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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. Your life is extremely boring, tedious due to mandatory daily exercise, and boring again because all you're doing is collecting science and waiting for your solar panels & superfarm to fail.

I wish Mars had more than science and boring (& iron oxide)

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Granted. It's a pandemic that just happens to turn into antimatter in the last stage of infection. It doesn't kill your army, but because of the destruction of all the air they die anyway. Also their fires go out.

I wish for double cupckaes!

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Granted! It's also a GIANT cupcakes. But... Mah Flareon Army jumps out and arrests you.

We play this music while in your prison:

I wish for...

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Granted!: The punkin pie is a Micheal Bay pie. It explodes.

I wish for a supermassive black hole for my Flareon army.

My army can't be killed or hurt.

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Granted. It's a punkin chunkin pie with whipped cream. It has lots of grass in it. (YOU FLAREON NINJA JERKHOLE)

Granted. It sucks them in. Their information is contained, but they cannot get out. Any ships you try to put in are spaghettified.

I wish that bees werre oaor35sr

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Granted. Instead of another St. Lucia's flood, you get global warming. And it will happen. Very many years after you ask for it. Nobody is killed.

I wish for free will to no longer exist. (People without free will would wish for this if given a wish)

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Granted.....in another universe.

I wish my Sailor army on Eve could turn Eve into anti-demon safehouse before this thread hits page 666 .And get those flareons in there too, will ya? Me and Fyre are in a freindship.

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Granted. Mudkips become officialy lame in the year 2015. SWEET, SWEET REVENGE.

I wish exactly 1,000,000 mudkips died of Chuck Vorheez Krueger the Ripper.

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