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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. You ARE tng ("The Next Guy/Generation"). Star trek fans throw their angry soda cups at you and you blast out of the aether. Spock slaps you and you fly into the sun.

I wish for less mudkips.

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Granted. The forums are deleted because there are so many of them, they are totally inseparable.

I wish that my car ran on nuclear fusion by extracting hydrogen from water (and therefore needs only water to run).

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Granted! But It overheats... Destroying a Nuclear Power Plant.... Which explodes.... Destroying a Nuclear Missile... which explodes and destroys antimatter containment... Damn domino effect destroying half of the Planet...

I wish Justin Beiber wasn't a ahole.

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Granted. There are not 12 lakes of gatecamper so that giant battleships are the only things to survive.

There are now 300 gatecampers, rough equivalent of what it takes to destroy half a battleship. This is equal to 12 lakes, the same as before (The wishmaking fairy is too rough in equivalents.)

I wish for videogames to be pets.

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Granted, but it turns out that your plant only requires one ounce of meat every month to survive, is an (almost) vegan hippie, attends anti-war protests, and wears a peace symbol around its neck.

I'm pretty sure this is the exact opposite of what you wanted, correct?

I wish to have the ability to teleport, freeze time, and time travel, with a built in safety that prevents me from causing time paradoxes and teleporting into solid materials.

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