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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. The game sucks though like every pocket edition of everything.

I wish that I had and was in a space cardboard box (that is pressurized and shielded and NOT flying into an object in space and has infinite supplies of food, water, and oxygen, and can teleport to any location).

the incorruptible wish...

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Sure, I will just go to ninja school.

I wish that I could be in KSP and Control the Space Program.

Congratulations! You have been chosen to take part in my kraken sacrifice program! Proceed to the first-class one-way eve lander please!

I wish I could build prettier planes.

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Wish Granted... your body mixed with the cement building which is as dense as it is, but you make it more dense, but its infinite rigidity make not move, resulting in mission control becoming a singularity sucking up KSC and kerbin and the mun, and half of minimus.

I wish for a pillow that has infinite fluffiness.

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Granted but the fourms get a massive ddos again and the thread gets erased.

I wish for cheesecake

Your wish was not granted because the thread was erased, thus your wish could never have been granted because you never made it in the first place and you were doomed to never get cheesecake. Then how could I know you wanted cheesecake, if you could never make the wish of wanting cheesecake on a thread that was erased by your own doing? How could I be typing this? Because I un-did all of your wish, and only know you wanted to make this wish because I can read your mind, as you had the wish in plan before you erased the thread. So I shall grant your wish.

The cheescake stank, so it was un-edible.

I wish to be an MLG bloke, again!

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Then here it is! A piece of smelly cheese with frosting on top!

I wish for a a little probe core that is inflammable and not explosive at all. So I can have next to my bed.

Granted. You now have a probe core that can never ever explode and you go to sleep with the probe on your nightstand.

However, it catches fire because you specified that it was inflammable, which is defined as 'capable of catching fire and burning quickly' and you burn to death before even a single fire truck can arrive. Perhaps you should have specified fireproof.

I wish my country would get off its ass and take manned spaceflight more seriously.

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Granted. You now have a probe core that can never ever explode and you go to sleep with the probe on your nightstand.

However, it catches fire because you specified that it was inflammable, which is defined as 'capable of catching fire and burning quickly' and you burn to death before even a single fire truck can arrive. Perhaps you should have specified fireproof.

I wish my country would get off its ass and take manned spaceflight more seriously.

Granted, but they take it so seriously, it's super cereal, and they build a rocket out of cereal.

I wish to be part of the mlg bloke faze clan and become mlg noscope sniper pro.

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