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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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  Jasonden said:
Agreed; Kerbal Titan would be totally awesome. To have similar landforms to our Titan (see my pic at left), put seas/lakes at the poles and sand dunes around the equator. Low gravity, thick atmosphere. And -- I know this might be hard, but given the atmospheric methane you could make a jet engine work there, but it would run entirely on

OXIDIZER, and not need any fuel. Woah.

Oh: and color? Orange!

Let me know if I can help with that in any way ;)

I am allready working on a Titan analog with the assistance of CaptRobau. It curently uses the textures for Eve from the NewKerbol mod. Wright now CaptRobau is verifying if what ive done works.

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  linuxgurugamer said:
I love it!

However (isn't there always), I have one, very minor, issue. That's with moving Eeloo.

Let me explain:

I'm currently working on a career mode, using a stock solar system (have about 60 other mods installed). I don't want to install this mod until I've mastered the current solar system.

The problem comes when I do the install, Eeloo will be moved thereby either invalidating (in my mind) any missions I did to Eeloo, or (worst case) forcing me to restart a career mode.

Would it be possible to NOT move Eeloo, but have everything else? Maybe instead of moving Eeloo, adding a new planet where you are moving Eeloo to?

Also, I'm trying to only install mods via CKAN. This isn't hurting me right now since I'm not ready for this yet, just a plug for CKAN compatibility.

If your problem is ethics, then don't worry! You just landed on a planet just as awesome as Eeloo that exploded just as a new planet was discovered! Missing their old Eeloo, the astronomers promptly renamed this new object Eeloo.

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I'm having an issue with Sarnus' and Urlan's rings not loading...











Kerbal Engineer

















I think it might be caused by KSPRC, but I'm not sure

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In the coming updates Eudea55 and I will be adding new moons to the gas giants of OPM. First up is Sarnus, which will get a slew of new moons in 1.3.

First I want to share our vision for this mod and how that translates into what moons we and won't make. Our first goal with this mod is to extend the Kerbol system with planets and moons that have the distinctive Kerbal style, but like the stock celestial bodies are also grounded in reality. While I can't ensure that all the science works out, we've tried to keep our moons as realistic and believable as possible. To do that we've drawn inspiration from real-life moons and scientific concepts, but still allowed for some Kerbal flair.

Our second goal was to have each moon feel unique. Some real-life inspirations allowed that without much change, but others had already been emulated by an existing planet or moon in KSP. The most clear example of this is our Titan analog. Eve and Laythe both covered much what makes Titan unique, so for us there was little incentive to make a true Titan analog, as that would just be an Eve/Laythe combo that wouldn't feel that new. So our stand-in for Titan, Slate, will only be a partial analog.

The third goal was quality over quantity. Don't expect dozens of new moons in this mod. It'll just be a handful of very well done moons that are each unique and exciting to explore.

Now we have that behind us, let's meet the new moons:


A small moon about half the size of Gilly that orbits in the rings of Sarnus. One side of the moon can often be seen from the other which, due to the irregular shape of its terrain, makes you feel like you're constantly standing on the edge of a cliff. Luckily there's not really an up and down in Hale's low gravity, meaning you can't fall of side of the moon. And if you do and bounce your way into an escape trajectory, you can easily use your trusted jet pack to get back to solid ground.

Real-life inspiration: Saturn's shepherd moons


Twice as large as Gilly, but due to its unusual composition it has a nearly perfectly smooth surface and a gravity as low as Hale's. Made up out of icy fluff, which contracts and expands under the pull of Sarnus and its own gravity, impacting asteroids and material from Sarnus' rings don't leave a leasting impact on the surface. Its smoothness makes for an otherworldly experience and its bounciness will be mean you'll have to be inventive if you want your spacecraft to stay landed.

Real-life inspiration: Methone


This dwarf planet has now become a moon of Sarnus. Eeloo was always a poor analog of Pluto, even with the sparse data we have on our favorite dwarf planet. It does however make a great Enceladus analog. So we decided to move Eeloo to a place which better suits its look and composition. In a future update, we'll make something that does the Pluto system analog justice and perhaps also takes into account the discoveries that New Horizons will make in the coming months. For the moment, there's a dwarf planet called Plock with the same orbital characteristics of Eeloo in version 1.0-1.2.1 of OPM. It looks like Vall for the moment, but in the future it will get the full OPM treatment.

Real-life inspiration: Enceladus


This moon is still in development, but I can reveal a few things about it. It's our Titan analog in terms of orbit, size and color, but as explained above, not in terms of atmosphere and oceans. That being said, Slate wasn't always as dead a moon as it is now. What that means, you'll learn as we finalize this moon.

Real-life inspiration: Titan, among other places

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I hope you liked the sneak peek into update 1.3! Do keep in mind that small things can still change between now and release, but that the concepts and amount of moons are set in stone. We're happy with them and we also just want to release something at this point.

There is no definite release date yet, but nearly everything but Slate is done at this point so it shouldn't be much longer.

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Interesting mod. I have to try it. I have understood that impossibility of axial tilts is hard coded in KSP, so I do not ask it. But if you decide to give moons to Urlum or Neidon, could you put some moons on more inclined and eccentric orbits? Let's say between 30 and 60 degrees. In my opinion orbital maneuvering is very interesting part of this game and large inclinations and eccentricities would give interesting and unique challenges even if moons are "typical" ones without any personal things. Hopefully they are not smaller than Bop or Minmus, because low gravity is annoying and time consuming.

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  hazard-ish said:
Wow, the new moons look fantastic! I am very happy that you have gone down the quality over quantity route and love how much thought you have put into each one - I can't wait to try it out :)

I also like how stockalike this mod feels. I usually ended up butchering, cutting, pasting and mixing other planet mods to make a Sol-like system anyways, so this is perfect.

Do you have any plans to add in an Environmental Visual Enhancements cloud config for the existing new Gas Giants as well as others that are coming like this Titan analog I'm wetting my pants over?

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  linuxgurugamer said:
I love it!

However (isn't there always), I have one, very minor, issue. That's with moving Eeloo.

Let me explain:

I'm currently working on a career mode, using a stock solar system (have about 60 other mods installed). I don't want to install this mod until I've mastered the current solar system.

The problem comes when I do the install, Eeloo will be moved thereby either invalidating (in my mind) any missions I did to Eeloo, or (worst case) forcing me to restart a career mode.

Would it be possible to NOT move Eeloo, but have everything else? Maybe instead of moving Eeloo, adding a new planet where you are moving Eeloo to?

Also, I'm trying to only install mods via CKAN. This isn't hurting me right now since I'm not ready for this yet, just a plug for CKAN compatibility.

If Eeloo is an issue with you, just remove all the stuff belonging to Eeloo in Kopernicus/Config/System.cfg. Everything from Body (just above the Eeloo name) to the next Body (but not that body). That should put Eeloo in its original place.

  temporalExile said:
I'm having an issue with Sarnus' and Urlan's rings not loading...











Kerbal Engineer

















I think it might be caused by KSPRC, but I'm not sure

Probably KSPRC since it's still 0.25 based.

  DirtyFace83 said:
I also like how stockalike this mod feels. I usually ended up butchering, cutting, pasting and mixing other planet mods to make a Sol-like system anyways, so this is perfect.

Do you have any plans to add in an Environmental Visual Enhancements cloud config for the existing new Gas Giants as well as others that are coming like this Titan analog I'm wetting my pants over?

Clouds will be added at a later date, to any atmosphere planets/moons. The current Titan analog doesn't have an atmosphere as my last few posts have mentioned. Those are reserved for other bodies, but that's future talk. First the Sarnus update.

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Sweet, you guys are active on the forums, thanks for answering questions about the moons. It's nice you guys are focusing on QUALITY over quantity and not trying to just recreate worlds already in the game (like Eve).

I wanted to share with everyone (if this wasn't already posted), I've been figuring out the orbits for the planets. So far here is what your burn trajectory should look like for Sarnus, similar to Jool, 2500~ m/s change in velocity to achieve this orbit:


Note, I am doing this voyage with TAC life support now, we'll see if my three-man Kerbal crew survives the trip!

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Urlum have inclination of 180.64 degrees in cfg-file. Standard notation in astronomy is that inclination is between 0-180 degrees. Larger values can lead erroneous calculations in programs. Do you mean that inclination is 179.36 and LAN should be added 180 degrees (61 -> 241)?

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  Hannu said:
Urlum have inclination of 180.64 degrees in cfg-file. Standard notation in astronomy is that inclination is between 0-180 degrees. Larger values can lead erroneous calculations in programs. Do you mean that inclination is 179.36 and LAN should be added 180 degrees (61 -> 241)?

Well I wanted to create a unique orbital feature for Urlum, but since axial tilt isn't possible I went with a retrograde orbit. I've removed that for 1.3, so your thing will no longer be an issue. The retrograde orbit just added too much difficulty because it was on a planetary scale. Retrograde moons are probably doable, but planets...

  tajampi said:
Is this a RAM killer like the good ole' planet factory?

This looks awesome, but i'm scared of crashing :P


  WWEdeadman said:
Welp, I know what I'll be using once x64 works with career again and moons are a thing for the planets. Cause I sure don't even wanna try adding this to 32 bit.

Koperncius, which I use is very RAM friendly. I've noticed only a 150 MB increase in RAM usage with 1.3. I'm running the 32-bit version of KSP and an five-year old computer and I've had no issues.

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  CaptRobau said:
In the coming updates Eudea55 and I will be adding new moons to the gas giants of OPM. First up is Sarnus, which will get a slew of new moons in 1.3.

First I want to share our vision for this mod and how that translates into what moons we and won't make. Our first goal with this mod is to extend the Kerbol system with planets and moons that have the distinctive Kerbal style, but like the stock celestial bodies are also grounded in reality. While I can't ensure that all the science works out, we've tried to keep our moons as realistic and believable as possible. To do that we've drawn inspiration from real-life moons and scientific concepts, but still allowed for some Kerbal flair.

Our second goal was to have each moon feel unique. Some real-life inspirations allowed that without much change, but others had already been emulated by an existing planet or moon in KSP. The most clear example of this is our Titan analog. Eve and Laythe both covered much what makes Titan unique, so for us there was little incentive to make a true Titan analog, as that would just be an Eve/Laythe combo that wouldn't feel that new. So our stand-in for Titan, Slate, will only be a partial analog.

The third goal was quality over quantity. Don't expect dozens of new moons in this mod. It'll just be a handful of very well done moons that are each unique and exciting to explore.

Now we have that behind us, let's meet the new moons:


A small moon about half the size of Gilly that orbits in the rings of Sarnus. One side of the moon can often be seen from the other which, due to the irregular shape of its terrain, makes you feel like you're constantly standing on the edge of a cliff. Luckily there's not really an up and down in Hale's low gravity, meaning you can't fall of side of the moon. And if you do and bounce your way into an escape trajectory, you can easily use your trusted jet pack to get back to solid ground.

Real-life inspiration: Saturn's shepherd moons


Twice as large as Gilly, but due to its unusual composition it has a nearly perfectly smooth surface and a gravity as low as Hale's. Made up out of icy fluff, which contracts and expands under the pull of Sarnus and its own gravity, impacting asteroids and material from Sarnus' rings don't leave a leasting impact on the surface. Its smoothness makes for an otherworldly experience and its bounciness will be mean you'll have to be inventive if you want your spacecraft to stay landed.

Real-life inspiration: Methone


This dwarf planet has now become a moon of Sarnus. Eeloo was always a poor analog of Pluto, even with the sparse data we have on our favorite dwarf planet. It does however make a great Enceladus analog. So we decided to move Eeloo to a place which better suits its look and composition. In a future update, we'll make something that does the Pluto system analog justice and perhaps also takes into account the discoveries that New Horizons will make in the coming months. For the moment, there's a dwarf planet called Plock with the same orbital characteristics of Eeloo in version 1.0-1.2.1 of OPM. It looks like Vall for the moment, but in the future it will get the full OPM treatment.

Real-life inspiration: Enceladus


This moon is still in development, but I can reveal a few things about it. It's our Titan analog in terms of orbit, size and color, but as explained above, not in terms of atmosphere and oceans. That being said, Slate wasn't always as dead a moon as it is now. What that means, you'll learn as we finalize this moon.

Real-life inspiration: Titan, among other places


I hope you liked the sneak peek into update 1.3! Do keep in mind that small things can still change between now and release, but that the concepts and amount of moons are set in stone. We're happy with them and we also just want to release something at this point.

There is no definite release date yet, but nearly everything but Slate is done at this point so it shouldn't be much longer.

Hale looks like something Danny2462 would mess around with a lot.

Beautiful! I would definitely consider partial Kopernicus Core integration with the RealSolarSystem config so people can run other planet packs, however.

Also moving Eeloo basically kills compatibility with other planet packs that modify the system.cfg, as you cannot change reference bodies with ModuleManager. (I know this because I tried)

Methone always needed an analog :P

Edited by _Augustus_
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I have an idea for how to get ulrum to have axial tilt. Make a massless point that orbits with the same parameters as ulrum currently does, then have ulrum "orbit" that point at 50 meters or so with an orbital inclination of about 90 degrees. <-Disregard this

Edited by temporalExile
Disregard the local authority enforcers!
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  temporalExile said:
I have an idea for how to get ulrum to have axial tilt. Make a massless point that orbits with the same parameters as ulrum currently does, then have ulrum "orbit" that point at 50 meters or so with an orbital inclination of about 90 degrees. I'm not quite sure if it works, but if it does, and you choose to use it, some rep or something would be appericiated.

Wouldn't work.

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  _Augustus_ said:
Hale looks like something Danny2462 would mess around with a lot.

Beautiful! I would definitely consider partial Kopernicus Core integration with the RealSolarSystem config so people can run other planet packs, however.

Also moving Eeloo basically kills compatibility with other planet packs that modify the system.cfg, as you cannot change reference bodies with ModuleManager. (I know this because I tried)

Methone always needed an analog :P

KC integration is on the table, but I first need this update before I can rearrange everything.

Hey, you suggested moving Eeloo :D. Do you know if it's possible to rename a body for in-game displays (science screen, map view, etc.) but still keep the internal name that the engine uses? That way I could have original Eeloo renamed Plock and not change its reference body. The Sarnus moon would then be called something else internally, but to the player it would be called Eeloo.

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  CaptRobau said:
KC integration is on the table, but I first need this update before I can rearrange everything.

Hey, you suggested moving Eeloo :D. Do you know if it's possible to rename a body for in-game displays (science screen, map view, etc.) but still keep the internal name that the engine uses? That way I could have original Eeloo renamed Plock and not change its reference body. The Sarnus moon would then be called something else internally, but to the player it would be called Eeloo.

Don't think so. I would keep it in the system.cfg as is by the way, just tell people to install this mod last and that it doesn't work with Odysseus.

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