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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. You've never seen a spoder before and were too slow to spray it to death while it was climbing into your mouth. You die from respiratory damage due to Spoder Spray.

I wish I had a hollow cylinder with a giant reaction wheel, and it would have a control room.

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Granted. You do everything in the transfer properly without mechjeb, but then realize you do not have enough fuel to complete the orbit. Then, either do to an accidental pass of a moon or a sudden and random kraken attack, your spacecraft's new exit orbit plunges it into Kerbol, and you have no fuel to save your kerbals.

I wish Kerbol became a gigantic ball of cheese, still producing heat and light for Kerbin.

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Granted, but these 4* pots are not the pots you were looking for, as censoring prevented your wish from being truly granted.

I wish for some stroke of genius that gives me everything I need to get where I need to be.

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Granted. You are launched aboard a souyz to the International Space Station for a week's vacation. However while you are there the station malfunctions and they need your help to fix it. While on a difficult spacewalk to reattach one of the radiators after a debris collision broke the mounting bolts, your suit thrusters malfunction and send you onto a path that grazes the atmosphere. Of course, no worries about burning up on the way down- you'll run out of oxygen long before that, and there isn't a ship available to rescue you.

I wish these markets would behave themselves when I am not looking.

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