we can do is make our mods even more awesome. People are already noticing, with lots of nice words for both our mods. Video's will undoubtedly follow.

Continuing work on moons now that Christmas is over. Will probably contact you soon with some questions, since you already have experience with the process. I'm going for a similar quality as my gas giants, so I'm not going to rush any moons. Cool that they have icons. Should check that out with the planets from my mod.

I'm very excited about this mod, I set up some missions to explore. My first manned ship bugged out while passing under the rings of Urlum. Here's a clip from the log file, let me know if you'd like the whole thing CaptRobau:

I'll do some tests, although when multiple plugins are used together (in this case Kopernicus and Kittopia) there's always a chance things don't work well together. Doubt it has anything to do with my work specifically, since it's all just customs configs and a few textures.

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I tried to add Sentar's moons to Sarnus. Why isn't it working?

name = Skelton
flightGlobalsIndex = 720
name = Duna
description = Skelton has long been known for its nasty habit of tricking astronomers into believing that it is Duna. In fact, it has been first discovered centuries before Duna and has since then been confused for the nearer red planet, until seven year old amateur astronomer Skelton Kerman noticed Sarnus in the background, identifying that it is, in fact, not Duna. Skelton Kerman was then moved up to university and granted an one year long term of advanced astronomy for free.

radius = 320000

mass = 2.8887469e+22

geeASL = 0.3
referenceBody = Sarnus
color = 1,0,0,1
inclination = -200
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 50000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Skelton_map
rimColorRamp = Kopernicus/Textures/ramp_red
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
name = Erin
flightGlobalsIndex = 721
name = Laythe
description = Erin has long been known for its high ammounts of puddles. Often considered Sarnus's equivalent of Jool's Laythe, Kerbals across the world had long been considering to set a new civilization on Erin due to its similarity to Kerbin. Well, it's similar, if you don't count the abnormally high ammount of puddles across one side of the moon, the thinner atmosphere, the fact that it's a moon of a Gas Giant, and the further distance to the Sun...actually, it isn't very similar, is it? This sounds like the same Kerbals who think Eve is Kerbin's sister planet.

radius = 500000

mass = 2.9397663e+22

geeASL = 0.8
referenceBody = Sarnus
color = 0,0.8,0.8,1
inclination = 15
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 80000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Erin_map
rimColorRamp = Kopernicus/Textures/ramp_blue
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
name = Pock
flightGlobalsIndex = 722
name = Minmus
description = After the controversy that happened when Pock was discovered, due to it being a moon orbiting another moon, astronomers decided to name it after the famous rapper Pock Kerman, widely known for his catchphrase "Yo dawg, we heard you like X, so we put an X in your X, so you can X while you X!". Needless to say, when Pock Kerman heard about this, his next plans were to set a stage for his next music on Pock.

radius = 60000

mass = 2.6457897e+19

geeASL = 0.05
referenceBody = Erin
color = 0.86,0.49,1.0,1
inclination = 15
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 5000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Pock_map
name = Ringle
flightGlobalsIndex = 723
name = Tylo
description = Ringle has been misunderstood a lot of times by the science community. When it first was discovered, it was mistaken for a piece of gold stuck to the lens of the telescope, causing the bigmouthed astronomer to yell "I'M RICH!". A few seconds after, a fistfight ensued over who possessed the gold piece. After that, it was mistaken for an eared dwarf planet in the outer reaches of the Solar system, because all telescopes had been broken in the previous fight and they had to use the backup telescopes, which are ten years old and malfunctioning. And after the shipment of recent telescopes had arrived, it was mistaken for a protostar due to it's yellowish coloration and because the astronomer who observed Ringle forgot his glasses. It was only two months afterwards that it was discovered that Ringle is actually a moon of Sarnus, because astronomers couldn't catch a picture of Ringle without Sarnus in the background.

radius = 600000

mass = 4.223e+22

geeASL = 0.8
referenceBody = Sarnus
color = 1.0,0.92,0.0,1
inclination = 15
eccentricity = 0.0
semiMajorAxis = 120000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Ringle_color

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A new update is out!

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What's changed?

-Added a few science blurbs for the new planets, but only orbital experiments for now

-Gave custom science multipliers to each of the new planets and upped Eeloo's to reflect its more distant orbit

-Added support for PlanetShine and Distant Object Enhancement

-Added a new type of procedural moonlets: Urlum ring shepherds

-Tweaked the values of the existing moonlet types to be more realistic/less random

-Changed the ring texture of Urlum to make it less identical to Uranus'

-Changed the atmospheric heights of the new planets

-Changed the description of Neidon

The future

The new planets are now reasonably close to the polish that Jool has. Over time these features will be further fine-tuned (science multipliers, blurbs, etc.) but at the moment they're working well enough that I feel I can move onto the big feature: moons for the new planets. I'm working together with Eudae55 (who made the textures which I used for the three new gas giants) who will help make the moons look as great and stock-like as Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon. Together we've come up with a reasonable amount of moons and we're working on making them a reality. We won't give an overview of these plans as A. we want to surprise you and B. I doubt we could satisfy everyone so I'd rather not have page-long discussions about why Moon Idea A or B should really be in the mod. Rest assured though, there won't be too many moons nor will they be as crazy as the moons in other packs. The inspirations for OPMs moons can be found IRL. Don't expect any 1:1 implementations however, as we have more imagination than that.

Edited by CaptRobau
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